Mewtwo Ex Posted June 21, 2009 Posted June 21, 2009 It is good that you posted the URl. As for if it is going to be a Battle Tower, i think it would be a Frontier.
theSLAYER Posted June 21, 2009 Posted June 21, 2009 This is a speculation/idea. Does anyone remember if a certain pokemon has an ability in the team, it will attract pokemon or stuff blablabla, known as the overworld abilities right. Imagine if it's restricted to the first pokemon now (the one who follows), And if you tyranitar/kyogre/groudon, it changes the weather! Sounds pretty neat right!
DanteKoriyu Posted June 21, 2009 Posted June 21, 2009 theSLAYER said: This is a speculation/idea.Does anyone remember if a certain pokemon has an ability in the team, it will attract pokemon or stuff blablabla, known as the overworld abilities right. Imagine if it's restricted to the first pokemon now (the one who follows), And if you tyranitar/kyogre/groudon, it changes the weather! Sounds pretty neat right! Um, it has always been restricted to the first Pokemon in your party. I'm not big on the overworld weather changing though. If I did have a Tyranitar following be, I'd get VERY bored of the same old effect over and over again. Not to mention I'd feel bad for everyone else in the region having to deal with a sandstorm just because I let my Pokemon out of its ball. =P
theSLAYER Posted June 21, 2009 Posted June 21, 2009 DanteKoriyu said: Um, it has always been restricted to the first Pokemon in your party. I'm not big on the overworld weather changing though. If I did have a Tyranitar following be, I'd get VERY bored of the same old effect over and over again. Not to mention I'd feel bad for everyone else in the region having to deal with a sandstorm just because I let my Pokemon out of its ball. =P HAHA but at least you can make it snow with abomasnow or stuff I'm sure anyone will be bored of the same effect though
Mewtwo Ex Posted June 21, 2009 Posted June 21, 2009 DanteKoriyu said: Um, it has always been restricted to the first Pokemon in your party. I'm not big on the overworld weather changing though. If I did have a Tyranitar following be, I'd get VERY bored of the same old effect over and over again. Not to mention I'd feel bad for everyone else in the region having to deal with a sandstorm just because I let my Pokemon out of its ball. =P This about the weather sounds plausible. It just might be in the game. As for caring about people caught in the Blizzard/Drought/Drizzle/Sandstorm, i do not care much for them. At all.:mad: Not my problem for having captured titans before destroying the planet.:grog: As for getting bored, that is the price for having a weather changing Pokemon.
Dimi Posted June 21, 2009 Posted June 21, 2009 Is it me, or does the area northwest of Cianwood look like a Safari Zone or something similar?
Klaatu Posted June 21, 2009 Posted June 21, 2009 To me it looks extremely like it has something to do with the pokewalker.
Relyte Posted June 22, 2009 Posted June 22, 2009 Wouldn't they just put the data for the pokewalker on the Pokewalker itself, not ingame? I think that it looks more like either another PalPark or a Safari Zone (but they already have National Park and possibly the Safari Zone itself, so I doubt it's another Safari Zone)
Mango Posted June 22, 2009 Posted June 22, 2009 I received a visit from Roark in the Resort Area (Platinum Villa) today. He said this: "Roark: The Underground extends even underneath the Resort Area. I wonder... If I really tried, would I be able to extend it to even places like Kanto and Johto?" Therefore, I speculate that Roark "really tries" and Nintendo stuffs an underground under Kanto and Johto. Maybe related to the Goldenrod Underground?!
Klaatu Posted June 22, 2009 Posted June 22, 2009 Relyte said: Wouldn't they just put the data for the pokewalker on the Pokewalker itself, not ingame?I think that it looks more like either another PalPark or a Safari Zone (but they already have National Park and possibly the Safari Zone itself, so I doubt it's another Safari Zone) They wouldn't make a new area for those as there already are 2 suiting areas. And besides, those never look so square-like and ordered. The idea is that unlocking new courses (or whatever) on the Pokéwalker would also give you access to these square places in the games, where you could maybe catch rare Pokémon or whatever. Or it could also/just be the place where the NPCs are for transfering Pokémon to the Pokéwalker.
Mango Posted June 22, 2009 Posted June 22, 2009 I think that it is something entirely new and exciting. Like the Sevii Islands in FR/LG. NPCs for the Pokewalker? Nah, just stuff those in any old Pokemon Center.
Relyte Posted June 22, 2009 Posted June 22, 2009 Ugh, not another underground... hopefully they polish it up a little more if they make it in HG/SS Maybe those squares are racing minigames/other minigames in HGSS, not even related to the pokewalker. And didn't they announce that the pokewalker was going to connect to the DS by wifi? Because if it does, why would they need ingame NPCs instead of another menu at the start screen?
Guested Posted June 22, 2009 Author Posted June 22, 2009 I hope there ISN'T an Underground. I'd rather see REAL secret bases like in RSE that are still in the main overworld after you've mixed record with your buddies, rather than one that is only in the barren underground when you're both playing together, next to each other.
Mewtwo Ex Posted June 22, 2009 Posted June 22, 2009 I would much rather have secret bases in the overworld but alas too many clues hint it in Johto...
InuYouki Posted June 22, 2009 Posted June 22, 2009 Am I the only one who liked the underground ^^; Anyway, it does seem like they could have an underground in HG/SS and I really hope they do. BUT that being said, I hope they move the bases back to the overworld too. The bases being underground is stupid >.>
Guested Posted June 22, 2009 Author Posted June 22, 2009 I like the Underground, but yeah I feel the same way as you. Underground is fine, but I'd prefer secret bases to be top-side.
