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Everything posted by Kaphotics

  1. As per the error message, you do not have main.npdm in your ExeFS folder.
  2. Dump the exefs correctly and put it in the folder as the program requires.
  3. Save in-game correctly and export your save again.
  4. That's just how the game works. Want it to be different? Figure out how to disable the changes in the ROM. Nothing can be done with a save editor to bypass in game code.
  5. It will still be WinForms, it just will no longer run on the .NET Framework; .NET6+ will be required. Since WinForms w/ .NET Core and above isn't supported by mono/wine, you'll have to use a Windows VM instead.
  6. You missed mentioning a step: how you exported it to your computer.
  7. Not true; the bug was fixed on September 3rd, which was well before the latest September release. Double check you're actually opening the correct executable, and that the program version shows correctly in the top left corner of the window.
  8. >Version= The program was updated 2 weeks ago (22/09/13). Please do not report issues with prior versions, as these issues are fixed between releases. The "Update Available" will show in the top right corner, assuming your computer is connected to the internet.
  9. Sounds extremely niche; best to be as a plugin/external program instead of mainline.
  10. Reconfigure the emulator settings so that it is automatic / accounting for the save battery requirements.
  11. The latest commits on GitHub have already fixed the issue you're describing. That's why the development build properly flags it.
  12. Trigger's PC is a save editor, same as PKHeX is. Trigger's PC just does not allow you to edit things. PKHeX supports Colosseum, XD, and Battle Revolution. Open two instances of PKHeX, one save file in each. You can drag & drop between the two windows to "trade". It's up to you if you delete/clone. In PKHeX, you can also unlock the boxes for the save file by specifying a Trainer ID and SID for the selected save slot.
  13. Certainly would be nice if people would document the savedata structure. Making a GUI for things and ensuring they work takes a lot of time too. Not really worth the time because replaying these games is a better option. Back up your save often enough so you have points to jump back to if needed.
  14. You're asking the wrong question. Does Sceptile exist in the game you are trying to inject it to?
  15. You're just not looking correctly. Many open source projects use Continuous Integration to automatically build and upload artifacts from each commit that is pushed. That's what the green checkbox is. Following the checkbox link, you get to the pipeline page, which has 1 published file for the latest commit, which is the output of the Android build, which includes the apk. The app is a proof of concept, hence no "release" posted officially or support provided.
  16. Try it and see. Programs are made to target specific save file formats; if an editor is unaware of how a ROM hack has modified it from the base game, then it probably won't work at all. Especially if ROM hacks add in additional safeguards.
  17. Correct; if you cannot dump valid data, there is nothing to be recovered. They don't even look similar in a hex editor. The GLD file has a repetitive pattern every 8 bytes (4 bytes positive, 4 bytes negative number). Scrolling through YLW, you can see different patterns nothing like GLD.
  18. The attached GLD file is not even close to a valid save file. Clean the cartridge's contacts and try dumping again. But you don't have the cartridge, so tough luck.
  19. https://github.com/projectpokemon/EventsGallery/pull/293#issuecomment-1246522447 PKHeX only updates the event bins when the program is released. The main events gallery repo has the fixed card (updated on September 14th, one day after PKHeX last updated).
  20. Hacked data that did not transfer from the game of origin (skipping HOME) will result in HOME not having the original data. When HOME tries to fetch the original data, there is none, so it defaults to Poké Ball. Inject data in the earliest game possible, and transfer legitimately if you care about legitimate transfers.
  21. Use a plugin to change the file name style, or just dump the entire box binary instead of individual files.
  22. Why do you need this version in specific? PKHeX does not remove features, and each update fixes hugs and adds new features.
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