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Everything posted by Sabresite

  1. The events page, and pokemon downloads page has been taken down. All of the Pokemon (both PKM downloads, and events) will be replaced with their legit counterparts, once the new site is up. At that point, nothing should be in dispute, however if there is a dispute, you can create a thread describing exactly which Pokemon are not legal/legit, and why.
  2. I love spongebob! And thank you guys again
  3. Floot's red gyrados conforms to chain shiny... if the chain shiny algorithm has changed somewhat, we may need to reinvestigate this.
  4. Thank you for making me feel young again.. I am turning 24
  5. for the 4th gen, the chain shiny algorithm is how Nintendo enforces shininess.
  6. Updated to Beta v54-11 - Added better support for Japanese Diamond/Pearl trash bytes, thanks to adrenalize - Added French Regigigas - Added Sync check to Chain Shinies (may not apply in all cases though) - Added Berry Glitch Shiny Zigzagoon Check #1 - Thanks to Invader Tak, Godzilla, & McFizzle for their contributions. As a note, if the program says SAPHIRE and the OT Name is not SAPHIRE, then it is hacked. If the program says RUBY and the OT Name is not RUBY, then it is hacked. The program displays SAPHIRE and RUBY based on the Trainers Gender.
  7. I figured the time for secrets is over. Everyone should understand what I am doing, and what steps are required to figure out the legality of event Pokemon. Additional Note: The scenario #2 (theoretical) shiny zigzagoons only appear on a pair japanese from an unknown source. Another pair ended up being hacked, so I am not quite sure what to make of it. So far I have collected over 30, not including the japanese ones, which all pass the scenario #1 tests.
  8. public static void ValidateBADEIVs( uint pid, int[] ivs, uint tid, uint sid ) { if ( ( pid % 256 ) < 128 ) Console.WriteLine( " - Female" ); else Console.WriteLine( "- Male" ); uint num1 = (uint)((ivs[2] << 0x0A) + (ivs[1] << 0x5) + ivs[0]); uint num2 = (uint)((ivs[5] << 0x0A) + (ivs[4] << 0x5) + ivs[3]); PokePRNG rand = new PokePRNG(); List<uint> ids = new List<uint>(); int nature = -1; bool nonature = nature < 0 || nature > 25; for ( uint i = 0; i < 2; ++i ) { for ( uint j = 0; j < 0x10000; j++ ) { rand.Seed = (i << 31) + (num2 << 16) + j; uint iv1 = rand.Seed; uint second = ( rand.SetPrev().Seed >> 0x10 ) & 0x7FFF; uint iv2 = rand.Seed; if ( second == num1 ) { uint afull = rand.PrevNum(); //Variance uint a = rand.HighBits; uint bfull = rand.PrevNum(); //Unknown (Gender Check?) uint b = rand.HighBits; uint cfull = rand.PrevNum(); //High PID uint c = rand.HighBits; uint dfull = rand.PrevNum(); //Seed uint d = rand.HighBits; if ( d == 0 && (dfull & 0xFFFF) <= 0xFF ) { Console.WriteLine( "IVs 1:\t\t{0:X4} {1:X4}", iv1 >> 0x10, iv1 & 0xFFFF ); Console.WriteLine( "IVs 2:\t\t{0:X4} {1:X4}", iv2 >> 0x10, iv2 & 0xFFFF ); Console.WriteLine( "Found Unknown:\t{0:X4} {1:X4}", a, afull & 0xFFFF ); Console.WriteLine( "Found Unknown:\t{0:X4} {1:X4}", b, bfull & 0xFFFF ); Console.WriteLine( "Found High PID:\t{0:X4} {1:X4} (PID: {2:X})", c, cfull & 0xFFFF, pid ); Console.WriteLine( "Found SEED:\t{0:X4} {1:X4}", d, dfull & 0xFFFF ); Console.WriteLine( "Low PID:\t{0:X4} - Var:\t{1}", ( pid & 0xFFFF ), ( pid & 0xFFFF ) ^ ( ( pid >> 0x10 ) ^ tid ^ sid ) ); uint calcshiny = c ^ tid ^ sid; uint var = ( ( calcshiny ^ a ) & 0x7 ); uint calclowpid = calcshiny ^ var; Console.WriteLine( "Calc Low PID:\t{0:X4} - Calc:\t{1}", calclowpid, var ); if ( ( calclowpid % 256 < 128 ) != ( pid % 256 < 128 ) ) //Conflicting gender { uint newulowpid = ( ( calcshiny & 0xFF00 ) + ( ( calcshiny % 256 < 128 ) ? 384u : 1u ) ); uint newuhighpid = newulowpid ^ tid ^ sid; uint newvar = ( var + 7 ) & 0x7; uint newlowpid = newulowpid ^ newvar; Console.WriteLine( "Conflict Low PID:\t{0:X4} - Var: {1}", newulowpid ^ newvar, newvar ); Console.WriteLine( "Conflict High PID:\t{0:X4}", newuhighpid ); } } } } } } This is the general code that I use for determining the Zigzagoons.
