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About tooklin999

  • Birthday 10/16/1992
  1. mine was my shiny mew that i caught in emerald. im glad that it was my first shiny because its also my favourite pokemon ever. took alot of soft resetting though but it was worth it.
  2. That Mira glitch happened with me too. Did you use the walk through walls code. If so then you will have to go back where you first meet her and get her to the end of the cave/forest or wherever she is lost in. Hope this helps.
  3. Thanks for the replys i nicknamed 4 mews already Fire - Mostly fire moves Water - Mostly water move Earth - Mostly ground moves Air - Mostly flying moves I like the idea of numbering them and giving them titles but i dont want a cute name or even an extreame name like 'Destroyer'. I also named some legends by thair game versions. Silver - Lugia Gold - Ho-oh etc.
  4. I wounder what the event pokemon will be, like the ones in DPPt where you could catch heatran, cresselia, etc. I hope there is a MEW event. Apparently there was going to be one in DP but they scraped the idea and planed on having mew a reward for my pokemon ranch and added the arceus event instead. Just what i heard so it could be wrong.
  5. Erm Hi, I dont know if this thread is in the right area or not but I need help with nicknaming my lead pokemon, my Shiny MEW. I'm realy not good with nicknaming my pokemon so I thought i would ask if anyone had any suggestions for me please. Thanks,
  6. Its quite ironic in a way. She cut her arm off for him but at the same time how is he going to attach it.
  7. i feel sorry for the pokemon in anyones team that knows headbutt esspecially if all the trees are headbuttable. what a headach they must get lol.
  8. you cant get an 10th anniversary pokemon that dosent say apparently met at level 70. apparently met just means that your trainer id and secret id dont match that of the pokemons. By the way if the ar code is for the 1st party slot it will delete the 1st party pokemon.
  9. Ive seen this before. my friend told me about it so i watched. dont think that its a full anime series but more of a short film but its still cool. i think hes left handed and shes right handed. so at the end when the glass cuts hi you see her with a blanket around her and it looks like her left hand is in the box. lol she cut of her arm so they could draw together again.
  10. One Question. Do these codes work on Pokemon Platinum Retailed Carts UK Version. I kind of didnt see any 'Just for emulator signs' so i was just woundering.
  11. The text is harder to see now but the whole design and layout look so proffesional. Better than the other themes. Just need to make the text colour slightly lighter and readable.
  12. Friend Ball. 200 happiness straight away. i still prefer the luxary ball more tough
  13. with the new apricon balls it may be another HEX code like platinum uses the 44h - 47h to determin the new locations e.g. the distort world. And like the platinum GTS you can only trade ROTOM in his normal form as well as GIRATINA so maybe it will probably stop pokemon holding apricorn balls from being traded to platinum, diamond and pearl. and the pokemon caught in the new apricorn balls may change the ball when traded to dppt to a normal ball and when its traded back it reads the HEX values and changes it back to the Apricor ball.
  14. Haha those kid have no idea what they are getting themselves into.
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