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Everything posted by Kaphotics

  1. Kaphotics


    Legal is a derived property and cannot be set. It's only use is to filter out Legal/Illegal pokemon from the selection query. You have to do whatever fixes are necessary yourself.
  2. Kaphotics


    I shouldn't have to answer these questions for every single use case. The batch editor is made to be extremely flexible and simple (which makes it harder to learn); Last one I'll answer. You'd have to set all the OT_Memory/OT_TextVar/OT_Intensity/OT_Feeling to 0.
  3. Kaphotics


    Use the drop-down above to select RelearnMove1. It will tell you what type of value it is expecting. You can also use $suggest: .RelearnMoves=$suggest will apply the suggested relearn moves that the legality check provides. For a full list of suggested fix shortcuts, check the source code for the auto-fixes "SetSuggestedPKMProperty" does.
  4. Here are the .bin files from pokecolo_ex.tgc, in case nobody has the colo jp bonus disc file handy. Not exactly sure how to verify if a multiboot is in the data. full file contents There's another tgc (thpPlayer.tgc) which just has thp videos. They take up the majority of the bonus disc contents and play on VLC dg = donkey konga dk = super donkey kong fz = f-zero mk = mario kart ml = mario & luigi rpg mp = mario party pb = pokemon box
  5. Use PKHeX and the Trainer Info editor to unlock both regardless of story progress.
  6. again, >the edited exefs file is either not being loaded or it is being overriden. double check that your edited files are the ones being loaded by the game when in doubt, follow a tutorial on youtube.
  7. https://github.com/kwsch/pk3DS/issues/116
  8. Uninstall any patches, the edited exefs file is either not being loaded or it is being overriden.
  9. pk3DS serves multiple purposes: * data visualization * data editing * data randomizing The more inter-connected certain edits need to be (ie, more advanced handling), the less likely they are to be fully fleshed out. === pk3DS shows the Tutor's list of moves it can tutor (what shows up in game), what they actually teach is separate from the displayed value. Updating the actual move table is extra handling which still has not been added (adding/fixing stuff takes time, and I have other things that interest me more). Remember, the community does not have the source code or flawless knowledge of how the games execute. Figuring out how to edit stuff and then simplifying it for regular users takes a lot of time
  10. Changing tutor shop selections doesn't work, same as OR/AS. There's a separate array which pk3DS doesn't change.
  11. Don't think you can receive that Tapu Koko gift on US/UM.
  12. Refer to the FAQ: > This forum section is NOT for help with obtaining your save file. Please use the Save Editing Help subforum. You're best off following a youtube tutorial. Get homebrew access since it's apparent you don't have it (again, obtaining your save file is not relevant to PKHeX).
  13. read the stickies. you have to export your save file as it is currently encrypted.
  14. use DebutGeneration on the latest commit https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/c751c987a9cf3254366ec2fba56b2647ba22b2ab
  15. Kaphotics

    Batch Editor

    It's doing exactly what you instructed it to do; there's no point preventing users from forcing unusual values. There's too many permutations to be able to have to program figure out if X change makes pkm invalid 100% of the time.
  16. Kaphotics

    Batch Editor

    pkms set from tabs have automatic fixes applied. loading a pkm to tabs then checking the legality performs these same fixes. you can check legality from boxes directly by holding control when right clicking the slot.
  17. Naming something "main" does not make it a save file. Re-watch a tutorial as you haven't exported from the correct location.
  18. PKHeX doesn't have an issue confusing eevee eggs. There's a gift egg which has no relearn moves, and regular eggs which do. Both are the same locations. If there are no relearn moves, it uses the gift data, else it uses the egg data.
  19. Bulbapedia has a list. Alternatively, PKHeX displays the current value from the pkm loaded to tabs.
  20. Use the latest release in the downloads section, not a build from somewhere else.
  21. not a problem with pkhex, you need to re-export your save file as the file you are trying to load is invalid.
  22. Mystery Gifts gen3: https://projectpokemon.org/home/forums/topic/35340-gen-3-e-reader-event-injection/
  23. No It's worth mentioning that PKHeX does apply valid trash bytes for these transfers, however, transferring to the 3ds era wipes them. So there's no use checking them in the context of the current generation.
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