Guested Posted May 9, 2009 Posted May 9, 2009 (edited) Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver Speculation Thread Please use this thread to discuss possibilities of things that you think might or might not be in HeartGold and SoulSilver. Please make a note of confirmed information in the thread here: Some information from GSC: Regarding Pokémon availability: The game will most likely use the Johto Pokédex which included all 251 known Pokémon at that time. However, not all of them were available to be caught in the games. Unobtainable Pokémon in Pokémon Gold: Reveal hidden contents [icon]023[/icon]Ekans - available in DPP via FireRed dual-slot method [icon]024[/icon]Arbok - available in DPP Great Marsh via FireRed dual-slot method [icon]037[/icon]Vulpix - available in DPP via LeafGreen dual-slot method [icon]038[/icon]Ninetales - has only ever been available through evolution [icon]052[/icon]Meowth - available in DPP as daily Trophy Garden appearance [icon]053[/icon]Persian - only available in Gen IV through evolution [icon]165[/icon]Ledyba - only available in Gen IV through breeding [icon]166[/icon]Ledian - found on Route 229 (after Nat Dex, of course) in the morning [icon]225[/icon]Delibird - available in DPP through swarms [icon]227[/icon]Skarmory - found on Route 227 and Stark Mt in DPP [icon]231[/icon]Phanpy - available in DPP through swarms [icon]232[/icon]Donphan - has only been available through evolution in Gen III and IV Unobtainable Pokémon in Pokémon Silver Reveal hidden contents [icon]027[/icon]Sandshrew - available in DPP via LeafGreen dual-slot method [icon]028[/icon]Sandslash - available in DPP via LeafGreen dual-slot method [icon]058[/icon]Growlithe - available in DPP via FireRed dual-slot method [icon]059[/icon]Arcanine - has only ever been available through evolution [icon]056[/icon]Mankey - available in DPP via PokeRadar [icon]057[/icon]Primeape - available in DPP via PokeRadar [icon]167[/icon]Spinarak - only availble in Gen IV through breeding [icon]168[/icon]Ariados - found on Route 229 (after Nat Dex, of course) in the night [icon]207[/icon]Gligar - available in DP via Emerald dongle method, also included in Platinum Sinnoh Dex [icon]216[/icon]Teddiursa - available in DPP via Emerald dual-slot method [icon]217[/icon]Ursaring - available in DPP via Emerald dual-slot method [icon]226[/icon]Mantine - only available in Gen IV through evolution It's also possible that the Pokemon included in the Johto Dex who now have new evolutions from Gen 3 or 4 could see those evolutions present in the new games and possibly a newer version of the Johto Dex. Or perhaps they won't be, like FR/LG? What do you think? Pokemon that have been introduced in Gen III or IV that evolve from or into a Johto Dex Pokemon: Reveal hidden contents New evolutions [icon]468[/icon]Togekiss [icon]469[/icon]Yanmega [icon]462[/icon]Magnezone [icon]424[/icon]Ambipom [icon]467[/icon]Magmortar [icon]466[/icon]Electivire [icon]463[/icon]Lickilicky [icon]465[/icon]Tangrowth [icon]471[/icon]Glaceon [icon]470[/icon]Leafeon [icon]472[/icon]Gliscor [icon]473[/icon]Mamoswine [icon]464[/icon]Rhyperior [icon]430[/icon]Honchkrow [icon]461[/icon]Weavile [icon]429[/icon]Mismagius [icon]474[/icon]Porygon-Z New pre-evolutions [icon]438[/icon]Bonsly [icon]360[/icon]Wynaut [icon]298[/icon]Azurill [icon]439[/icon]Mime Jr. [icon]458[/icon]Mantyke [icon]440[/icon]Happiny Despite being able to travel to Kanto, these Pokemon were unavailable: Reveal hidden contents [icon]001[/icon]Bulbasaur - starter in Gen III FRLG, not available in Gen IV [icon]002[/icon]Ivysaur [icon]003[/icon]Venusaur [icon]004[/icon]Charmander - starter in Gen III, not available in Gen IV [icon]005[/icon]Charmeleon [icon]006[/icon]Charizard [icon]007[/icon]Squirtle - starter in Gen III, not available in Gen IV [icon]008[/icon]Wartortle [icon]009[/icon]Blastoise [icon]138[/icon]Omanyte - fossil can be obtained in DPP Underground [icon]139[/icon]Omastar - has only ever been available through evolution [icon]140[/icon]Kabuto - fossil can be obtained in DPP Underground [icon]141[/icon]Kabutops - has only ever been available through evolution [icon]144[/icon]Articuno - roams in Platinum after obtaining National Dex [icon]145[/icon]Zapdos - roams in Platinum after obtaining National Dex [icon]146[/icon]Moltres - roams in Platinum after obtaining National Dex [icon]150[/icon]Mewtwo - available in Gen III FRLG, not available in Gen IV [icon]151[/icon]Mew - event Out of these listed Kanto Pokemon, the fossil Pokemon are able to be found in the Underground in DPP, the three legendary birds are found in Platinum, but the starters are only obtainable by migration from FRLG and Mewtwo/Mew are not available in a 4th Gen game yet. Also, Celebi was obtainable through an item-activated event in the Japanese version, but not American. Therefore, it could be possible that a Celebi event could be in the new games. Perhaps with a GS Ball event similar to the Member's Card or Oak's Letter. What do you think about the Kanto starters and Mew/Mewtwo? Do you think there could be something similar to Birch giving you a Johto starter in Emerald? Or perhaps an item-activated event for Mewtwo in the Cerulean Cave? Legendary Pokemon in GS: Reveal hidden contents [icon]244[/icon]Entei [icon]243[/icon]Raikou [icon]245[/icon]Suicune These three Legendary Pokemon were catchable in GS after encountering them in the Brass (burned-down) Tower in Ecruteak. After this event, they could be found randomly roaming routes in Johto. All three were available in Gen III's Colosseum, one was available in each playthrough of FR or LG. None have been available in Gen IV. [icon]250[/icon]Ho-oh [icon]249[/icon]Lugia Ho-oh is obviously the Gold mascot, and Lugia the Silver. You could catch your version's mascot by getting the Rainbow or Silver feather (found at the Johto Radio Tower), respectively. You could catch the opposite mascot after obtaining the proper feather in Pewter City later in the game. Lugia is in the Whirl Islands, Ho-oh is in the Tin Tower in Ecruteak. Both were available in Gen III. Ho-oh was available after completing Mt. Battle in Colosseum, Lugia was available in the storyline of . Neither have been available in Gen IV so far. I think it's safe to say that the Regi-trio Pokemon will not be included in these versions since they were already in Platinum (as well as obviously being in RSE). Obtainable Pokemon through in-game gifts Reveal hidden contents [icon]175[/icon]Togepi - You can get an egg from a scientist in Violet City after the 1st Gym [icon]130[/icon]Red Gyarados - the Red Gyarados can be found at the Lake of Rage and is a part of the story [icon]131[/icon]Lapras - Lapras can be found in a cave near Violet City, but only on Fridays [icon]236[/icon]Tyrogue - You could get Tyrogue from a Karate trainer near Ecruteak [icon]133[/icon]Eevee - Bill will give you an Eevee at his house in Goldenrod after you've met him in the neighboring city [icon]213[/icon]Shuckle - You can get Shuckle from a guy in Olivine Rumors: * N/A ATM Keep in mind this thread is purely for speculation as we have no actual information to go on. What do you think about this? Do you think other Pokemon will be included? Do you think Kanto will be included (or do you think it will be cut since it already appeared in FR/LG)? Do you think more of Kanto's Pokemon will be available? Do you think Kanto will be the same size? Bigger/more in-depth than in GS? What kind of legendary/event Pokemon do you think will be in the game? What kind of Pokemon do you think we'll get through item-activated events (such as Darkrai, Shaymin and Arceus)? Do you think we'll see ways to obtain Mewtwo, Mew, Celebi or even Jirachi's first in-game obtainable appearance? What other aspects of the game do you think will be included? Or what do you think will be cut from the original release of GS? I'm personally really hoping to see something like the Battleground from Platinum where you'd be able to re-battle the characters from GS such as the Johto and Kanto Gym leaders (and maybe even Red, if he comes out of his cave...). Let's talk about it. Edited September 6, 2009 by Guested moved confirmed info
pokemonfan Posted May 9, 2009 Posted May 9, 2009 I'm just hoping for more obtainable legendaries (without events) because I'm tired of cheating for the legendaries I get. One of the reasons I'm trying to buy all the pokemon games and eventually get all of those legendaries up to platinum.
