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Everything posted by Kaphotics

  1. It's only legal if it has been released and the specimen's "obtained" method is legal too.
  2. Hold shift when exporting your ramsav; PKHeX will prompt for a target ramsav to export for that cart/system instead of for the the one that was loaded.
  3. Kaphotics

    Egg PkHex

    Just use the save file injection method, and be sure your PKHeX version is up to date.
  4. Edit everything in the save file and restore it (even to other carts); this code.bin allows use of everything previous. Inventory, Wondercard, Boxes, Trainer Info, Secret Bases, Super Training, Rebattling Pokemon, Maison Stats, whatever; PKHeX can edit the save.
  5. I'd think that both versions do have access to them, but I'd have to check later today. If it's just a saved index selection, we can probably add support. We'll investigate and report back.
  6. Load your save you want to transfer in PKHeX, when clicking the export save button, hold SHIFT and you will be prompted to load the target save/ram to transplant data to.
  7. Updated PKHeX with the help of the people pm'ing SciresM their non-working xy saves.
  8. In 5 hours it's going to be 01-28-15 in Australia, and I'm not updating the program in that timespan. It'll be current when the time arrives. Too many revisions this weekend
  9. NOTE: You need PKHeX 1-28-15 or later to use this with PKHeX. Please update your PKHeX before using this. Extra emphasis.
  10. 1/28/15 - New Update: - Added: Save editing for retail games. Load ramsav.bin and export with Export SAV button in the SAV tab. - - Change the target RAM binary by holding shift while exporting. - Fixed: PKRS display logic should now behave as intended. - Changed: Gender/Game changing in Trainer Info has been disabled (it's not a simple 'switch'). - Improved: Loading Box/Debug binaries will display the boxes if they are not visible.
  11. Hm, guess the mathematical formula for characteristics has to be re-evaluated.
  12. Not happening, way too many event moves and special cases for it to even be feasible. Just choose them wisely.
  13. Save file dumping/injection is coming shortly, just wait for that solution.
  14. It's unusable and dead weight for your game. The selectable held item list is comprised of the legal held items you may have; if you wish to inject illegal items you may do so by editing wondercards.
  15. Drop a folder of pkx/ekx/pkm files in and they will load to the boxes; you can also do this by tools -> import box as for mass editing, nah. I'm explicitly against mass changing of trainer details so you'd have to have an external tool do that for you before importing.
  16. Generates based off of the game it is generated on, not the locale the Wondercard was intended for.
  17. it overwrites an entire box, it doesn't care if there is data there or not.
  18. 1/27/15 - New Update: - Fixed: Scatterbug / Spewpa form selection. - Changed: Saving "pokemon.ekx" will always export extracted and won't tack on extra extensions if you don't have the correct filter.
  19. Just fixed this along with some other improvements, will be in the next release later tonight.
  20. Then get the latest .NET Framework; 4.0 is what is required (4.5 is the latest).
  21. Use the Single Box version in the meantime, dunno what is up with mediafire.
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