The interface is tightly coupled to the windows API. It would require someone to write it from scratch to make it work. And until recently (and it is by no means easy or perfect), universal UI has been a pain point in any language.
No Pokemon bank, no breeding, no later gen Pokemon. At least for now it doesn't seem like a core game.
I suppose if it is a full reboot, it could be a core game?
Unfortunately the seeds listed here are consistently missing their last digit.
Also thank you for the Jirachis. I should have clarified that I was looking for separate spreads. Thank you for getting them so close to perfect too!
If you want to simply list the seeds, I can take care of the rest too. Whatever is easiest.
Since pkm became ambiguous, it is no longer used. Generally pkm refers to gen 4 though.
PkHex can open and convert pkm, gpk, gbn, and 3gpkm to pk* format.