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Everything posted by Kaphotics

  1. Please do a bunch of tests; edit on both variants of the program with the same changes to see if there's any byte difference on the output save file.
  2. Fixed the EV chopping in latest commit. Thanks for reporting!
  3. Depends if you can find it reliably in the RAM and if it's stored completely in RAM.
  4. Ah, I understand now. The answer would be no; if there's no way to pass files via upload/download then there's no way to retrieve enough contents from battle videos. Something that has not been investigated is dumping RAM while watching a battle video... Gen V had the entire video sitting in RAM so maybe that will allow you to rip out the instructions/teams/seeds to transplant into another video.
  5. You can use a similar method to the one that KeyBV uses to decrypt battle videos: Person X: Person who can decrypt Person Y: Person who can't but is passing videos Person X downloads a battle video and decrypts it. Person Y downloads same battle video and grabs the encrypted file from the SD. Person X pads the file with Zeroes at the beginning of the file so that it matches the length of Person Y's file. Xor the two files together to obtain Person Y's Xorpad for that video slot. Person Y deletes battle video, records new one. Person Y extracts the data, xors the xorpad over and trims to the original decrypted size. Person X inserts with SDF after making modifications. === Won't work for live tournament videos and all of this can be avoided if Person Y just uploads the video for Person X to download. If you're just downloading battle videos, the replay will play back from the POV of the person who recorded it... so I don't really get what you're trying to do.
  6. http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?46695-Filling-Dex-Not-solved-What-am-I-doing-wrong
  7. You can edit text/description in the Game Text editor. I prefer to keep text editing separate from other gamedata edits. Since sprite editing is more computation heavy, it's not done within pk3DS; you can use the Misc Tools to unpack garcs->bclim sprites.
  8. The exploit depends on the two digits after the firmware, not the firmware being 9.0-9.5. (has to be 20 thru 22) If it's not, then the exploit will not work for you.
  9. Use rxTools and emunand and do not exceed 9.2 firmware.
  10. When the flag is set it prevents the Deoxys NPC from appearing; just continue as usual.
  11. pgf is a wondercard gift file that must be inserted into save files and received in a DS game. PKHeX does not support past gen gift files as they are not directly translatable to gen6 data.
  12. Tweaked the Trainer Randomization window to instead have a comboBox for one of the three options: 0 - Don't Modify (everything stays as is) 1 - Randomize All (all moves get randomized) 2 - Use Levelup Only (no trainer will have custom moves, will instead use the species' levelup tables) preview pic
  13. No. Event flags/constants usage is different between games, resulting in a severely messed up overworld if you inject to the wrong game.
  14. It is known that ram2sav will not work on the latest updates. Since you are on fw 9.2.0, please use SaveDataFiler instead of ram2sav.
  15. Bred pokemon from generation 3 show up as unknown because Legal does not know how to check them. Legal does not work for generation 5 format pkm files.
  16. Google is your friend. SaveDataFiler will allow you to extract and insert your save file, no need to usr web injection.
  17. Use rxTools, emuNAND and SaveDataFiler instead of updating.
  18. Use rxTools, emuNAND, and SaveDataFiler. Game cartridges do not update applets.
  19. No, game cartridges do not update the applets. Stay at 9.2.0 and below; use SaveDataFiler.
  20. No, it is just saying that the two digits after your firmware version need to be 20, 21, or 22. Example: People with out of date consoles who update their firmware with cartridges will not update their applet version, thus ending up with something like 9.4.0-12U. 12 is not in the range of exploitable applet versions.
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