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ROM hacks

Section for patches of ROM hacks.

Please note that as per our site guidelines, posting or linking to ROMs, nor posting files directly from ROMs (like files for LayeredFS etc) is strictly forbidden, and breaking will lead do infractions and removal of those uploads.

To reiterate:


Should you need to share an edited ROM with others, you must use a patch file; linking to or uploading a ROM, even if it has been edited, is strictly forbidden.



38 files

  1. Pokemon Colosseum and XD: Sketch Version

    Pokémon Colosseum and XD where you can only use Smeargles. Simple has that. But why play this hack instead of using Smeargles in the base game?
    First, the Smeargles are given to you and/or have to be captured, so you don't need any external software to put them in your team.
    Second, que Smeargles have edited stats. The goal of these hacks is to beat the game taking moves from enemies, not grinding. After testing this myself, I think I got the sweetspot for the new stats, where they aren't that great but they aren't trash.
    -You can only use Smeargles. Shadow Pokémon have a stupid low catch rate, and wild Pokémon don't appear in XD. You'll get a Master Ball in Colosseum, but you'll get something else in XD.
    -Smeargles are slightly improved to minimize level grinding. Their new stats are 55/55/55/55/55/75. Their ability is now Trace.
    -Miror B. won't appear for rematches, since you can't capture the Shadow Pokémon anyway.
    -Very few text changes to adapt the changes.
    -Custom banner.
    - *.xdelta file and the software needed to path your iso.
    Check out my other hacks:


       (1 review)



  2. Pokemon XD: Groovy Version

    Pokémon XD is a fine game, but it would be better with dancing Pokémon. Introducing the first XD hack with custom music: Pokémon XD: Groovy Version, a hack where you can feel like Miror B. (more or less). Every usable Pokémon has animations that resemble dancing, or fits Miror B. in some way or another.
    -Custom music (mostly in combat).
    -Changes done to some Pokémon.
    -Every trainer is changed in some way, specially bosses.
    -Only the grooviest Pokémon are obtainable.
    -Make a full party of Ludicolos.
    -Some text is adapted to the changes.
    -Custom title screen and banner.
    - *.xdelta file and the software needed to path your iso.
    Known bugs:
    -The music loops aren't perfect.
    -Eldes has his Shadow Pokémon duplicated.
    -Duking doesn't take your Trapinch for the trade.
    -The Shadow Monitor has mutiple empty Torchic entries.
    -Zook's battle doesn't have the intended music.
    Custom Music list:
    List of changes to the Pokémon
    Check out my other hacks:


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  3. Pokemon Shattered Silver

    Despite being known for housing some awful Pokemon, HGSS gives you a lot of overpowered Pokemon Like Gyarados, Alakazam, Crobat, Etc. But What if all of those were taken away. They player can now can only find awful Pokemon that do not ever get used like Parasect and Furret. Most evolutions were removed, so the player can still find Pokemon like Ralts, Tentacool, and Metang, Although they will not be able to reach their full potential. Shattered Silver, Inspired by Pokemon Challenge's Emerald Trashlocke, attempts to make the game harder mostly by handicapping the player. The bosses are slightly improved, but not by much. This game also bans effort values, Limit's the Power Points of set up moves, Bans Game corner, Bans Department Store TM's. The only change to the level curve for any hardcore nuzlockers is Pryce's highest level has been raised up to Level 38. This game only has the main story, So no Kanto because it makes no sense to balance it properly.

    Tools Used:
    PokerandoZX: Ajarmar
    PokEditor: TurtleIsacc
    DSPRE 1.6: Ad Astra
    HxD: Nexus
    Tinke: Pleonex
    DsPokemonEditor: JackHack
    The inspiration to make this: Mike the Entei, Pokemon Challenges


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  4. Pokemon Rumble: Weekend Edition

    This is a mod of Pokemon Rumble (Wii) that was made for the shiny hunting community event Rumble Weekend! The original Pokemon Rumble contains only the 1st and 4th gen Pokemon, but this mod reintroduces the 2nd & 3rd gen Pokemon (and their shinies) to the game in a new terminal known as "GX"! The layer of fog on all stages has also been removed, and the collection screen has been updated to support all 493 available Pokemon!