wraith89 Posted May 9, 2009 Posted May 9, 2009 Perhaps they'll release an event to get Celebi eventually. What we need is an expanded Johto and Kanto... Kanto was terribly short in GSC and limited. Also, GSC's difficulty was VERY easy... highest level Pokemon being a level 51 Golbat (without counting legendaries) and the E4's strongest Pokemon being a level 50 Dragonite. Pathetic :-/ Maybe a difficulty setting like The Fallen's suggestion might do? I wish they had something like that... GSC felt n00bified. Also, I'm hoping Mismagius and Honchkrow are available before beating the game and whatnot because although the former was great even if unevolved, the latter's unevolved form was quite unimpressive.
HottSushiz Posted May 9, 2009 Posted May 9, 2009 As long as either Scizor, Weavile, or Lucario is obtainable, I'm semi-happy, I'm quite depressed looking at the fact your unable to obtain either Mew, or Mewtwo, which is a downside. I really can't wait for this game, because when it was originally released, i was only a little kid, that was too retarded to let turn based games enter my life.....until i played Golden Sun, then that changed my perspective.
Guested Posted May 9, 2009 Author Posted May 9, 2009 HottSushiz said: As long as either Scizor, Weavile, or Lucario is obtainable, I'm semi-happy, I'm quite depressed looking at the fact your unable to obtain either Mew, or Mewtwo, which is a downside. Scizor and Weavile might be, since they are evolutions of Scyther and Sneasel. But I don't see why they would put in Lucario, other than for its popularity. It obviously wasn't in Johto. The lists I posted were from the original versions on the GameBoy. There's no final word yet on whether Mewtwo will be obtainable or not, but... who knows, it could really go either way.
Greencat Posted May 9, 2009 Posted May 9, 2009 Possibly big graphic/technology updates. Like, instead of a train, you see a Monorail and you travel throughout the city (The station in Golden Rod) into Saffron (I believe). That would be neat. I really hope it's as vibrant as Platinum if not more. Getting rid of the radio and making it an MP3 player would be nice too.
Guested Posted May 9, 2009 Author Posted May 9, 2009 Greencat said: Possibly big graphic/technology updates. Like, instead of a train, you see a Monorail and you travel throughout the city (The station in Golden Rod) into Saffron (I believe). Actually, that's supposed to be the Shinkansen that goes from Tokyo to Kyoto, so... it won't be a monorail, but maybe they'll update it to look a little faster.
InuYouki Posted May 9, 2009 Posted May 9, 2009 What I would like to see would be separate Pokemon Leagues. Every Region has had its own Pokemon League except Jhoto which shared a League with Kanto. Having two separate Leagues to beat would add more to the story IMO. As far as what pokemon they will have I am sure you will be able to get all of them, but most likely it will be like FR/LG where you start with the basic Pokedex you had in the Original and then upgrade it later. Honestly, I would prefer it that way. I loved how they did that with FR/LG because it really gave you the feel of the original, but more zazzy.
derrick Posted May 9, 2009 Posted May 9, 2009 well i hopeing celebii will be in it (most likely will) and it would be cool to get him the same way like in crystal and i didnt think about jurichi possably the white rock professor oak mentiond in platinum could have some thing to do with it but then again it could just be another shaymin you know like how they but deoxys and lugia and ho-oh in firered and leaf green and emerald a gs ball event would be cool! i wonder if the rotom formes will be in this game i hope they are and giratinas two cause there not trade able so how would you get them?
