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Everything posted by Kaphotics

  1. Try unchecking the Latias flags and manually setting Flag 418 to not-checked.
  2. shininess is derived from PID/SID/TID ((PID & 0xFFFF) ^ (PID >> 16) ^ SID ^ TID) >> 4 == 0 there is not any known formula at this time
  3. Did you uncheck both event flags? (Defeated & Captured)
  4. It's a stubbed item which serves no purpose.
  5. 1) yes 2) probably 3) still is relevant (shininess) 4) TID/SID + PID. Powersaves is garbage.
  6. Yes, or a Gateway Flashcart + <=9.2 firmware.
  7. You can't if you are using ram2sav.
  8. You'll be unable to use them in Maison / Battle Institute / Link Battles/Trades if the EVs are >510. Level 255 isn't possible for boxed Pokemon as it is a party stat calculated when withdrawn from the boxes.
  9. obtaining ROM files after dumped repack with makerom & encrypt with no encryption or something
  10. r4 card plays NDS roms, not 3DS. not at this moment
  11. <9.2 firmware and own a gateway flashcart -> dump rom -> decrypt rom -> unpack rom -> edit/randomize rom -> repack rom -> encrypt rom -> play rom on Gateway
  12. read the OP : This requires you use a 3ds on system nand 9.0-9.5. You CANNOT use any other firmware, nor a new nintendo 3ds, nor a 3ds on 9.x emunand.
  13. Colo/XD's PID method is not implemented in Legal.exe
  14. /a/1/2/6 - Overworlds http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?24589-B2W2-General-ROM-Info&p=158564&viewfull=1#post158564
  15. If symbols won't show up: Options -> Toggle Unicode
  16. Duplicate thread for information. The Checksum Button for ramsav's will be disabled in future releases. The game stores portions of the save file in the RAM, and stores the checksum block at the start of the game. During gameplay, certain sections of the save may be updated, but the checksums will not be updated until the game is saved. Ripping out save chunks does not fix the checksums either, so any updated block will be 'invalid'; again, it was valid until the game changed it, and the game will then reapply the checksum when saving the game. No issue here.
  17. 0x100 bytes for flags * 8 bits / byte = 2048 bits for flags. Eon Ticket's received flag is stored elsewhere in the save, and there aren't others with flags > 2048. There's no side-effects on the save file with this issue; it's now fixed and will be in the next posted version. Thank you for bringing this to my attention!
  18. PKHeX -> Box Layout -> Unlocked: [ComboBox DropDown]
  19. Fixed in the latest commit, didn't cast it properly. I also improved the loading speed by reducing unneeded operations [TABLE=class: diff-table tab-size-8 file-diff-split, width: 1781] [TR] [TD=class: blob-code blob-code-deletion base, bgcolor: #FFECEC]- string a = arg.Text;[/TD] [TD=class: blob-num blob-num-addition head js-linkable-line-number, bgcolor: #DBFFDB, align: right][/TD] [TD=class: blob-code blob-code-addition head, bgcolor: #EAFFEA]+ string a = ((Util.cbItem)(arg.SelectedItem)).Text;[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]
  20. pcin/pcout do not modify save data, you have to use RAM2sav.
  21. SciresM's reply when this was asked on /vp/ Neither of us are interested on researching how to do that, but you're free to use the flagdiff and figure it out for yourself
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