Relyte Posted July 11, 2009 Posted July 11, 2009 I doubt that they'll include the Griseous Orb in HG/SS because it was a Torn World exclusive item which is definitely not in the original G/S/C I wonder, though, whether they will include the orbs at all... they seem like they were D/P/Pt exclusive, kind of like the Rotom formes. I can see the Gracidea being in HG/SS, especially if there's a store/town that specializes in berries or flowers (Azalea town, perhaps?) Perhaps Lati@s will be like the three birds in Plat and you will unlock them after unlocking the National Dex. At least, I'm hoping that if they're unlockable events, they'll be wifi mystery gift-unlockable like Rotom's formes in Plat. GF will probably include the forms creatively (or not...) in gen 5 due to popular demand. Eventually, though, they won't have enough room on the map for any plotline because it'll be full of forme-changing items
DanteKoriyu Posted July 12, 2009 Posted July 12, 2009 I'm not saying the orbs WILL be in HGSS, I'm just saying there are ways to include them if Gamefreak chooses to. And lets be honest, with Gamefreak, anything is possible. As for them being D/P/Pt exclusive along with the Rotom forms...of course they are. lol They are the only 4th Gen games out and the first to have them. they are always exclusive until another game includes them. =P I still say Celedon is more likely for the Gracidea. It'll be post National Dex, has a grass Gym Leader, it fits nicely IMO. As for the Latis, I'm pretty sure they will be unlocked after the Elite 4 (Post National Dex? Wasn't specified, may get National Dex without seeing all of Johto Dex) like Kyogre/Groudon, and will likely roam Kanto, since the Beasts will have Johto. Though if the Pokemon can skip between Kanto and Johto, though they shouldn't be able to, then this doesn't really matter. They won't be Mystery Gift events though. ---------------------- Pokemon Sunday has aired. They showed the Pokemon Racing, Red Gyarados (overworld and battle), and are supposedly showing Lugia as well as the Acreus event again next week. Will update with a few pictures, not by my, once my browser wants to work. has a great quality vid for all of the info though: Here Minigame, Pokemon Racing: Pokethlon Building and actual minigame(s). Red Gyarados: I love the new Gyarados sprite, LOVE it.
Relyte Posted July 12, 2009 Posted July 12, 2009 Holy neckbeards! That's a nice sprite! I speculate my team will include a red gyarados (I think I killed it in silver ) And did you notice that the Lapras that was standing..? It seems that GF is adding legs to pokemon where legs were never before. I wonder what they'll give Qwillfish. A tail like Spoink? I chose Azalea town because it has more of a grassy feel to it, kind of like Celadon seems more of a big city, though the grass-type gym leader is an attraction. Also, Floaroma, the place where you get the Gracidea (as far as I remember) is not post-E4 in Plat, though that may mean nothing in HG/SS. I wonder if Celebi is going to get a new forme? (I sincerely hope not)
DanteKoriyu Posted July 12, 2009 Posted July 12, 2009 I chose Celedon because Shaymin is not native to Johto, but MAY have an event in Kanto if Professor Oak's remark in the Sinnoh games about a white rock in Kanto is true. I don't know what you're talking about with Lapras having legs? It has two large front flippers and two tiny ones that look to be directly under the shell. Celebi? New form? I hope not. It's odd enough that Lugia and Ho-Oh supposedly have new abilities though.
Relyte Posted July 12, 2009 Posted July 12, 2009 I wonder if they mean new abilities instead of Pressure, which I think they're deserving of. Levitate? OH! I see it now. Sorry, thought that it was standing on the big flippers, not on all fours.
DanteKoriyu Posted July 12, 2009 Posted July 12, 2009 lol I dunno what they mean, but we may find out next week since Pokemon Sunday is supposed to be covering Lugia. Then again, CoroCoro could have the specific "ability" stated and the poster just didn't tell the specifics. If they do mean ability, I wonder if all the Lugia and Ho-Oh in HGSS will have the new one, or if it will be 50/50 like abilities and genders on other pokes. If they really do have new abilities though, Levitate s not the way to go. they are both part Flying. lol Maybe Drizzle and Drought? Lugia is said to be able to make it storm for 40 days and nights. lol I really dunno though, but we'll find out eventually. Oh, also note worthy. 2ch has said that the Red Gyarados supposedly has a special moveset including Fissure, as well as the ability Drizzle (Which is making it rain at the Lake of Rage). Dunno how truthful it is, take it with a grain of salt.