  9. The generate button does not create legal PID/IV combinations. You must use the IV/PID button below the generate button. Use that once you have chose the IVs you want.
  10. The PID and IVs do not change once the Pokemon is created (whether egg or otherwise). The exception being Manaphy from Ranger. Regardless, hatched Pokemon do not have a relationship between PID and IVs. And you can use Method 1 (on English Pokesav its Normal NDS/GBA) under the IV/PID box, to match the PID to the IVs. The rest should be common sense.
  11. I have refined the calculation and finalized the first scenario. This is the scenario where the gender of the lowpid matches that of what it is supposed to be. I haven't figured out a way of determining what the gender should be without using the original PID that we are checking against (which assumes that it is legit). 1 - 21121 - Female IVs 1: A211 DF42 IVs 2: 15E6 0CAB Found Variance: FD2C 5A18 Found Unknown: 0EC0 F519 Found High PID: 5A65 077E (PID: 5A800806) Found SEED: 0000 0057 Low PID: 0806 - Var: 7 Calc Low PID: 08E4 - Calc: 0 Conflict Low PID: 0806 - Var: 7 Conflict High PID: 5A80 2 - 21121 - Male IVs 1: DF2E 068B IVs 2: 4BD2 8F78 Found Variance: 7BB3 23F9 Found Unknown: C6D9 25DE Found High PID: 9512 1C37 (PID: 9512C793) Found SEED: 0000 0054 Low PID: C793 - Var: 0 Calc Low PID: C793 - Calc: 0 3 - 21121 - Male IVs 1: ED7D 775C IVs 2: B2C2 ECED Found Variance: 0DDF 6A22 Found Unknown: E859 770B Found High PID: 16BB 71F8 (PID: 17014584) Found SEED: 0000 0079 Low PID: 4584 - Var: 4 Calc Low PID: 443F - Calc: 5 Conflict Low PID: 4584 - Var: 4 Conflict High PID: 1701 4 - 30317 - Female IVs 1: 1F0A 3BC9 IVs 2: C061 7AEE Found Variance: 8681 5B87 Found Unknown: 80D2 6AE4 Found High PID: 3C1C D995 (PID: 3C1C4A71) Found SEED: 0000 006A Low PID: 4A71 - Var: 0 Calc Low PID: 4A71 - Calc: 0 5 - 30317 - Male IVs 1: B670 9705 IVs 2: 27DF 8D9A Found Variance: 7CAE 9D63 Found Unknown: 4C1E 5AB0 Found High PID: 189E B911 (PID: 189E6EF6) Found SEED: 0000 0056 Low PID: 6EF6 - Var: 5 Calc Low PID: 6EF6 - Calc: 5 6 - 30317 - Female IVs 1: B3B0 8910 IVs 2: E93D 24F1 Found Variance: F067 2FB6 Found Unknown: 4A3D 466F Found High PID: AC41 106C (PID: AC41DA2F) Found SEED: 0000 003D Low PID: DA2F - Var: 3 Calc Low PID: DA2F - Calc: 3 7 - 30317 - Male IVs 1: 1BBB 02CC IVs 2: 53FA C01D Found Variance: 2572 CC12 Found Unknown: 66D6 6ABB Found High PID: 6BEA 2668 (PID: 6BEA1D82) Found SEED: 0000 00A9 Low PID: 1D82 - Var: 5 Calc Low PID: 1D82 - Calc: 5 8 - 30317 - Female IVs 1: 7085 1AD5 IVs 2: 0847 7EAA Found Variance: 848A 68B3 Found Unknown: 7648 0140 Found High PID: 3503 9FE1 (PID: 3503436A) Found SEED: 0000 0066 Low PID: 436A - Var: 4 Calc Low PID: 436A - Calc: 4 9 - 30317 - Male IVs 1: F0CC B059 IVs 2: 1F29 A7BE Found Variance: 6EED F997 Found Unknown: 0255 7734 Found High PID: E6EE 2525 (PID: E6EE9085) Found SEED: 0000 003A Low PID: 9085 - Var: 6 Calc Low PID: 9085 - Calc: 6 10 - 30317 - Female IVs 1: 163A E6E2 IVs 2: D6B5 EECB Found Variance: 0CE3 F0B8 Found Unknown: 6314 4239 Found High PID: 932E D51E (PID: 932EE543) Found SEED: 0000 0077 Low PID: E543 - Var: 0 Calc Low PID: E543 - Calc: 0 11 - 30317 - Female IVs 1: D65E B1A4 IVs 2: 6227 0355 Found Variance: 0215 B92A Found Unknown: A91A FD33 Found High PID: EC24 17C0 (PID: EC249A4D) Found SEED: 0000 0061 Low