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Everything posted by Kaphotics

  1. The game recalculates stats and has simple sanity checks to put stuff into bad eggs.
  2. Added the ability to GiveAll for the storage on the latest commit: https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/9bbb6f1e2023dd09363add9c1236f0075f46b3f9 Dev build should have it momentarily, or you can wait until the next release.
  3. Swarm / Trophy values are already editable via the block data editor. Not going to handhold on how to edit. Plugins can do anything, but requesting someone make you a specific plugin won't go anywhere. Either make one yourself, or wait for someone to make one.
  4. Dump your save file correctly, and only import files that are compatible with the currently loaded save file. Brilliant Diamond / Shining Pearl cannot communicate with Sword and Shield, hence you cannot load PK8 files on a BDSP save.
  5. https://projectpokemon.org/home/forums/topic/60332-when-and-how-will-pkhex-supports-pokémon-legends-arceus/?do=findComment&comment=272453
  6. string path = @"E:\mysavefile.sav"; var sav = SaveUtil.GetVariantSAV(path); var all = sav.BoxData; var pathPB7 = @"E:\poke.pb7"; var dataPB7 = File.ReadAllBytes(pathPB7); var pb7 = new PB7(dataPB7); all[0] = pb7; sav.BoxData = all; File.WriteAllBytes(path, sav.Write()); Example linqpad script attached; you have to press F4 and add the DLL path, and add the using namespace.
  7. PKHeX is open source, and is split up into separate projects to produce .dll files with non-visual logic residing in PKHeX.Core https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX PKHeX.Core is available on NuGet. https://www.nuget.org/packages/PKHeX.Core/ You can reference the dll/nuget in whatever script, and call whatever functions you want. LINQPad is pretty useful for this, if the scripts are small in scope. PKHeX also supports custom plugins, so you can write your own code to be triggered via the main GUI, which is easier if you want to share your custom scripts with less capable users.
  8. Read the guide, and scroll through the list of properties you can use in the command builder.
  9. Read the stickied threads.
  10. 1. Not using latest version; but that's not the issue. 2. Citra is likely overriding the console/country details. This is not a savefile/3DS issue, but an emulator issue. Not a PKHeX issue. Please only report issues with PKHeX.
  11. The program is open source. https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX
  12. >BulkImporterPlugin Go ask whoever made the plugin; this subforum is not responsible for whatever logic the original plugin author has coded.
  13. Save it to your desktop instead, then move it via copy paste.
  14. > Hacked by Hack Check. You need to clarify; is this the official in-game hack checks, or some other hack check? When SysBot.NET trades things away, it adapts the PKM data to its savefile data. So even if you modified it, the program will modify it to whatever the savefile has so that the data is as legal as possible before trading.
  15. > Can these be used for Nintendo DS? Yes. Just load your save file. > If so, then can one of you guys send me create and send me a video link on how to make a cheat code to make any trainer including Pokemon Barry for example which you can add onto that video my permenant companion in B2W2? Not really possible with save file editing, as following trainers were never intended to be persistent. Nobody has made a ROM hack capable of doing what you are describing, and I don't think anyone (or you) will.
  16. PKHeX's legality checks are the best you can get for automated checks; unless you know everything there is to know about legality, and future enhancements possible, then you won't ever fool every single person. Not that you'd really need to, unless you're trying to be an ass.
  17. For a PKM to be legal, the handling trainer must have a memory, with a trainer name matching the save file that trades it. The PKM must have a memory with the trainer it leaves from, hence it arriving to you (the OT), with details of being with the previous trainer (HT), which happens to be the sysbot. Go do a tradeback with someone else if you're paranoid about someone recognizing you got it from a bot. Or, just be honest; there's nothing wrong with using injected things for personal use.
  18. Block Data -> BattleTower -> singles/doubles/etc/etc... edit the streak.
  19. Again, you're not being clear on what you're doing. This forum is for PKHeX, not for the myriad of plugins that may interact with it. Go ask wherever you got plugins. You'll likely need to define trainers for all possible versions, as the logic is probably defaulting to "PKHeX" if no trainer data is found (eg Sword encounter, and you've only added a Shield trainer.)
  20. You're unclear for what you're actually trying to do.
  21. poke_trade is just a separate savedata containing a yet-to-be-received wondertrade result. Nothing more interesting than that.
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