Dimi Posted July 12, 2009 Posted July 12, 2009 Omg! Omg! Omfg!!! The new Gyarados OW and battle sprites are so freakin epic! Althought the head looks a little big =/
Klaatu Posted July 12, 2009 Posted July 12, 2009 I wonder how these hidden abilities are going to work. Oh! Griseous Orb and Gracidea. When you give it to Giratina in Pt it changes it's forme, but also it's ability to levitate. They could do this for Lugia and Ho-oh with the Silver and Rainbow wing, but only changing the ability. Sadly that way those items would be untradeable again and the hidden abilities HGSS exclusive. Gyarados with Drizzle??? I'm beginning to think this will be a special Gyarados in the way Jagged ear Pichu is to normal Pichus.
derrick Posted July 12, 2009 Posted July 12, 2009 was the latis thing and the mewtwo thing confirmed?
DanteKoriyu Posted July 12, 2009 Posted July 12, 2009 I don't see why a feather the Pokemon lost would give it a new ability, but who knows. I do think they will be Key items though, so you can't GIVE them to the birds. Would be more like a Gracidea deal... And no, the Gyarados being supa special, as well as the Mewtwo and Latis have yet to be confirmed. I'm hoping for CoroCoro scans today since it will be Monday in Japan, but we may have to wait a few more days as CoroCoro isn't officially released till Wednesday in Japan.
InuYouki Posted July 12, 2009 Posted July 12, 2009 Official Smicial. I want me my scans now DX I can't wait to find out more info.
DanteKoriyu Posted July 13, 2009 Posted July 13, 2009 Hey I want the scans now too, but there's nothing I can do, and complaining doesn't help. lol
Guested Posted July 13, 2009 Author Posted July 13, 2009 Well, the scans are out... but they're ABSOLUTELY TERRIBLE digital camera snaps. It looks like they just focused on the screens and hardly any of the text pieces are full, so I can't completely read them. I think I'll just go buy this danged kids' comicbook on Friday so I can read it.
InuYouki Posted July 13, 2009 Posted July 13, 2009 Aww you know you want to read the comic book Guested x3 If you do though make sure you get us awesome pictures!
DanteKoriyu Posted July 13, 2009 Posted July 13, 2009 From the looks of things the Lugia and Ho-Oh having new abilities, and the Latis and Mewtwo being included is false for now... Though the other legends may still be included and just not in the scans as a surprise for the players. It'd be strange to leave just those three out of the non event Pokemon. Jagged Ear Pichu can also not be evolved or traded, so its a one of Pokemon for the game you are playing only.
InuYouki Posted July 13, 2009 Posted July 13, 2009 Can't be evolved or traded? So it is useless then. Not like it's evolved forms are much better, but still. One more thing to just shove in my box and forget
Achillyse Posted July 13, 2009 Posted July 13, 2009 Is Kanto definitely in the remakes? I was pleasantly surprised when the originals didn't end at the elite four!
InuYouki Posted July 13, 2009 Posted July 13, 2009 I was a little let down when I found out Kanto was in it, but both Johto and Kanto shared the same Pokemon League. I thought it would have been cooler for each region for have its own league. Maybe they can make up for that by having something special in Kanto?
DanteKoriyu Posted July 13, 2009 Posted July 13, 2009 Yes Kanto is in, people need to stop doubting this. It is a remake, and will include all the basic feature the originals had (except maybe Headbutt Trees, as all the screens where they should have been, no longer seem to have them.) It was obvious it would be in the moment the remakes were announced. Though if you want proof: Both the in game map and the drawn map show the routes that head towards the Pokemon league, which is IN Kanto. The drawn map also feature the route heading towards Viridian. The drawn map also has the Magnet Train, which with its shown route only has one other stop IN Kanto.