PID: 9A4D - Var: 4 Calc Low PID: 9A4D - Calc: 4 12 - 30317 - Male IVs 1: D30F 78A7 IVs 2: F5C0 4884 Found Variance: A107 29B5 Found Unknown: 8F1E FD0A Found High PID: 1BF1 6493 (PID: 1BF16D9F) Found SEED: 0000 00A0 Low PID: 6D9F - Var: 3 Calc Low PID: 6D9F - Calc: 3 13 - 30317 - Male IVs 1: 3EF8 5668 IVs 2: FAA8 F0A9 Found Variance: 0BE8 774E Found Unknown: DDCF 0D67 Found High PID: 0FA2 3844 (PID: FA279C8) Found SEED: 0000 0075 Low PID: 79C8 - Var: 7 Calc Low PID: 79C8 - Calc: 7 14 - 30317 - Female IVs 1: 9942 8A5B IVs 2: 2C3A 8088 Found Variance: 838E EF49 Found Unknown: F102 CC6E Found High PID: B177 0307 (PID: B177C71E) Found SEED: 0000 0064 Low PID: C71E - Var: 4 Calc Low PID: C71E - Calc: 4 15 - 30317 - Male IVs 1: 1BBB 02CC IVs 2: 53FA C01D Found Variance: 2572 CC12 Found Unknown: 66D6 6ABB Found High PID: 6BEA 2668 (PID: 6BEA1D82) Found SEED: 0000 00A9 Low PID: 1D82 - Var: 5 Calc Low PID: 1D82 - Calc: 5 16 - 30317 - Male IVs 1: 87A3 E08D IVs 2: 58E3 6842 Found Variance: 9054 19AB Found Unknown: B586 7B18 Found High PID: 5F9A FA19 (PID: 5F9A29F4) Found SEED: 0000 007E Low PID: 29F4 - Var: 3 Calc Low PID: 29F4 - Calc: 3 17 - 30317 - Female IVs 1: 3C38 4873 IVs 2: BC06 8800 Found Variance: 7FA1 09A1 Found Unknown: DBED F926 Found High PID: A344 8F9F (PID: A344D529) Found SEED: 0000 005C Low PID: D529 - Var: 0 Calc Low PID: D529 - Calc: 0 18 - 30317 - Male IVs 1: 30A8 E597 IVs 2: 93B8 9334 Found Variance: 79BC 3125 Found Unknown: BC4E BC3A Found High PID: 8DF8 E283 (PID: 8DF8FB94) Found SEED: 0000 0050 Low PID: FB94 - Var: 1 Calc Low PID: FB94 - Calc: 1 19 - 30317 - Female IVs 1: DF2E 068B IVs 2: 4BD2 8F78 Found Variance: 7BB3 23F9 Found Unknown: C6D9 25DE Found High PID: 9512 1C37 (PID: 9512E37B) Found SEED: 0000 0054 Low PID: E37B - Var: 4 Calc Low PID: E37B - Calc: 4 20 - 30317 - Male IVs 1: 9333 4369 IVs 2: 8131 5D0E Found Variance: 9638 F227 Found Unknown: D525 B804 Found High PID: 74E6 A735 (PID: 74E60288) Found SEED: 0000 008A Low PID: 0288 - Var: 3 Calc Low PID: 0288 - Calc: 3 21 - 30317 - Female IVs 1: 9EC2 A645 IVs 2: A97F 51DA Found Variance: 9C1D CAA3 Found Unknown: F4C4 F4F0 Found High PID: 8A32 5451 (PID: 8A32FC5D) Found SEED: 0000 0096 Low PID: FC5D - Var: 2 Calc Low PID: FC5D - Calc: 2 22 - 30317 - Male IVs 1: 7954 6FBC IVs 2: F1F3 0ACD Found Variance: FE27 D382 Found Unknown: 9406 29EB Found High PID: DDF1 A458 (PID: DDF1AB9F) Found SEED: 0000 0059 Low PID: AB9F - Var: 3 Calc Low PID: AB9F - Calc: 3 23 - 30317 - Female IVs 1: 6726 9AE6 IVs 2: F0D7 A05F Found Variance: 3625 DC1C Found Unknown: 406E ECAD Found High PID: 2840 90E2 (PID: 28405E2D) Found SEED: 0000 00CB Low PID: 5E2D - Var: 0 Calc Low PID: 5E2D - Calc: 0 24 - 30317 - Male IVs 1: 075C 4B09 IVs 2: 4201 3F2E Found Variance: A5F0 88C7 Found Unknown: 2979 0524 Found High PID: ADB0 74D5 (PID: ADB0DBD8) Found SEED: 0000 00AA Low PID: DBD8 - Var: 5 Calc Low PID: DBD8 - Calc: 5 25 - 30317 - Female IVs 1: BBF0 B2EF IVs 2: A524 5EEC Found Variance: 953D 78BD Found Unknown: 4FE0 8332 Found High PID: F15A 0A5B (PID: F15A8735) Found SEED: 0000 0088 Low PID: 8735 - Var: 2 Calc Low PID: 8735 - Calc: 2 26 - 30317 - Female IVs 1: D5CF 869C IVs 2: 3462 B12D Found Variance: 2D4E 9762 Found Unknown: 9100 114B Found High PID: 884F 0D38 (PID: 884FFE26) Found SEED: 0000 00B9 Low PID: FE26 - Var: 4 Calc Low PID: FE26 - Calc: 4 27 - 30317 - Female IVs 1: 6B04 FEEB IVs 2: 8B02 AD58 Found Variance: 6BFB 8D59 Found Unknown: 7285 D8BE Found High PID: 5C48 4E97 (PID: 5C482A23) Found SEED: 0000 0034 Low PID: 2A23 - Var: 6 Calc Low PID: 2A23 - Calc: 6 28 - 30317 - Male IVs 1: A561 183F IVs 2: 824C C77C Found Variance: 5E3A E98D Found Unknown: 28BC F542 Found High PID: 2A97 BAAB (PID: 2A975CFA) Found SEED: 0000 0018 Low PID: 5CFA - Var: 0 Calc Low PID: 5CFA - Calc: 0 29 - 30317 - Male IVs 1: BF3F EBEC IVs 2: 118B 19BD Found Variance: F64C 0832 Found Unknown: 69DC 835B Found High PID: C18C BD88 (PID: C18CB7E4) Found SEED: 0000 0049 Low PID: B7E4 - Var: 5 Calc Low PID: B7E4 - Calc: 5 30 - 30317 - Female IVs 1: 2259 74C6 IVs 2: 2CC8 35BF Found Variance: E78F EAFC Found Unknown: 9ACE 6B0D Found High PID: 0C4F 8CC2 (PID: C4F7A27) Found SEED: 0000 002B Low PID: 7A27 - Var: 5 Calc Low PID: 7A27 - Calc: 5 31 - 30317 - Male IVs 1: F99C 0540 IVs 2: 08D5 33E1 Found Variance: E88B 6466 Found Unknown: 2013 9FDF Found High PID: 8FDC 299C (PID: 8FDCF9B3) Found SEED: 0000 002D Low PID: F9B3 - Var: 2 Calc Low PID: F9B3 - Calc: 2 32 - 30317 - Male IVs 1: 9C91 C358 IVs 2: 98A1 3B59 Found Variance: E49D 7EBE Found Unknown: 0AFE CC97 Found High PID: 81A9 B634 (PID: 81A9F7C5) Found SEED: 0000 0025 Low PID: F7C5 - Var: 1 Calc Low PID: F7C5 - Calc: 1 33 - 30317 - Male IVs 1: A821 2634 IVs 2: C0EF 3025 Found Variance: EA82 573A Found Unknown: 2A9E 0983 Found High PID: 96F5 6350 (PID: 96F5E09A) Found SEED: 0000 0031 Low PID: E09A - Var: 2 Calc Low PID: E09A - Calc: 2 34 - 30317 - Female IVs 1: 0DFA BD03 IVs 2: 1ACE B4D0 Found Variance: 680D A7B1 Found Unknown: 5D71 0576 Found High PID: 4E15 DB2F (PID: 4E15387D) Found SEED: 0000 002C Low PID: 387D - Var: 5 Calc Low PID: 387D - Calc: 5 35 - 30317 - Male IVs 1: DC6D F896 IVs 2: 0D30 26CF Found Variance: EF6B B64C Found Unknown: C4F8 119D Found High PID: 28B4 7392 (PID: 28B45EDB) Found SEED: 0000 003B Low PID: 5EDB - Var: 2 Calc Low PID: 5EDB - Calc: 2 36 - 30317 - Female IVs 1: A211 DF42 IVs 2: 15E6 0CAB Found Variance: FD2C 5A18 Found Unknown: 0EC0 F519 Found High PID: 5A65 077E (PID: 5A652C0C) Found SEED: 0000 0057 Low PID: 2C0C - Var: 4 Calc Low PID: 2C0C - Calc: 4 37 - 30317 - Male IVs 1: 2DE8 D7A2 IVs 2: 5516 2A8B Found Variance: ED74 C378 Found Unknown: BA6D A7F9 Found High PID: 219B 39DE (PID: 219B57F4) Found SEED: 0000 0037 Low PID: 57F4 - Var: 2 Calc Low PID: 57F4 - Calc: 2 38 - 30317 - Male IVs 1: B9BF D002 IVs 2: 9446 486B Found Variance: DDBD 2CD8 Found Unknown: 661A 5AD9 Found High PID: E8D1 6C3E (PID: E8D19EBD) Found SEED: 0000 0017 Low PID: 9EBD - Var: 1 Calc Low PID: 9EBD - Calc: 1 39 - 30317 - Male IVs 1: 6844 F0F6 IVs 2: 4C60 44AF Found Variance: DFB4 1FAC Found Unknown: 70A4 C47D Found High PID: EFEA A5F2 (PID: EFEA9984) Found SEED: 0000 001B Low PID: 9984 - Var: 3 Calc Low PID: 9984 - Calc: 3 Finished! As you can see from #6 and #8, sometimes there is an extra step. Until I get more to test, I will have no way of confirming the algorithm for scenario 2, or a way of determining the variance calculation.
  12. The in-game Pokemon from our main site will be taken down because some are hacks.
  13. Hatched pokemon can have any PID and any IVs.
  14. It is Normal NDS/GBA or Wild NDS/GBA, but becuase the IVs are limited, when you put it through Legal.exe, it will say Roaming GBA.
