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Everything posted by Kaphotics

  1. http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?17122-Diamond-Pearl-Position-LUA-script
  2. Should be ready for testing now.
  3. Can always save -> open in excel (or any csv viewer) and delete the columns you don't want...
  4. Implemented in latest commit. Thanks for the suggestion!
  5. Too general of a 'report' to figure out what you're doing wrong. 0x1000(9C) for powersaves, or 0x65000/0x76000 for cyber/sdf saves.
  6. Control clicking Randomize IVs sets them all to 31, alt clicking Randomize IVs sets them all to zero (iirc) clicking a label 6x is a little more work for a user instead of setting all to 31 and choosing a hidden power type (and maybe altering a single IV afterward)
  7. Noted. Bug has now been fixed, but I'm pushing the commit later (overhauling some stuff atm). Thanks for reporting!
  8. CRO Editing is on hold as it's not possible to get the edits to load in-game at this time. - pokedex (especialy list order and pokemon's location) - not CRO, maybe in the future. - event pokemon (like rustling bush or drops from the ceiling) - already editable in the Encounter Editor - In-game trades - CRO - the amount of exp given by exp share - CRO/ExeFS (unknown) - inver's pokemon pool (inverse battle). - pretty pointless, maybe in the future. Easy to just redirect loading of one of the Maison GARCs and have it load in the Maison editor.
  9. Fixed the Randomizer issues for X/Y in the latest commit. Thanks I'll have to investigate the X/Y build later. Building a romfs doesn't error out...
  10. Heh, nice. The method is triggering twice. First trigger -> delete data; move data down so no middle slot is empty. Second trigger -> delete same slot data; " " Try shift-clicking (setting) to the 6th slot with 1 party member. Another bug -- Turns out the PictureBoxes were subscribed to the view/set/delete method twice (via Click and MouseDown). Fixed in the first commit. Party Setting display bug also fixed in the second commit. Thanks for reporting
  11. Kaphotics

    Feature Request

    already exists, click the "OT" label https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/blob/master/PKX/f1-Main.cs#L1396
  12. Check your firmware version, if it is not 9.0.0-20 thru 9.5.0-22 (both the 9.X.X and the -XX) then it will not work for you.
  13. Do not enter values above 255. Restrictions on value entry have been added in the latest commit.
  14. http://i.snag.gy/RkZD0.jpg Choose the two files to diff; press F6 to advance to the next difference; to hop all the way to 0x14A00 just ctrl-G on both files and then find the next diff.
  15. HxD can do a diff, start at 0x14A00.
  16. FlagDiff will just tell you what flags are set vs what flags were unset when comparing two loaded save files. The Researcher doesn't do event constants since those are fairly easy to understand with any diff-comparing program. The event constant range can change as it stores integers of things like [starter index chosen] used for deciding what Rival Trainer set you face. They can also be reusable for things like storing the random result of "come show me [X] for a reward today".
  17. Kaphotics

    pkhex error

    Maybe you should listen to the error... http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?47063-PKHeX-error http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?46204-quot-Save-Box-Data-quot-doesn-t-work
  18. Fixed in latest commit. Trash Bytes and a recent change are the root of the issue Thanks for reporting this issue! --- Also, thanks for the feature pull request; has been merged. I have tweaked it a little to avoid a bug where the user exits out of the FolderBrowserDialog without specifying a file.
  19. Please send the individual files You can drag and drop a folder and PKHeX will load all the files in that direct folder.
  20. Has been fixed since the 09/05/15 release.
  21. pk2pk has been integrated into PKHeX and has since received multiple updates to handle certain edge cases. It's not incredibly optimized but emulates the transfer 100%. I like to have well documented (commented) code, and pk2pk.cs is pretty extensively commented to document all the changes a Pokémon would undergo transferring across 3->4, 4->5, and 5->6.
  22. Instead of fixing a symptom, it is better to fix the cause. What are all the methods of adding a Pokémon to the save file? Methods that do set the Pokédex Flag: * Setting from Tabs * Dropping from external file * Importing individual files from a folder Methods that do NOT set the Pokédex Flag: * Importing Decrypted Battle Videos * Importing boxdata.bin * Importing pcdata.bin * Importing injectiondebug.bin While I personally feel that the last 3 should never be used (the others are much more convenient), they should set the Pokédex data regardless. It'd be easiest to add the Pokédex setting methods to the ones that currently do not have it instead of adding a very niche feature. By adding it to these cases, the feature you requested is pseudo-implemented as the user can just export their pcdata and re-import it. Fixes have been implemented in the latest commit. Thanks for bringing this issue to my attention
  23. Does it work for other O-Powers? MAX O-Powers might require a special save flag or might not be passable to others.
  24. http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?47156-Need-Help-Recovering-Save
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