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  Codr said:
The nature list, because that's what byte 65 is for in Black/White.
Oh right. So that's what 性格 means.

What are you doing with values 1Eh~23h? Do contest stats even exist in B/W?

  whatever said:
Oh right. So that's what 性格 means.

What are you doing with values 1Eh~23h? Do contest stats even exist in B/W?

Assuming those are the correct values for old contest stats (I'm not bothering to look, it's annoying enough always having people list things as hexadecimal values), they're still being written there. Whether or not that's appropriate, I don't know yet.

  Codr said:
Yes. The location data for Black/White in beta 9 is incomplete, however.

Would it be possible to (in future designs) include the boxes for the hidden hex values?


I was thinking of this:

  Reveal hidden contents

Earlier I asked about the hidden hex values, you said that they changed according to the stuff we changed in PokeGen, so I was wondering if it would be possible to show the hidden hex values anyways.

  ZMaster said:
I was thinking of this:
  Reveal hidden contents

That IS what I showed you a screenshot of. Just because I don't call it something inaccurate like Pokesav (assuming that isn't just a fail translation, but I doubt it) doesn't mean it isn't the same thing.

Earlier I asked about the hidden hex values, you said that they changed according to the stuff we changed in PokeGen, so I was wondering if it would be possible to show the hidden hex values anyways.

I've wanted to add a raw data viewer for a while now, but never get a chance to add it.


Do you mean the Extra Bytes? If so, how come the values don't show stuff?

Example, I caught a Pokemon in HGSS with a Ultra Ball, the value would become 02, etc. etc.

  ZMaster said:
Do you mean the Extra Bytes? If so, how come the values don't show stuff?

They do show stuff, you just don't understand what's extra and what isn't.

Example, I caught a Pokemon in HGSS with a Ultra Ball, the value would become 02, etc. etc.

There's simply no reason to have users manually set any ball-related values. This is done automatically by the program, as is stated multiple times throughout the thread. A miniscule amount of "research" from yourself would have shown you the same thing.



ADDED: The final locations are available.

ADDED: Update checks for beta versions.

ADDED: Code support for Black.

FIXED: The Black/White locations weren't using the appropriate values... I don't know how that was missed.

FIXED: Loading a save file could result in multiple target games being checked.

FIXED: The update dialog wasn't localized.

FIXED: A crash that could occur when saving or generating codes. This also results in eggs being properly flagged as nicknamed or not nicknamed.

FIXED: Icon "Right click" text is updated properly when switching languages.

CHANGED: The Spanish location strings were still using indices unintentionally.

  BananaMan14 said:
If you load a 4th gen pokemon with target game set as b/w the name shows as a hex string ie \xxxx.

There's no way to reliably change the target game automatically upon loading a .pkm file, so this is up to the user to do right.

Also if you double click on one of the japanese english characters it says invalid characters.

The character map hasn't been updated at all yet for generation 5. 5's is going to be scary.



FIXED: The offset for Black codes was wrong. I really should test things more often.

FIXED: Exporting codes for Black/White should work now.

FIXED: Exporting codes for Japanese games will use the proper game name.

  KazoWAR said:
The program does not load the met location of Pokemon obtained form the daycare man as a egg in B/W. The value seems to be 60002.

What does it do? The data says it's there and functioning properly. It simply isn't labeled "Day-Care Couple" because it's in Romanized Japanese.

Edit: I tried it and seem to be getting the same thing. I'm not sure why at the moment, but it'll get fixed.

  WerewolfOfTheWater said:
Changing a pokemon, even just a move, gets it rejected from random wifi battles. Any way to fix that?

Eventually, I just don't know enough about it right now. The Pokemon data in general is probably not being set correctly for Black/White yet anyway.

Posted (edited)
  Codr said:
Eventually, I just don't know enough about it right now. The Pokemon data in general is probably not being set correctly for Black/White yet anyway.

That's cool. One other thing, when using the PID generator, when you press OK, can you have it fill in the nature, gender, and ability too by any chance?

I have no way of knowing for sure which is ability 1 and which is ability 2 either.

I also noticed the hidden power info in the PID generator shows a different value than the one under the stats tab even after you hit OK on the generator

Edited by WerewolfOfTheWater
  WerewolfOfTheWater said:
Changing a pokemon, even just a move, gets it rejected from random wifi battles. Any way to fix that?

What kind of move are you changing?

From what I've heard, egg moves and Gen IV move tutor moves are currently banned from random wifi battles.

So the problem could be that, not a problem with PokeGen.

Also: Rating mode for Random Matches has been down for maintenence for the past 14 hours or so. It's scheduled to be back up in 30 min.

Posted (edited)
  Guested said:
What kind of move are you changing?

From what I've heard, egg moves and Gen IV move tutor moves are currently banned from random wifi battles.

So the problem could be that, not a problem with PokeGen.

Also: Rating mode for Random Matches has been down for maintenence for the past 14 hours or so. It's scheduled to be back up in 30 min.

Seems you're right, I changed the IVs, EVs and nature of a pokemon without changing any moves and I was able to random battle.

EDIT: I noticed something.

Whenever I edit a move for a pokemon, in-game, it messes up its trainer name. It just completely vanishes and there's a blank space instead.

Though it also happened to one pokemon where I didn't edit its attacks for. Dunno why.