    The original base game also remains fully intact in order to preserve the rarity of certain Pokemon.
    Included are 3 bps patches to be applied to a USA version of Pokemon Rumble to get you into GX! Due to slight differences in dumps of the games out there, there were 3 patches made to ensure it works. (details on how to obtain the original game obviously not provided)

    This is fully cross-compatible with save files from the original Pokemon Rumble (USA natively, PAL/JP with some additional steps detailed in the FAQ doc linked below), and it can be installed on actual hardware via homebrew. This patch currently ONLY works with the USA version of the game due to slight scripting/file structure differences that exist in the JP/PAL versions of the game, so if you want to play it on a Japanese or PAL Wii, you will need to do some region changing upon installation with homebrew.

    This mod is still very much a work-in-progress, and for full details on what's available/what is planned for the future, read the readme file inside the zip folder!

    There is now a document with frequently asked questions and answers! I hope to continue updating this as I keep updating the game!


       (10 reviews)



  5. SWSH - Pokédex BG Color Patch

    Original Creator:
    XLuma (blue and green)

    Additional modifications:
    theSLAYER (utilized XLuma's work as a basis, to add: red, cyan and white)

    To be used as some sort of green screen, easier to make the background transparent, for screenshots or videos.
    Or perhaps as meme templates.
    Other colors were added, for reasons such as dealing with transparency, the color existing on the Pokémon's body etc.

    You need to have Switch CFW to use this patch. The ability to read and follow instructions closely. (Optional but would do you some good):  Have some sort of understanding (even if it's very little) of how to use LayeredFS.
    1. Dump the game.
    2. Extract the content from RomFS
    3. Go to romfs/bin/appli/pokedex/bin/ to obtain a copy of pokedex_bg.arc (MD-5: 1DCBF031EE67BA2843A51E0BF2808E30)
    4. Select the Pokedex_bg_(color)_patch.xdelta of your choosing, and download it.
    5. Now, use the program Xdelta to apply the patch to the file obtained in step 3. This will give you a patched file.
    6. Now, create a directory like this in your atmosphere/contents/0100ABF008968000 (for Sword) or atmosphere/contents/01008DB008C2C000 (for Shield)
    folder: romfs/bin/appli/pokedex/bin/
    7. Paste the patched file into that directory.
    8. Rename the patched file in the directory to pokedex_bg.arc
    9. Boot your Switch and play the game.
    We will not provide any files beyond what we've already provided, as any already patched files would contain content from files from within ROMs, which fall under piracy.


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  6. Pokémon Fuse White 2

    Pokémon Fuse White 2 based on Pokémon Volt White 2 made by Drayano.
    Main features :
    - 649 fusions (some with alternate forms like castform, sawsbuck, arceus, ...)
    - Available in English OR in French
    - Every Pokemon (from bulbazaur to calyrex) is fused at least once. This includes alternate forms like alolan, galarian, ...
    - Every type combination (mono type included) is represented by at least one fusion in its last evolution stage
    - There are some fusion with mega pokemon
    - Some easter eggs (with the fusion's name or their look)
    - Drayano's changes to overworld legendaries, TMs, ...

    This version is meant to be randomized since I don't have edited Fusion moveset and trainer teams yet.
    Everything is explained in the readme.txt. Make sure you read it
    - MikuGoya, Likouns, Victistar, Tracker, EcranPlasma, Friskette, Laxofirm, Nékrami, Anthomrtrx, Brahim, Dronia, Mxt dog, Mega tree ho-oh.
    Special thanks to all these spriters
    All their work represent around 50% of the Fusiondex
    - Drayano That made a huge work with pokemon Volt white 2
    - All the smogon.com spriters that made 5th gen style sprite for 6th gen pokemon and above (LeParagon, King of the x road, N-Kin, G.E.Z, Blaquaza, Princessofmusic, TheAetherPlayer, ...)


