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Everything posted by Kaphotics

  1. Nope. A modified version may not even be necessary; there's a few guides on japanese boards that don't even use the modified version but abuse the 'cache'. Apparently you just edit the cached file then restore it when done editing. http://pokemonkaizoujiten.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-60.html http://pokemonkaizoujiten.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-62.html
  2. Dismiss it, try using the program as usual (but ignore those messages).
  3. Homebrew can be launched using browserhax, same method as dumping pcdata/ramsavs.
  4. Try this. It may pop up the "Operation Paused" at "incorrect" times, but it's just pausing program execution for what it's doing. Just dismiss it until you're doing the same thing as the Apply->Modify. (I basically just rewrote the Util.GetTempFolder method to pause whenever it is called, instead of injecting a method and inserting instructions to call that method correctly).
  5. Just upload a zip of the updated executable (the one that the cybergadget updater changed, not the mod), then I can add in the pausing.
  6. Count up the unique pokemon for the slots and you get 21, not 18.
  7. Fixed, thanks again
  8. Thanks, implemented in latest commit. Added extra checks while still an egg: VALID: Met Location == 30002 INVALID: Egg_Location == 30002
  9. Unable to recreate, please post/send pk6 file
  10. Each slot type is treated uniquely. Wingull_Grass Wingull_Surf Wingull_Horde Wingull_OldRod Wingull_GoodRod etc All count as 'unique' and thus count towards the dexnav limit. Relevant source code. Count up the unique pokemon per slot type (grass, old, surf, good, etc), then add up all the counts. You're safe if that count is <= 18
  11. If the encounter slot type is different (ie, horde vs grass) it is considered a 'different' species.
  12. Try uploading the png to imgur or another website. The QR decoding server can't correctly interpret what you're trying to decode.
  13. You should be using homebrew and a save manager instead; updated versions of PKHeX no longer support ram2sav files. If you still wish to be out of date: http://lunarcookies.github.io/loadcode.html#rsavin.bin http://lunarcookies.github.io/loadcode.html#rsavout.bin
  14. You're too vague. Be sure you are using the latest version of the program (posted in the stickied thread). Be sure to drop it into the window and not a wondercard slot (recent bug).
  15. Added Clearing of Country/Region residence with a new button. Added Apricorn/Hidden Ability check. Thanks for reporting
  16. PKHeX no longer supports ramsav files. Switch over to homebrew, or use your old executable.
  17. Implemented 2,3,4; 1 isn't a simple solution as we know Thanks for the report, I'll have to think about #1 for a bit. PKHeX currently catches Kalos pkm with dream balls (sans Sylveon), and 5th/6th gen pkm with Safari Balls. For the other unimplemented exclusions, yeah, fun.
  18. Probably because nothing has been registered, whereas you should at least have your starter. Try depositing/withdrawing from the daycare.
  19. Use the latest posted version...
  20. You're missing the Pokemon's egg moves in the relearn table. The "36" is the move ID it is expecting (see bulbapedia). A Beldum always knows Take Down at level 1. All moves that the egg will hatch with are copied to Relearn Moves when it is generated by the game. In the future PKHeX will be a little more verbose as the dialog would need to support multiple languages. Changing the level doesn't refresh the legality state, which is why Meteor Mash was originally flagged. Be sure to refresh the analysis to get the 'error' message popup. It could refresh and say something different than what is indicated, as updating the legality analysis as you edit can be computationally intensive for slow computers (program lag).
  21. restore backup -> use homebrew You can't decrypt the bin files without the ROM info (which powersaves does not store). The backups are only of use if your cart still functions and are only useful with powersaves.
  22. It was an issue with PKHeX that was resolved a month ago, the latest version is fine.
  23. Duplicate thread. https://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?48327-Can-t-import-WC6s
  24. PKHeX relies on contributed Wonder Cards; no data contributed => no ability to verify if it is a valid event or not. Click on the legality indication next to the sprite to see why something is flagged. There's still room to improve the Wonder Card matching (like considering shininess).
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