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Everything posted by Sabresite

  1. Please do not talk about where to find ROMs on this forum. If you want to talk about how to edit the ROM (without linking to it), please use the ROM editing forum.
  2. Here is the SAV file. Pedro, you are looking at the Pokemon Template. Note: Yes I hacked my starters, and yes my rival is named FENZO, and yes I gave myself every pokeball. Thats how I casually play the game.
  3. If you go to IRC, I will be available Wednesday to send you a clone of mine.
  4. Agreed with randomspot.
  5. I went to Toys R Us myself to get Arceus. I know it exists. Like Trance said, both WCs use the same Card ID, which is common. If it makes anyone feel better, I can upload the SAV file....
  6. I updated to B54-18, fixed various bugs, and added Big Brother slugma, AUS/USA Arceus. Enjoy!
  7. The PCD and PGT of this pokemon have been dumped are in the contributions thread.
  8. If English is not your native language, you may want to write in your native language so we may better understand you.
  9. I updated the contribution to include the TRU (USA) Arceus and TRC (AUS) Arceus.
  10. It could be a bug, please upload the pokemon, or send it via email please. Sabresite [a.t] projectpokemon.org
  11. If you set the country/language of the pal park pokemon to german, then the trash byte normalizer will use german trash bytes.
  12. If anyone believes their zigzagoons are legit, but came up as hacks, please keep in mind that there is a scenario #2 shiny zigzagoon. I do not have enough of them to build an algorithm though, and out of the 256 combinations, there may only be a couple anyways. If you are not sure, email them to me, Sabresite [at] projectpokemon.org
  13. According to a good source, European Zigs do not exist. There are only USA, and Japanese. EU received the patch fix via Pokemon Chanel.
  14. Yes, I am interested in having the pokemon from every language. Please do.
  15. I thought the hometown gets set when it hatches, so if you trade an egg, and hatch it on another game, it will have the hometown of that game. I can check this later.
  16. Its not legal because you have it set to Platinum. The pokemon was ONLY available to Diamond/Pearl.
  17. If a pokemon was traded from one gba game to another in a different language, the box got checked as an attempt to preserve the name in the original language. If the box was not checked, it would have changed to Celebi in English, instead of remaining Serebii in katakana.
  18. Technically yes, but everyone who attended the event most likely hatched them in the year or year and a half timespan between getting it and getting emerald. So yes, it could technically have happened, but I HIGHLY doubt it.
  19. I am pretty sure wish pokemon cannot have a hometown of emerald
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