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Everything posted by Andibad

  1. because you just replace nmar and nmcr only, tinke is not support that format. you should extract 2 ncgr (but is must compressed not on uncompressed ncgr) , narn, ncer, nmar, nmcr, and file before pallete file. ncgr is for sprite models + nclr. narn is for animation like move left right, spin , zip or other not moving ncer itselft. ncer is cell resource, is spliting from ncgr file into a part models like arm, head or something like that. nmar is like narn, but is for manage animation animate at all. nmcr is like ncer, is manage all ncer is on front of... last file is no have extension, is manage oam from ncer file on some coordinate on layer. so you need replace that all file for replace animation sprite to make them have corrected animation. for make them static, you need ASM hacking (if you want complete change the system for make them static), or create not set event on narn ,nmar and nmcr it will static like glitch "?" poekemon species.
  2. i just like to finding a new one, not like to join to project or create own project, because i not interesting xP. btw welcome on pp - project pokemon ^^ i hope you enjoy in here
  3. file after RANM is important too, this file is a position for every oam is defined from ncer file. not on that file...
  4. maybe i will pick fokko or chespin, is seems better than pokabu
  5. wow thanks , i will implication to my tools just read only ...
  6. not Dewott ? is seems similar with Dewott hehehe because on trailer is just show pokemon is using a move, is like on BW and BW2. better be a ??? type but is seems was remove on BW and BW2 edit:hm i was thinking a while on pokemon starter gen 1 - 6 , is 4 feet or no have legs : gen 1 : 4 feet is bulbasaur (final evo type : grass/poison) --> start! gen 2 : 4 feet is chikorita (final evo type : grass) --> no remake gen 3 : 2 feet but no have legs is Torchic (final evo type : fire/fighting) --> remake gen 1 gen 4 : 4 feet is Turtwig (final evo type : grass/ground) -->remake gen 2 gen 5 : 4 feet well is Tepig (final evo type : fire/fighthing) -->no remake gen 6 : 4 feet fokko / fennekin (final evo type : fire/???) --> well it will remake older gen ? is seems gen 3 but maybe gen 4? maybe 3 starter final evo type is : - grass type it will be grass/ground or grass/dark. - fire type it will pure fire type, or fire/pycs, maybe fire/fighting again since older generation most of them always pairing with fighting. - water type it will pure water or water/fighting.
  7. not double check but triple check , i just make it simple, advanced, semi-automatic, and is user friendly (with pokemon icons is like on in trade game editor and hidden grotto) too hehehehe , i was done experiment with export import pkm file, and other , well is still make a glitch
  8. you can go to ram and saves section ^^
  9. Is seems have new eeveelution on pokemon X and Y. maybe it will have 800 pokemon After i see trailer, battle gameplay is soo awesome, is more detailed on expression of pokemon get's attacked or attack other pokemon. i wondering about combination of move, is was on gen 5. i hope is not have a lot DLC . the reason why gen VI it will worldwide release, because 3DS is have region lock.
  10. is only on gen 4 is have extra byte is not normal format, is seems just have 5 pokemon, but is have 12 byte and 2 byte are 00 00, but not all just a little is like that. EDIT: well i don't know is good move or not, all in one will good thing for everyone? if not i will stop working on my all in one tools...
  11. is seems individual byte, is maybe set something like gender, iv and ability. i still looked in this part too, or is just on trainer data and hidden grotto, just simple 16bit data is unknown function for what. and trainer data on battle frointer is have extra 1 byte on some trainer. is weird ~.~
  12. BW2 : a/1/2/0 BW : a/1/1/9 is keyboard layout character. is simply using 2 byte start offset is on 0x05. this modified keyboard layout :
  13. just some improvement of this tools, and now can saved pokemon data. after i was found offset on RAM for pwt team set, maybe i can found something for know unknown byte on this <.< . for save trainer is unstable for right now (i need re-organize the code) , <.<
  14. little update, for now is just viewer only since is not my main priority for edit this data. idk battle tower on hgss location .... edit: link : http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3122097/Release/subway_pwt_viewer_1.1.7z for save back, i still draw a flowchart to make it right manipulation data on memory stream
  15. Just add pokemon list id on trainer. for safe is 1000 pokemons, i don't know if is added more than 1000 pokemon. But i not tested this, since is randomly so need time to get that appear. EV Spread : 05 (0000 0101) --> hp / def (2, so floor(512 /2) = 256) EDIT3: well is just view only ... i hope you can see trainer list and pokemon list on PWT or subway link : http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3122097/Release/subway_pwt_viewer.7z i hope is help you
  16. yeah yesterday i was open my old BW data about subway, after a bit re-remember about subway data, i open subway and pwt data on bw2. i was got : for more accurate i will create a small app for more easy to read .
