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Everything posted by Kaphotics

  1. sky3ds cannot run edited roms or have edited save files as it is a fake cart; no code can be run. signature checks need to be patched out, which sky3ds can't.
  2. No idea; however, this is legality related so no further discussion
  3. You can emulate it with DeSmuME. [video=youtube;o0RkljY3UMw] Also you can just use pk2pk to transfer 3rd gen pkm files forward to 4/5/6th gen.
  4. Kaphotics

    Eon Ticket

    ... add the Wondercard to your save file, and everything will be active.
  5. A-Save -> g3pkm -> drop into PKHeX or just drop an entire folder of them in. PKHeX will auto transfer them.
  6. Already discussed, already implemented.
  7. Be sure you are using the latest version of the program. Those were disabled 2 months ago because they hadn't been implemented yet.
  8. Kaphotics

    o-power max

    They're likely tied to event flags as they are event only; dunno. I can't implement new features unless I know how they need to be implemented (I do not own a 3DS or the games...)
  9. Never will be; saves are encrypted and require a 3DS/service to decrypt & resign, neither of which is available to retail carts (and faux carts)
  10. [TABLE] [TR] [TD]0030[/TD] [TD]26200[/TD] [TD]00000C48[/TD] [TD]75F9A[/TD] [TD]Pokemon Bank Gifts 0x25E44 - u16 checksum (ccitt16, 0xFFFF initial) of 0x25400-0x25E43[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]0032[/TD] [TD]27200[/TD] [TD]00000200[/TD] [TD]75FAA[/TD] [TD]PGL Promotion Gifts[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] PKHeX is pretty bloated as it is; this information is already on our wiki so anyone else can come up with a separate solution.
  11. It was theoretically possible even back in B/W, but nobody ever took the time (2). Not going to happen unless someone else is motivated to figure it out and reports back a how-to.
  12. It's not incomplete... Uninstall any game patches. Patches overwrite ROM content, and in this case they update the gametext files with every patch.
  13. Already discussed this on the Github page:
  14. The two files you uploaded are identical; this is not an issue with PKHeX but either with SDF or Gateway. Are you using a .cia? "Gateway" is too generic. ".cia" installed games have issues using SaveDataFiler.
  15. BW/B2W2 only checked if you had the item, and did not check event flags or Pokedex status. It's reasonable to assume that X/Y/OR/AS handle it the same way.
  16. 1/11/15 - New Update: - Fixed: X/Y xorpad auto-loading/decryption now works instead of causing the program to freeze. - Fixed: Glass (Colored) Flutes should now be in the proper pouch. Thanks SoujiSeta! - Fixed: Super Training copying too much and erroring out. Thanks SoujiSeta! - Fixed: Mono compatibility fix for inventory data editing. Thanks SoujiSeta! - Fixed: Deleting Wondercard recieved flags will actually save. Thanks ifyfg!
  17. We don't know the format in which that value is stored; I'm not able to figure it out so I'm not going to be able to support it unless someone figures it out.
  18. You can dump the ROM; card2 games store the save file within the ROM. However, there's no way to decrypt retail Pokemon without a Powersaves, so you can't convert your savegame if it is using the proper 6.x encryption.
  19. You are correct. The program currently does not clear the deleted received flags; this will be fixed in the next version.
  20. Use the partial decryption method by applying cheats to an initialized save file, and then use the xorpad to load in the latest PKHeX; you can then use that new save file with SaveDataFiler.
  21. GARCTool unpacks garc files, not 3DS files. Simply renaming the file will not work either; unpack with 3DSExplorer after you have decrypted it.
  22. 10485848 bytes is 0xA00058 bytes, ~10 times the size. Save files have to be decrypted before loading; methods exist to decrypt Powersaves by using their code-service. There are no methods for decrypting Sky3DS saves, thus they are not compatible with PKHeX.
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