Relyte Posted July 14, 2009 Posted July 14, 2009 Well, not false yet, just unconfirmed I wonder if Jagged Ear Pichu is going to have abnormally good stats for a Pichu or if it will have just as ugly stats as the average Pichu
DanteKoriyu Posted July 14, 2009 Posted July 14, 2009 I would hope they make it a little more useful than other Pichu, but that can't be done just by moveset and nature alone. I could see it with a bit higher stats, but I dunno if they would go through all the trouble. Peems more like its supposed to be a "token" Pokemon more than anything. And yes this rumor of their inclusion was proven false for now, because the source of said rumor that got everyone's hopes up recently said that this months CoroCoro provided proof of their inclusion, which obviously was not the case. And as I said before, that isn't to say they won't be included in the final product, they are the last 3 non event Pokemon not available in the 4th generation, but we likely won't get any information to prove they are included until after the game comes out and a player unlocks whatever method is required to battle them, ala Platinum's Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres. I personally do hope that they are included, as I A.) would like to see a complete set of obtainable Pokemon all within one generation again, and I B.) love me some legendaries.
theSLAYER Posted July 14, 2009 Posted July 14, 2009 Well, Has anyone realised that they kind of released absolutely NOTHING ON KANTO!!! Perhaps there is something new there, That they are hiding from Japan (and to a lesser extent, the world). And yes, it seems that no more headbutting, Whirlpool unconfirmed. And is it me, Or I couldn't see mount silver on the Johto map (the new pokegear one), Cause I don't remember seeing it, As compared to the originals, which you could.
Shinypkm Posted July 14, 2009 Posted July 14, 2009 theSLAYER said: Well,Has anyone realised that they kind of released absolutely NOTHING ON KANTO!!! Perhaps there is something new there, That they are hiding from Japan (and to a lesser extent, the world). And yes, it seems that no more headbutting, Whirlpool unconfirmed. And is it me, Or I couldn't see mount silver on the Johto map (the new pokegear one), Cause I don't remember seeing it, As compared to the originals, which you could. I can see it, compare it to the original map - instead of being a "spot point/dot" or however you guys call those red dots on the map, it looks like the hillside of the mountain. And they probably will include Kanto - it was an important part of the plot, it was the only way you could catch the other badge, it was pretty much a half of the game and New Bark/Mt. Silver connect to the right side of the new map, so it know...lead to somewhere. It would also be a way too short game for DS without Kanto (it'll probably be too short even including Kanto, and they'll make some extra places).
Klaatu Posted July 14, 2009 Posted July 14, 2009 theSLAYER said: Well,Has anyone realised that they kind of released absolutely NOTHING ON KANTO!!! Perhaps there is something new there, That they are hiding from Japan (and to a lesser extent, the world). And yes, it seems that no more headbutting, Whirlpool unconfirmed. And is it me, Or I couldn't see mount silver on the Johto map (the new pokegear one), Cause I don't remember seeing it, As compared to the originals, which you could. LOL Whirlpool islands without Whirlpool would be stupid Mt. Silver is on the map, it's just (my assumption) that the route and place aren't shown yet, like if the player hasn't finished the game far enough. I mean like how Spring path and Moon islands in Sinnoh show up later on the map. Talking of unlockable places on the map, there will probably also be a route or blue square seen at the golden forest above Ecruteak, since it's the only thing that's shown and not being an ingame area (heck there's even whirlpools on the map around the islands and every of the 3 exits of Dark Cave to see)
PokeDaemon Posted July 14, 2009 Posted July 14, 2009 Serebii has some more information: The Pokéthlon features more minigames including a snowball fighting game called Shooting Snow and a sumo-wrestling game called Ring Out Fight. The Pokégear includes a Phone, Map, Radio, and an Itemfinder. One can also select two Key items instead of just one, they can be accessed by the touch screen. OK... No TV... Cool so... Pichu... will not evolve... There better be an incredibly well written explanation in the story as to why that is.
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