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Everything posted by psyce

  1. Heart Gold sounds kinda girly (Reminds me of Sailor Moon. Nuff said.) 'Soul Silver' sounds better and reminds me of Sesshoumaru...So, I'll be getting Soul Silver. *nods* Then I'll use cheats and obtain all the HG specific pokemon. Mu-ha-ha-ha! (In my opinion, we don't need versions of the games. It's just a trick used by Nintendo to double sales.)
  2. Yeah. But the plot will probably be the same. Except for a few minor changes and maybe Team Galactic will make a joint venture with Team Rocket towards the end or something. But it could be likely that a trio-game will be launched. Of course, FR/LG didn't have a third version. But you can never know with Nintendo.
  3. Come on. You can easily bet Nintendo is gonna want to earn loads off a remake too. Maybe it's possible that there'll be a ZCrystal to go along with an XGold and YSilver? What say?
  4. Leaving the first gen aside(Simply because I'd choose all the first gen starters any day), the best Grass I like is Sceptile, best fire is Infernape(Empoleon is good but Infernape kicks @$$) and the best water would be Feraligatr!
  5. Maybe they were them themselves before the tower burnt down. But the Eeveelution thing sounds good too.
  6. Thankyou so much.
  7. For Platinum. Sorry I forgot.
  8. Ok, I have a pokemon request to make. I couldn't find any place where the spoiler BBcode was mentioned so here are the 4 pokes for which I require a code. OT name = PSYCE OT number = 19321 1)Shiny Garchomp Nature: Jolly Ability : Sand Viel EV = 252 Atk/4 Def/252 Spd Stone Edge Dragon Claw Earthquake Fire Fang 2) Metagross Nature : Adamant Ability: Clear Body EV = 252 Atk/4 Sp.Def/252 Def Explosion Zen Headbutt Meteor Mash Brick Break 3)Shiny Spiritomb Nature : Modest Ability : Pressure Ev 252 Sp.Atk./4 HP/252 Sp.Def Dark Pulse Psychic Shadow Ball Shock Wave 4)Shiny Spiritomb Nature : Modest Ability : Wonderguard Ev 252 Sp.Atk./4 HP/252 Sp.Def Dark Pulse Psychic Shadow Ball Shock Wave
  9. Wow. I have a LOT of suggestions. 1) I hate the whole 'complete the pokedex' quest. I think that once you see a pokemon, it should be registered in the pokedex. As in, I should get all info of the pokemon without having to catch it. Also, pokes seen in the Battle Frontier should be recorded too. 2) For catching a pokemon, I believe one should be able to catch them after fainting them. What do fainted pokes do? Dissapear into thin air? Geez. 3) Elite Four Champions should start acknowledging I am fighting them for the 2nd time! I hate feeling like a stranger when they already know me. 4) Random challenges from randomly generated Cool Trainers so that I get a chance to defend my title as the Pokemon Champion instead of losing it to Cynthia every time I defeat her. 5) Not having to deal with stupid $h** while trying to catch good pokes like Feebas and stuff. 6) Have a better storyline than an evil Team trying to take over the world. 7) All pokemon catchable instead of 'only one starter' or 'version exclusive'. Have only one version! Nobody wants to buy three friggen games. 8) Introduce a PC version. I hate the small screen of a stupid console. 9) All HMs should be friggen powerful or at least of some use in competitive battling. After all, they're HIDDEN MACHINES! People hide powerful stuff. Not annoying stuff to teach to HM slaves. 10) I agree with Jesus Christ above me. And that is just the start of a veerrryyyy long list.
  10. I tried finding them but I didn't get any. I want the one for Pokemon Platinum (Pokesav cheats and non-pokesav too) There wasn't a help forum so I posted here. PM me.
  11. It didn't work. And what I'd do is use vitamins and stuff to EV train and use super exp to train and evolve till level 50 or summat (it'd take around 10 minutes) and then use the mega-exp to get till level 100. I used 'R' button but it didn't work. Could you please help?
  12. I always use luxury balls with the catch rate cheat. !
  13. None of the 'super' exp crap which gives only a few tens of thousands as exp. I want the real deal. Unlimited exp till I let go of 'R' stretching it on till level 100. You know, like the code as follows does in emerald. 43D8AC45 0D3B349A 3DC869E3 D39C09B2
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