       (4 reviews)



  7. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Adventure Squad Series Wii Translations

    NOTE: FOR THOSE HAVING SCREEN STRETCHING ISSUES IN DOLPHIN, use ShowMiiWads to match your system. Dolphin gets weird about Region-Free patching. https://www.wiibrew.org/wiki/ShowMiiWads
    Finally the Japan-exclusive WiiWare Pokémon Mystery Dungeon titles, the Adventure Squad series, have been translated! Patches for each game have been released after months and months of hard work from fans of the series. The team has also worked with the Wiimmfi and RiiConnect24 teams in order to restore the event Pokémon that were distributed for this game. Other features of the translation include:
    -Pokémon nickname limit expanded to 10 characters (Japanese 5)
    -Buddy Passwords fully functional. These can now be found by hitting the Wii Home button, then pressing the "Operations Guide" button.
    -Pre-patched with Wiimmfi and RiiConnect24 for ease of event access. Friend Rescues do not work currently, but are being looked into.
    -Item icons and many descriptions ported from Super Mystery Dungeon
    -Dummied/beta items ported from Explorers of Sky have been restored. Inaccessible in-game, can be accessed with cheats.
    -It's in English now, which is cool.


       (11 reviews)



  8. Route 10 Restoration Project

    This project was originally W2 only. And apparently the musician NPC in Opelucid was also bugged (but I didn't notice)

    So I figured out how I did it previously, and made a B2 patch too (as well as fixed the NPC in Opelucid).

    Things to note:
    - No idea why the B2 patch is smaller (perhaps it is because I didn't import maps used by W2 into B2, while W2 did import maps for B2?)
    [in case the previous point leaves anyone unclear, any game has both B2 and W2 maps in them.]
    - BW Victory Road cannot be directly restored, cause the map sizes are different. That's beyond my expertise.
    - If I'm not mistaken, you'll need the USA version of the game to use the patch. Below checksums are for clean games:
    B2 MD-5: 1C5CE747E7ED4431E2044F123EC7C951
    W2 MD-5: 32485892A6F36D80F7D9B54FB398EB12
    - Utilizing the patches will probably shrink the game. (SDSME seems to do that?)
    - I probably will not work on this further, so don't bother leaving suggestions or request.

    Old thread:


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    1 comment


  9. Pokémon Heart Red

    The files here are from @DeadSkullzJr's archiving efforts. @TriggerHappy *should* have control over this page, so more files can be uploaded at user's discretion.

    Original Thread:


       (1 review)



  10. Pokémon White Deluxe

    This is the version 1.0 release of Pokémon White Deluxe.
    The game can be fully played until the Elite Four and shortly after. However, not every after-E4 event has been fully updated.
    Please enjoy!
    - Oxnite
    Many more changes were planned, but may only be delivered later due to time constraints - or never at all.


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    1 comment


  11. Pokemon XG: NeXt Gen

    The world's first ever Pokemon XD:GoD hack!
    Original Topic:


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  12. Pokémon Blaze Black & Pokémon Volt White

    Pokémon Blaze Black and Pokémon Volt White are edits of the regular Pokémon Black and White versions which self-contain all 649 Pokémon, allowing a player a large amount of variety. In addition, BB/VW also have edited trainers, an increased difficulty level, improvements to many Pokémon and more. They are the spiritual successor of my two other hacks, Pokémon Fire Red Omega and Pokémon Spirit Gold. Blaze Black and Volt White were also - with one minor exception - the first of their kind to be made.
    I should mention that with the exception of things normally different between Black and White such as Black City, White Forest, the legendary focus and the appearance of Opelucid City, the two games are identical.


       (8 reviews)



  13. Pokémon Blaze Black 2 & Pokémon Volt White 2

    Pokémon Blaze Black 2 & Pokémon Volt White 2 are essentially the sequels to my Black & White hacks known as Blaze Black and Volt White. The usual rules with my hacks apply; the main feature is that all 649 Pokémon are available for capture somewhere in the game, and the trainers have all had their rosters changed in order to maintain a much harder challenge than the original game, as well as having an increased variety of opponents to fight. There's also a large amount of alternative features these hacks offer, which range from differences to the Pokémon themselves to the presence of a couple new TMs. If I'm not mistaken, these are also the first Black 2 and White 2 hacks on offer.
    Additionally, the two versions only differ in terms of their aesthetic differences, such as the appearance of Opelucid City, the title screen, etcetera. So basically, just pick whichever colour takes your fancy!


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