Edited by WerewolfOfTheWater

Some (I believe) bugs regarding 3.0b12:

-When importing a .pkm file from a 4th Generation game, the nature is reset to Hardy, the character map is also broken (it was reported in a previous bug);


-Sometimes, when I set a 5th generation pokemon that was set to be hatched from an egg, and then if I reload its data, it's broken (the game displays the correct info though);


Some feature requests for the future:

-When the user clicks OK to set the found PID from the PID finder, the IVs, nature and such should be set automatically in the remaining editing screens (it's not at this moment);

-There should be an option to set Either "Ability 1" or "Ability 2" in one of the editing screens (Unless the program does it automatically for you, I don't know if it does, except in the PID finder)

-The "TAB" key in the Stat section Should make the cursor cycle through the IVs first, then through the EVs and then through the stats (at the moment, it cycles through IVs then EVs then stats for the same stat category);

-In the OT/Misc, there should be a button that would insert the ID, SID and OT from the save file into the boxes;

-(I know this one is asking a lot) Translate the items and locations from Romaji for better ease of use.

That is all I can report. Thanks for taking your time to develop this amazing utility.

  redroseradept said:
Some (I believe) bugs regarding 3.0b12:

-When importing a .pkm file from a 4th Generation game, the nature is reset to Hardy, the character map is also broken (it was reported in a previous bug);

  Reveal hidden contents

-Sometimes, when I set a 5th generation pokemon that was set to be hatched from an egg, and then if I reload its data, it's broken (the game displays the correct info though);

  Reveal hidden contents

Some feature requests for the future:

-When the user clicks OK to set the found PID from the PID finder, the IVs, nature and such should be set automatically in the remaining editing screens (it's not at this moment);

-There should be an option to set Either "Ability 1" or "Ability 2" in one of the editing screens (Unless the program does it automatically for you, I don't know if it does, except in the PID finder)

-The "TAB" key in the Stat section Should make the cursor cycle through the IVs first, then through the EVs and then through the stats (at the moment, it cycles through IVs then EVs then stats for the same stat category);

-In the OT/Misc, there should be a button that would insert the ID, SID and OT from the save file into the boxes;

-(I know this one is asking a lot) Translate the items and locations from Romaji for better ease of use.

That is all I can report. Thanks for taking your time to develop this amazing utility.

Options -> Target Game -> Not black and white. Currently the new character set is unsupported. When a pokemon is shifted it's new 41h(nature) gets set. 5th gen pkms=/=4th gen pkms

Certain characters in the Pokemon's name have trouble loading ^

Highlight the PID (click it) before pressing OK. When you do that, the correct ability is selected).

see above

meh, IVs get set when you choose the PID from PID finder. nonrelated IVPIDs are manual as always

Don't always have a save loaded, currently the new character set is unsupported (you have to directly copy the OT/nick hex of another pokemon for the time being

translation takes time, and usually things don't have official english names (translate/change again when real one is known)

  kaphotics said:
Options -> Target Game -> Not black and white. Currently the new character set is unsupported. When a pokemon is shifted it's new 41h(nature) gets set. 5th gen pkms=/=4th gen pkms

Certain characters in the Pokemon's name have trouble loading ^

Highlight the PID (click it) before pressing OK. When you do that, the correct ability is selected).

see above

meh, IVs get set when you choose the PID from PID finder. nonrelated IVPIDs are manual as always

Don't always have a save loaded, currently the new character set is unsupported (you have to directly copy the OT/nick hex of another pokemon for the time being

translation takes time, and usually things don't have official english names (translate/change again when real one is known)

I see. Thanks for the info.

  redroseradept said:
When importing a .pkm file from a 4th Generation game, the nature is reset to Hardy

If you're loading a generation 4 .pkm file with the target game set to Black/White, it's going to use the shiny leaf value to determine the nature. You need to switch the target game first. However, there are some things that need to be fixed regarding switching still.

Sometimes, when I set a 5th generation pokemon that was set to be hatched from an egg, and then if I reload its data, it's broken (the game displays the correct info though)

This definitely shouldn't be happening. I think I know what's causing it.

When the user clicks OK to set the found PID from the PID finder, the IVs, nature and such should be set automatically in the remaining editing screens (it's not at this moment)

The IVs are, but I don't remember if the nature is. As was mentioned, you have to select a PID before clicking OK. (I think it automatically selects the only available one if there's only one, however.)

There should be an option to set Either "Ability 1" or "Ability 2" in one of the editing screens (Unless the program does it automatically for you, I don't know if it does, except in the PID finder)

This distinction is determined by the PID. If you don't explicitly set a PID, you're generating an "illegal" Pokemon (or an egg), in which this ability value makes no difference anyway.

The "TAB" key in the Stat section Should make the cursor cycle through the IVs first, then through the EVs and then through the stats (at the moment, it cycles through IVs then EVs then stats for the same stat category)

I agree, but it's unfortunately not completely trivial to change this particular area. I'll do it eventually, I just don't know when.

In the OT/Misc, there should be a button that would insert the ID, SID and OT from the save file into the boxes

I think an option in the Pokemon icon menu to insert a copy of specific data would be more useful while still serving this purpose.

(I know this one is asking a lot) Translate the items and locations from Romaji for better ease of use.

This isn't something that's under my control. I don't know Japanese.

That is all I can report. Thanks for taking your time to develop this amazing utility.

I appreciate you taking the time to post as well. More people need to do so, especially with bug reports.

  Codr said:

This isn't something that's under my control. I don't know Japanese.

From the current B/W translation.


  Reveal hidden contents


  Reveal hidden contents


  Reveal hidden contents
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