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Everything posted by Kaphotics

  1. You can manually restore individual files. CROs are stored in the DLL_# folder (separated by game, 147 for OR/AS).
  2. Wild Randomizer does not modify Formes; they will not be perma-megas. Trainer Randomizer only gives megas for the special trainers if you have Ensure Story MEvo enabled. It doesn't give it to every trainer; that'd water down the 'specialness' of mega evolutions.
  3. Heh, fixed! https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/f867697caa5cf3db9941cff4fa8913364523587d
  4. Fixed empty slots being dumpable in latest commit. Added data source filtering and more bad pk6 filtering logic for the Database searcher; access via the Tools dropdown. Thanks
  5. For the starters, initial versions of pk3DS edited a section of the CRO which is not verified. However, this was an incomplete edit as it only changed the models displayed at the starter selection screen. Starter editing is still not possible. Only way is to swap models and text to fake that they've been edited.
  6. pk3DS doesn't do music alteration, please test without those changes.
  7. ?? There's no way to have dynamic species based on your level or team Base Stat Total. You can still randomize with BST checked, which will replace the opponent's Pokémon with a similar BST.
  8. Type theme trainers use all types; pk3DS hangs because no Pokemon in Gen1 are Dark type. Fixed in latest commit; works even if Pokémon's types are altered/randomized with the Personal editor.
  9. They aren't stored with palettes (hence why the size of the GARC is over half the size of the ROM). Sure someone can make a color shifter to apply to only the regular textures, but that'd best be handled by a separate program. Just extract the GARC and then run. Not something I'm interested in making...
  10. Thanks, fixed in latest commit ===== I've updated the first post with the latest compiled version. Be sure to check out the map viewer, which now shows where overworlds are on the map. Put the scale to 8 and re-draw; image will not update when changing the map in OWSE unless Auto-Draw is checked.
  11. Most trainers don't have movesets specified, which causes them to refer to their levelup table. If you modify the level up moves (ie, randomize), the trainer pokemon will take from that newly randomized learnset because their original one is overwritten.
  12. you asked on GBATemp; link for others who would also want to know: http://gbatemp.net/threads/pokemon-oras-models-files.402454/#post-5799320
  13. As Acry mentioned, you can just restore the original files. Level boost alters the levels permanently, it's not just turning on a flag that can be turned off. Ie, level 20 -> level 20 + 50% -> level 30 level 30 is now saved instead of level 20 If you wanted to undo this, simply set the level boost to -66 percent (which is ~100/150) to scale them back down to pretty much the original level. The level boost can be used as a level decreaser too
  14. Does so by default, having any of the EXP/BST/Type enhancements selected will no longer ensure every species is used. Does so by default, having the BST enhancement will no longer ensure every species is used. I agree. Changed in the latest commit (compile if you want it now, else wait for the next posted version). ==== Not really my intent with the program; all of the randomization depends on the UI objects instead of operating off of a class. Sure one can set them to be .Visible = false; It'd be a lot of work for a little gain... it's not really that hard to not look at what was randomized Previously people have asked about seed-randomization. While it is possible to do, it's not really necessary. People can just share game files instead -- NDS/3DS have this advantage over a single-file GBA ROM.
  15. For now just hold control when exiting the forms to yield the 'abort' option; keep holding it until they stop popping up. I've noticed the same issue, I'll investigate Edit: Uploaded new version, only sets back encdata as it'd be the only thing that gets edited. There still is no 'saving' done, just repacking the files that were read from. Comes with coordinate displays for NPC/Warps.
  16. Read the top of this page and the first post. Please refrain from asking questions regarding other tools, keep it related to pk3DS functions.
  17. The ExeFS editors require the code binary, icon, banner, etc. Just having code there is insufficient. You can obtain all the necessary files by unpacking the ExeFS.
  18. Uploaded a new version. Added: - Suggested romfs/exefs building names (from icon -> will automatically suggest a HANS compatible name). - ProgressBar for extracting a file via Tools form. - LZSS/BLZ decompression via drag&drop on Tools form. - Disclaimer when opening a CRO editing tool for the uninformed. - Automatic ExeFS unpacking on load (ie, exefs.bin in exe folder will have it unpack & uncompress automatically). Note: Tools UI now has all the functionality of GARCTool (and more). Big updates (OWSE Form): Moved majority of logic to object structure. Added force reloading (hold control when opening the form) if you switch games. Added attribute viewers for most entity attributes worth looking at currently. Added trigger2 type entity. Fixed misalignment of entities Fixed File1 (actually ZoneData entry) loading. // Added new Dev tab: Added dumping methods for entities. Added Map (Movement Permissions) dumping button (instead of control clicking Redraw) Added Script Decompressor (paste in -> decompressed result) To open OWSE, hold ALT when clicking on the Wild Editor button. Note, this 'editor' does not save changes as it is currently research oriented at this time. OWSE edits NPCs/Warps/etc on the map in addition to the scripts. Still an active area of research, feel free to inquire on IRC.
  19. Oh, I see. Try manually moving Pokemon within your box to that slot. PKHeX will move the Pokemon (and in so, updates the checksum). It's possible that something screwed up and flipped two bits while the game was writing your save data. Looks like Klefki had extra text tacked on its name, dunno about Mawile.
  20. So just to confirm, these appear fine ingame but only PKHeX shows them as bad eggs? I checked with old builds and all say that there's invalid checksums for those slots (they just didn't show it as red background).
  21. You'd have to PM the save file to me. Are you using the latest PKHeX posted? Latest commit version (if compiled yourself)? Are they bad eggs ingame or is it just PKHeX saying so? Pretty sure you can delete bad egg slots in PKHeX by right click->delete or alt-click.
  22. HANS is unrelated to this program. To use ExeFS files with HANS, simply use the .code file from the exefs folder after you are done editing it.
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