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Everything posted by Kaphotics

  1. Fixed on latest commits right before you posted - https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/6002611c809c6e43f2b7465e7283218a25e60c7e
  2. Use the encounter database. The box legendaries are constrained to specific IVs, nature, and sizes.
  3. There is no official transfer mechanism for pk8->pk9, because HOME does not support Scarlet & Violet. How is PKHeX supposed to transfer the data? It's not going to fudge it giving you a false sense of it working correctly. Still, PKHeX has a setting to enable incompatible transfers (like backwards gen 7->3, or 2->3). In the program settings. Your mileage may vary.
  4. Has been fixed in commits since last release; will be fine in the next stable release.
  5. Wasn't actually implemented (I misremembered); should be in the next release in the next day or so.
  6. It is not being thoroughly checked at the moment. The game stores the level it was received in the current game, and updates each time it is traded to whatever the current level is. If it has not been traded, it should match the met level. If it is a trade evolution with a prior evolution needing level up, then it must not be the same as the met level. Future updates may check for these restrictions once the evolution verification logic is rewritten.
  7. The raid editor can change between base 05, black, and distribution raids. The Eevee are distribution raids.
  8. Date modified is over a month old, so they're no longer being created. If the program is not running, it won't be creating files -- code doesn't magically run if it is not present on the machine. What is likely is that you had previously "dumped" all pokemon to your desktop, and OneDrive keeps restoring the files, not knowing you've manually deleted them. It's a OneDrive issue, if it is still occurring. Might need to log out of OneDrive and log in, or use their web interface to delete the cloud's pkm files.
  9. It's safe. Lots of people who haven't used GitHub make accounts to just submit text fixes to tools they use; they might not get involved with anything else hence their narrow contributions. PKHeX.Core is available on NuGet, and the project has been on GitHub for years with a bunch of other repos consuming the PKHeX.Core dependency. Nothing to be worried about.
  10. Read that screenshot in its entirety. It answers your question. The other topic you linked to, answered as well. Why did they lock it? Because there's nothing to discuss further.
  11. Powersaves backups are raw rips from the cartridge. Cartridge saves are encrypted per-cartridge. Without the cartridge, you cannot decrypt the save file.
  12. The text beneath the dropdowns tells you the value type and the value from the currently loaded PKM in the editor. Met Year is not 0-based. A year displayed as "2022" is actually stored as "22". Edit the main window PKM to any 2022 date, change the dropdowns to view Met_Year and you'll see "22" shown as the current value. That's the point of the dropdowns, as value mappings aren't immediately obvious.
  13. Why would the game need to keep track of the level something evolved at? It doesn't.
  14. There is no fix. That's how the game works. https://projectpokemon.org/home/forums/topic/57927-i-have-question/ https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/issues/1964#issuecomment-391918468 https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/issues/311
  15. Is there any indication that this app is being actively developed by anyone?
  16. Open it in a hex editor. There's nothing in that file. Save and export your file correctly. This is not an issue with PKHeX.
  17. PKHeX is not programmed to work for any ROM hacks. Any modification made from the base game will likely change how the data is saved, and thus, the interpretation for save data will not match the natural supported games. That said, the data in your attachment does not look like a save file with any discernible progress. Progress in game and try again, and still remember that PKHeX does not support ROM Hacks.
  18. Read the stickies. You'd be able to find it at the top of the forum, or you can search the error message yourself and investigate the other threads yourself:
  19. PKHeX does not support ROM hacks.
  20. Are you incapable of renaming a file to what the program is looking for? "main" is not "main.npdm".
  21. The program doesn't magically know the future availability of GO encounters. The program was last updated in September, thus only can have info for encounters up to when it was released.
  22. >pb8 No it can't. Moves are reset when transferring in & out of BD/SP, so external move sources (SW/SH TMs) are not legal to have while a BD/SP entity.
  23. The game automatically reverts the party's forms on startup and after battle. This is not something a save editor can bypass, unless you leave them in the box.
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