Neo Posted June 22, 2009 Posted June 22, 2009 FLOOTENKERP said: Hm, maybe the flying Pokémon will do the same thing the Farfetched did in the game. Maybe all it will do is just walk and not follow you by flying. What I'm wondering is how you will set the Pokémon to follow you. Id say just go to your party, Click the Pokemon and click just say: Set to follow
Toffeuy Posted June 23, 2009 Posted June 23, 2009 (edited) So is there 493 Pokemon in the HGSS Pokedex? Because GS only had 251 Pokemon. But an in-game event will be unlocked when the event Jirachi is sent to the game. And Jirachi's Pokedex No. is 385 (Past 251). Also, Arceus' Pokedex No. is 493 (Past 251 as well). Edited June 25, 2009 by Toffeuy Was missing Arceus Info
Relyte Posted June 23, 2009 Posted June 23, 2009 I think that they'll do something like what they did in DPPt and make a Johto Dex that, once you see all the pokemon in it, Professor Elm will give you the National Dex. I think that, for that Jirachi, it will just have ??? as its Dex number if you don't have the National Dex. That or you can't trade pokemon that are not in the Johto Dex until you have the National Dex.
Delta Blast Burn Posted June 23, 2009 Posted June 23, 2009 Toffeuy said: So is there 493 Pokemon in the HGSS Pokedex? Because GS only had 251 Pokemon. But an in-game event will be unlocked when the event Jirachi is sent to the game. And Jirachi's Pokedex No. is 385 (Past 251). There Will Be Two Seperate Dexes National And Regional Just Like In RSE & DPPt
PaDdY! Posted June 23, 2009 Posted June 23, 2009 InuYouki said: Am I the only one who liked the underground ^^;Anyway, it does seem like they could have an underground in HG/SS and I really hope they do. BUT that being said, I hope they move the bases back to the overworld too. The bases being underground is stupid >.> without underground bases, there wouldnt be any flags! 'GASPS'
Guested Posted June 23, 2009 Author Posted June 23, 2009 I seriously hope the dex system follows DPP and not FRLG. If HGSS uses the original Johto Dex, then there are many pokemon who have evolutions now that didn't then. In FRLG when such a Pokemon was going to evolve into one that wasn't in the original 150, it would stop evolving. But this isn't the case for DPP with Pokemon who evolve into something outside of the Sinnoh dex. So... I hope it goes like DPP instead of FRLG.
Klaatu Posted June 23, 2009 Posted June 23, 2009 Guested said: I seriously hope the dex system follows DPP and not FRLG.If HGSS uses the original Johto Dex, then there are many pokemon who have evolutions now that didn't then. In FRLG when such a Pokemon was going to evolve into one that wasn't in the original 150, it would stop evolving. But this isn't the case for DPP with Pokemon who evolve into something outside of the Sinnoh dex. So... I hope it goes like DPP instead of FRLG. It will most likely be the 251 dex. (we have at least proof for the first 50 or so ) Sinnoh exclusive evolution caused by it's different climate, on known Pokemon, won't be in. There will be no Ice rock or such, neither will Pokemon like Yanma learn Ancientpower @ lv.33. Those are evolutions that were first discovered in Sinnoh! Because they only happen there (and by items first discovered there). Else they would have occured in Kanto/Johto already. No need for "huh it stopped evolving....", as the triggers can easily be let out so it doesn't even go to the evolution screen. I wonder though at what point we will get the national dex. And with what requirements o_o
Guested Posted June 23, 2009 Author Posted June 23, 2009 What you say is true, but if I remember correctly... If I traded a Mudkip to FRLG and it reached the proper level, it would stop evolving if I didn't have the National Dex. And what about the Dusk Stone? You could say that it couldn't be found in-game until after the Nat. Dex, but it could always be traded over with a Pokemon. There's a lot of possibilities for evolutions to find there way through, so that's why I'm hoping they don't implement the FRLG evolution restrictions.
DanteKoriyu Posted June 23, 2009 Posted June 23, 2009 Klaatu said: It will most likely be the 251 dex. (we have at least proof for the first 50 or so )Sinnoh exclusive evolution caused by it's different climate, on known Pokemon, won't be in. There will be no Ice rock or such, neither will Pokemon like Yanma learn Ancientpower @ lv.33. Those are evolutions that were first discovered in Sinnoh! Because they only happen there (and by items first discovered there). Else they would have occured in Kanto/Johto already. No need for "huh it stopped evolving....", as the triggers can easily be let out so it doesn't even go to the evolution screen. I wonder though at what point we will get the national dex. And with what requirements o_o Lickitung could learn rollout before Gen 4, but we still didn't have a LickiLicky. =P Needless to say, the system has its flaws and not everything can be perfect. I assume the dex will be the original 251 Johto Dex, but unlike FRLG, they won't stop you from evolving your Pokemon if they have an evolution. Granted I'm not saying they will GIVE you a Dusk Stone to evolve you Murkrow pre-National Dex, but they just won't prevent evolution if you happen to obtain one from a trade. I mean, from the looks of things, its not like you can't trade with DPPt right off the bat. They're promoting trading the Arceus, Jirachi and Pikachu-Colored Pichu to HGSS, so I don't see why they would restrict you from the beginning.
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