  15. Its hacked. Roaming dogs should say "Roaming GBA" when put through legal.
  16. There are only trash bytes on: 1) Pal Parked Pokemon 2) Hatched Pokemon (however we do not care about them, since there are so many variations) 3) Mystery Gifts
  17. If you send them for helping pal parking, that would be great.
  18. That would be perfectly fine. Adrenalize, do you remember how you acquired the 2004 set? I ask because over the years I have acquired numerous sets of legit 2003, 2004, and 2005 PCJP and PokePark events (both egg, and non-egg) and they all use the common gba event algorithm once I checked them after implimenting it with Legality. Surely not ALL of the sets could have been hacked in the same way, before people were aware of the algorithms (which I found out for the first time). I am skeptical of the legit pokemon Secure claims to have, because quite frankly, nobody from that community has the programming or mathematical expertise to verify algorithms. In addition, they only knew of the algorithms through my program, just like everyone else. Many of them claim to use loadingNOW's program and it passes that, which is perfectly fine, however keep in mind that pac-legends was created using the algorithms I discovered and sent to loadingNOW via email. Also nobody from Secure who acquired the JP pokes, ever went to Japan. I do not believe that Dgee did, or Yankees, considering both are teenagers NOW, and were EARLY teens back in 2002/3/4. I appreciate people sending me the Pokemon for checking various things. I appreciate it especially for trash bytes, because unlike mathematical algorithms, or debugging game mechanics, it is not something we can do via reading the assembly. However if you send me pokemon to show me the legality, PLEASE make sure you are 110% sure they are legit, as in you know the person got it THEMSELVES. I know for a fact my sets are legit, even before I was aware of the algorithms, and checking them again only reinforced it.
  19. Can you please send me these PCJap 2004 eggs. Also, I am skeptical about DGee, as he has been known to have hacked pokemon in the past. That and he never lived in Japan, so I know for a fact he never received them from the event. Nevertheless, please do send them if possible.
  20. It depends what game the Electabuzz was acquired from. On the wondercard it says Diamond, but the actual pokemon could be pearl if it was received on a pearl game.
  21. I haven't looked at the pokemon yet, but I will venture to guess that the diamond/pearl and platinum locations and egg locations represent "faraway place" or one of those, to describe that it was indeed hatched outside of those games.
  22. Yeah, I think codemonkey said its the apricorn ball, or the pokeball... one of those.
  23. You are wrong. Because its generated by an event machine, the eggs already have a PID/IV which comes up as Common GBA Event Restricted. The USA WISH pokemon are generated in-game, therefore they use the same in-game algorithms.
  24. The program will list out all possible Types, which will eliminate any false negatives.
  25. It doesn't look legit at all... all 31 ivs, and 65535 for both TID and SID.. hah, the chances of that happening are so slim, it would almost never happen.
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