xeomyr Posted May 9, 2009 Posted May 9, 2009 Greencat said: Possibly big graphic/technology updates. Like, instead of a train, you see a Monorail and you travel throughout the city (The station in Golden Rod) into Saffron (I believe). That would be neat. I really hope it's as vibrant as Platinum if not more. Getting rid of the radio and making it an MP3 player would be nice too. LOL .. then i want a plane in the game and travel johto from the sky XD ... anyway ... i haven't played G/S/C .. so many people said that this game is the best pokemon series ever ... why?? coz' diamond/pearl 's already good for me ... and platinum is the best for now ( not counting the bugs in GTS =_= )
derrick Posted May 9, 2009 Posted May 9, 2009 well if theres a plane then there might be latios in lotios in it two because in emerald people said they flew in trough plan and saw two werd pokemon and i found out it was latios and laitas it would be cool to get new sprites of them and stuff but i highly doubt they will be in the games ---------- Post added at 12:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:58 AM ---------- and you might possabley see people from other regions in it if theres a plane in it which would open up more possableitys of other regions makeing it to ds like the ora region from or some thing ---------- Post added at 12:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:00 PM ---------- i was thinking the red garydose what was its part in the story in the old versons? thats one of the few things i dont know about them and i wonder if it will be in the new ones
derrick Posted May 9, 2009 Posted May 9, 2009 me two who dosent want a legal celebii besides some one who hates them
Neo Posted May 9, 2009 Posted May 9, 2009 Discuss what new features they might include in the game. New radio? New Transport System? Discuss it here! I think they might add MP3 support for the DSi, Make that its exclusive feature.
wraith89 Posted May 9, 2009 Posted May 9, 2009 A fairly obvious Battle Tower-esque place (maybe that building in Vermilion City will get completed... really, that man has been constructing that building for THREE YEARS and it's still not done!)
4evil Posted May 9, 2009 Posted May 9, 2009 they probably mightdo a GS ball event when it comes out to encourage people to buy it to get celebi?
4evil Posted May 9, 2009 Posted May 9, 2009 Some dsi exclusive features because i hate asking my friends to use their ds to pal park everytime.
HottSushiz Posted May 9, 2009 Posted May 9, 2009 I don't really expect any changes, i hope not, unless it's a really significant change, that would make the game more enjoyable, like Pokemon Platinum had faster Surfing capabilities, and that made getting from the 8th Gym Leader, to the Elite 4, a lot more easier, and faster.
randomspot555 Posted May 10, 2009 Posted May 10, 2009 Honestly, I think Johto was kind of barren. And that's why Kanto was such an appeal. Even though it was essentially a ghost town, it's often cited as the best part of the game. So I think they'll expand Johto and maybe add a bit more plot (but it won't be different). Then probably add "Kanto Island" or something like that to have a nice Battle Frontier and a bunch of wild Kanto animals. But I don't think it'll be as massive as Plat. Anyways, since this and the speculation thread are basically the same. I'm going to merge them.
Destati Posted May 10, 2009 Posted May 10, 2009 Orange Islands -> Battle Frontier Eh? eh? Johto felt barren because... It was an old game. Much like FF4 on the SNES, it would have been difficult, if not impossible to have as many environments as Gamefreak desired. Erctreuk should appear more like a shrine in Kyoto while Olivine should be built more like the great port city its fashioned after (Kobe).
SwitzaHouse Posted May 10, 2009 Posted May 10, 2009 The game is bound to have something new, I'm hoping more on the Kanto side of things. I'm sure there will be an island or something being that there's Vermilion City and all, it would be cool to have an updated Sevii Islands too. Still, this being my favorite PKMN game it's a definite buy. Johto had it all, it introduced almost every major feature in PKMN today.
Guested Posted May 10, 2009 Author Posted May 10, 2009 I'm thinking that the Radio function on the Pokegear will be replaced with a TV. And that the radio towers (in Johto and Kanto) will be TV tours. And that the pokegear itself will more closely resemble a cell phone. Since 10 years ago, cell phone usage has exploded in Japan (and everywhere), and the major broadcasting towers in Japan are now mainly Digital (and analog) TV towers. And most people can pick up these digital broadcasts with the digital tuner on their cell phones and watch TV anywhere they're within range. People can even watch TV on their DS if they buy the tuner package. The only people with portable radios these days in Japan are old people. So that's my prediction.
Greencat Posted May 10, 2009 Posted May 10, 2009 I really want them to utilize 3D effects GSC had more cities with tall building/structures than the rest. Hopefully boat rides too instead of using Surf. Like, you control the boat, don't have to encounter Pokemon, but for a small fee.
psyce Posted May 10, 2009 Posted May 10, 2009 Come on. You can easily bet Nintendo is gonna want to earn loads off a remake too. Maybe it's possible that there'll be a ZCrystal to go along with an XGold and YSilver? What say?
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