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Everything posted by Varna

  1. Wouldn't this go better on the wiki or something?
  2. Welcome, see you on shoddy more most likely.
  3. And Nintendo would have a fit, probably. Not sure there's anything they could do about it, but you know that would make someone tear their hair out.
  4. Option 1 seems more feasible to me, and would allow people to communicate at their leisure rather than restricting one person to another. I'm not really a fan of the idea as a whole, but there's my two cents.
  5. Granted, but the developers overlook something vital, and the codes end up erasing your game. too bad!!1111zz I wish I knew what evandixon meant by I.D.A.S.. Terrible, generally. Plenty of ignorance and thrice your daily recommended dosage of trolls.
  6. Granted, but you end up with a community not unlike GameFAQs. I wish I had a real Gardevoir to entertain me on this boring, boring sunday night.
  7. Haha, don't I know it. I underestimated that thing when I first saw it.
  8. I only really want one for Street Fighter 4, Armored Core For Answer, and Assassin's Creed. That's about all I can think of off hand. I could never sell my Wii. :B I play too much Brawl.
  9. Wow, maybe I'll actually get one now.
  10. Looks cool so far. The quick reply box's color is a bit bright (the white on black is ehhh), but other than that, I approve. Oh, also; maybe make the "new posts" and "not new posts" icons a bit more obvious at a glance? Perhaps by making the "not new posts" gray instead of a dark gold would do it.
  11. Nice, I'm tempted to use that Red Scyther myself. Always wished that was the shiny form of it...
  12. Haha, I swear I'm not really as much of a jerk as I make myself out to be. Don't be surprised. Also, can't believe I missed this the first time: If only the world were so nice. Ignorance seems to be a way of life for a lot of people. Maybe it's just me, but I think that a big part of that is the media and how they hype and exaggerate everything.
  13. By the by, I don't think this is a discussion of "what religion is the correct one". I'm pretty sure it's a discussion about Islam and how, because of the actions of few, many people see it in a bad light.
  14. Did you forget Magmortar, or is that one of the few that look okay to you? I agree with you on quite a few of those, though. It's likely that's because I didn't fancy a lot of those Pokémon to begin with, but whatever. Oh, but on the Gallade thing - the rest of its evolution tree doesn't really have distinguishable elbows either. If you want to know something really annoying about its design, just look at its waist... what the hell?
  15. Varna

    "A Fresh Start"

    Push through it. 9th grade is not that hard. Don't feel like you need to either do "perfect" or "not at all", because that definitely isn't true. I'm going to quite a prestigious college, and my high school grades were definitely lacking. If you're really dead set on doubting your chance for education, though, I recommend you start taking a liking to flipping burgers. The reality of most mathematics is that outside of the classroom, you will never use it. The entire point behind learning the concepts to begin with is to stretch your brain and make you think. It also helps to understand what a formula is doing, as then you can see in your mind what exactly the computer is going to be doing for you when you get into the real world. That can have quite useful applications. As far as a subject being 'boring', yeah. That's life. Most of the time, it's not that the people who do well think that the work is the most exciting thing in the world, it's simply that they devote their attention to the work because they understand it's something that needs to be done, boring or not. It's really just a question of whether you can discipline yourself. One thing I will agree on is that you do not want to lock yourself into a position that will make you do a job you hate for the rest of your life. That is probably the worst thing you could do to yourself, so really take the time to think about what you enjoy doing the most. You mentioned something about genetics, so take the time and evaluate whether you really like the entirety of what that may entail. Math is definitely going to be a solid part of that kind of profession, and if you hate Math, you might want to reconsider. Bottom line, just get yourself through it. Oh, and Algebra isn't complicated. You haven't even scratched the surface.
  16. As soon as I read that it was simply a nest of directories I knew.
  17. Am I the only one who actually likes a good number of the DP sprites more than the PT ones? The PT ones do seem a tiny bit crisper, but some of them have ridiculously dumb looking poses. Anyway, thanks for guide! This will be nice to know if I ever decide to mess with it.
  18. Varna

    "A Fresh Start"

    Just make sure your social awakening doesn't get in the way of your work. You will regret it.
  19. I'd love that. The 'Ice Pick' or 'Occult Impact' effect as I'm inclined to refer to it as... it'd be an excellent wall-breaker if given to the right Pokémon. As far as the style of the next generation goes, yeah, I'm hoping to see some new type combinations. I'm also hoping that the legends aren't 90% psychic type. =| Beyond that, I hope they put a little more effort into making designs that don't seem like they have down syndrome (come on, Bidoof? Shellos? REALLY?).
  20. Yeah, good luck. I tried this on my Emerald version for a shiny Torchic for about; oh, three days? I think I wanted to kill something by the end of it.
  21. I will always like the 1st movie the best simply due to nostalgia. Even though I was bitter after the movie because my friend pulled the ONLY Mewtwo card out of the 12 that we got (some older guy had a bunch of unopened ones that he didn't want, saw us in line at the concessions, and gave them to us ), it was still an amazing night for me. Right after the 1st one, the 2nd one is my 2nd favorite (weird, huh?). I remember going to see that one with my grandmother and cousin, and the Ancient Mew card was exciting to get. Upon re watching it recently, it also actually felt as if the movie had more depth to it than a lot of the rest of the current entourage of movies. As far as all the rest go, though, the Manaphy movie was excellent. Power Armor Pirate dude for the win. The one with the Latis sucked, hard. None of the others really pop into my mind as being stellar or terrible, so I'll just say they were alright.
  22. Anyone who's anyone probably has this game, so I thought I'd make a FC exchange thread. Maybe we could actually get some decent games going this way. I'll try and keep this post updated to serve as a list of FCs. Varna: 1891-0951-2307
  23. I was digging around looking for where on the site the legitimacy vs legality definitions were, but I couldn't find them, so I'll just explain: When something is legit, it was done in the game, without the help of any third party hardware/software. When something is legal, it was likely created using something like PPSE, however everything about it is possible within the constraints of the game, and there is a possibility of obtaining the same results via legit methods. By the way, relying on GameFAQs boards to give you the most reliable information is probably akin to shooting yourself in the foot.
  24. Something done sooner is better than later. It's just going to turn into a gigantic fireball if you leave it alone, which will certainly not improve your father's chances of not getting angry.
  25. The old "take away what seemed to have caused the fight" route doesn't always work. In my experience, it just agitates the people involved further. "See, now look what you went and did, you got it taken away! >:|" and etc, etc. He needs to know that such behavior won't be tolerated, but it also crucial he doesn't feel alienated. Just have a nice big family chat, firm but fair. Get your parents to lay down the law. Hopefully that'll take care of everything.
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