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Everything posted by Kaphotics

  1. Party stats are stored at the end. No party stats for boxed data -> all zero.
  2. Gen1/2 encounters (besides Crystal) don't store Met data, so PKHeX has to try and guess what encounter it was. There's a lot of matches, so it just picks the first one since any could be true.
  3. Resolved on latest: https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/081a48bbf6ffb59d00cd62db178e85efb044c384
  4. The official legality checks do not care about RNG restrictions, but fan tools can catch things you modify. As is always the case, the answer always depends; does the encounter have an RNG correlation that generates immutable values, and is this correlation reversible back to the original seed? If the answer is yes, then the correlation can be checked & validated to see if the immutable values have been tampered with. Gen8 raids have this correlation for multiple values. Due to a higher-than-normal amount of CPU calculation required and not wanting to lag the GUI as you flip through boxes, PKHeX does not implement this as a live check -- you must manually check it with other tools/plugins. Gen8 overworld encounters have this correlation for multiple values. Since the seed is constrained to only 32 bits, the calculation is instant, thus done by PKHeX. (raids use a 64 bit seed, thus a 2^32 search space needed). Gen5 mystery gifts that are shiny have a simple correlation for PID. Unmentioned: again, depends on the encounter.
  5. Try renaming the plugins folder so the plugins don't load, and try launching. Also, try just moving the exe (clean install) so that nothing else is in the folder it launches from.
  6. From what folder are you running the program from?
  7. Cross-context evolutions are not handled at this time.
  8. Using other save file editors like Pikasav, the same issues are present. Try cleaning the cartridge and dump again (do not restore your sav). Likely a corrupt dump... I assume this save file won't run in an emulator.
  9. Force loaded it into PKHeX; party doesn't show up, and 5 pokemon in Box 1 have no nicknames. If this is a ROM Hack, then PKHeX does not support ROM Hacks.
  10. ty fixed https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/7e3af18b2efe59f274d3146c6f168d8094081d70
  11. PKHeX is a save file editor. You need to get your save file to your computer, then the program can open it. There are a plethora of video guides on YouTube to illustrate the entire process.
  12. Kaphotics

    reporting error

    Reported & fixed on latest commit. https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/d13b39231a0c345180e8df52476df8887046f3cb
  13. Have you tried asking the person who runs the bot you screenshotted?
  14. Double check your operating system's window scaling settings, and if there is any other scaling program that may be interfering with PKHeX scaling.
  15. If you are having questions with a plugin, then go ask the plugin author and their documentation. This forum is for PKHeX, which does not have any built in feature for what you're asking about.
  16. Hollow star is for Xor=0 shinies which display as squares in SW/SH.
  17. There isn't anything in the GUI to do that. Not sure of what your use case is besides something one-off. There are 67 Larvitar encounters in Scarlet. Magikarp? 170. I don't think it's at all advisable to load everything from results directly into boxes.
  18. Use a more recent computer. PKHeX is a 64 bit Windows application.
  19. Bad dump. Open it in a hex editor and you'll see the data be "FF" starting a few hundred bytes in.
  20. Try the fixes/investigations from the bottom of this thread: https://github.com/microsoft/PowerToys/issues/20266
  21. This forum is for PKHeX, not for plugins. If you have issues with a plugin, then ask the plugin's author / their support discord/etc.
  22. Double check that you actually installed it, via Add/Remove Programs.
  23. Third time... this thread is not for help making hacked Pokémon, read the first post of the thread. Look at my post directly above yours for the answer to your issue.
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