  17. trainer and pokemon list battle subway pokemon BW2/BW (this stucture are same as on pwt) For a/2/1/1 (Pokemon list) that why pokemon list is on first list .... Example : pokemon id : 736 (Ace Trainer Dylan (ツルマツ ) - Blastoise) so far i know : Pokemon id Move id EV Spread Nature Item id You will get : Blastoise Moves: Yawn Waterfall Focus Punch Rock Slide more detail in : http://www.psypokes.com/bw/subway_teams.php?id=228 For a/2/1/2 (Trainer list) : Example : 307 – 314 are Masters Ingo (58) & Emmet (66) Structure : Single battle 21 win streak Ingo Single battle 21 win streak Emmet Single battle 48 win streak Ingo Single battle 48 win streak Emmet Double battle 21 win streak Ingo Double battle 21 win streak Emmet Double battle 48 win streak Ingo Double battle 48 win streak Emmet Double battle 48 win streak Emmet : Trainer classes How many pokemon on this trainer Pokemon list id (from a/2/1/1) You can see on http://serebii.net/blackwhite/battlesubway.shtml fact pokemon list id is can handle 65535 pokemon since used 16 bit. maybe is help someone wonder how to edit trainer + pokemon on battle subway ... hehehe
  18. hm is not on extra files (it will ignore). just on file numbering. must 1_##1 my file is 1_1 (BWTE only read correctly if is 1_### 3 digit). well now was correctly : (since i extract narc file from tinke ), thanks for reply, i just why now is not working x_x i remember last i using this tool, is working.
  19. after i see your sourcode.... actually is not 616 but 814. is bug from 1.1a, is not correct data is shown on editor (i was compare with hex, and netalzero trainer editor too). maybe just me only? i was tested on different computer with different os (XP,win7 and win8) is same result. i will check it later, maybe i can fix it ...
  20. every battle mode is have own binary for AI.... btw why not using external file (like on PRC?) for list Kaphotics ? is better than recompiler again and again .... if i have time, i will mod this tool too wkwkwkwk maybe not wkwkwkwk
  21. decompressing overllay and arm using CUE and dscemp is working but the problem compressing back, overllay is have table if compressed overllay is different size, repack rom is need more time , that the problem . but thank you Kaphotics , i was found that but i don't know right to read it :3
  22. Better i release it , is still beta release, some feature is buggy or need more testing on any condition, all of them was convert into comment syntax. link : click icon AIGE on frontpage this thread. uhm is have critical bug in here <.< please re-download again, if you was download build 24, please download http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3122097/Release/aigt_1.0_beta1.build24fix1.7z (fixed one on save problem).
  23. hm .... maybe for while i disable forme/gender/nature/ability because is just viewer only, just edit pid it will automatic to detect what gender or ... to generate pid for now just using pokegen <.< yey spiky pichu
  24. hm sorry i take long progress on trade pokemon because decide to support HGSS and DPPt too. i wondering 2 byte on HGSS and DPPt in game trade table <.< is seems containing nature/ability/gender or what x_x and 1 another byte is seems EV... but idk these byte was separate to new byte on BWBW2. well is have 3 kind different format, but all used 4 byte or uint32. - 108-byte - BWBW2 - 80-byte - DPPt - 84-byte - HGSS << need time to testing in here x_x Narc list for in-game trade : BW : a/1/6/5 - 13 files (6 files are unused, 5 of them are from HGSS with bw format) BW2 : a/1/6/3 - 31 files HGSS : a/1/1/2 - 13 files (3 files are unused) DPPt : /fielddata/pokemon_trade/fld_trade.narc - 4 files
  25. i don't know why people (newbie) still not understand about that problem and not read all old comment and post ... animation sprite is have 8 file if you want replace with another sprite you must replace that all file, not just nclr and ncgr file only... main part of animation is nmar, nmcr, nanr, bin (is before nclr), ncer ... so you must replace that file too...
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