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Everything posted by InuYouki

  1. Can someone please make me a code for the 2009 Shiny Milotic? I had a wedding to go to on Saturday *horrible me forgot about it* and was unable to go to the event :C I was really looking forward to this in spite of its bad nature and will settle for a generated one at this point. So if anyone could please make me an AR code for Platinum of the Shiny Milotic I would appreciate it. I would like it as the WC please.
  2. Prof Oak would be awesome :3 You should do it.
  3. I still say they wont rediscover the eggs. Like Penny said, this isn't ten years ago. It seems so stupid to discover something that has already been discovered. All they need to say instead of "hey we have no idea what this is blah blah" they say " we found a pokemon egg, but don't know whats inside. BTW did you know pokemon eggs where discovered here?" There confusion ended.
  4. I see them expanding upon the areas that were shrunk down in the original, however, I do not see them adding in the birds and mewtwo etc. Like Floot said, this is three years later and with Platinum filling in where the birds went there is no need to include them in HGSS. Stuff was changed in FRLG, but for the most part it was the same and or expanded on, so I really don't see those guys making an appearance.
  5. I'm hoping they use a design similar to that myself Bear. And they have used the logo before so why not again?
  6. Yeah, I noticed that too guested. Wonder why. Maybe all the sprites for HGSS haven't been made yet or , like you said, maybe HGSS is using DP sprites. And Fallen, if it has already been said at least two or three times, that the IR is on the cartridge why would you or anyone else still assume it is a DSi exclusive? What is it with everyone and this OMG BETTER NOT BE DSI EXCLUSIVE bandwagon?
  7. ..... um did you all miss the post about the IR thing in the CART? Anyway, great new info! I can't wait.
  8. I think it is a great way to get kids involved with exercise. Even more so in places like America. While you could just shake it around or open it, I believe the majority will actually use it how it should be. I use to have a Degivice when I was young and it "walked" around the digiworld when you walked. After so many steps it would encounter a battle or find something. How well you do in battle was based on how fast or hard you shook the digivice. If the PokeWalker uses this same basic concept you could in theory get EV's for the pokemon, just not ones of your choosing. Minipets are far more advanced then they use to be so this could be something really neat.
  9. Good point. However, isn't the date caught part of the poke info?
  10. I think its popularity will have a big play on its release to America. If it bombs, I don't see them wasting the money to bring it to America. However, I don't see it not being popular. I know I would totally wear one to the gym haha.
  11. On the surface it would seem like it, but I think code wise no. Just like how if you catch a munchlax on a tree other then the four you are supposed to per your SID they come up haxed. One would assume pokemon caught in the Marsh are just as in depth. So long story short I would say no.
  12. It also depends if the pokemon can actually be legally caught in the first place. If you use the modifier to catch a wild mew or mewtwo, then it would neither be legit or legal.
  13. If you check the official thread there is a code for that. It mods the poke, nature and level all via the calculator and button activation.
  14. all very good points. I like that there are so many ways that things could have come about. I hope they never reveal what pokemon they were. One, it doesn't matter now, and two, the mystery of it all just makes it that much sweeter. I favor both the normal type idea and yours the most.
  15. Not having the applications would just seem silly to me. I know it is a remake, but unlike with RGBY who had no type of pokegear/navi/etch to put into the remakes, GSC does/did. And since GSC is supposed to take place at the same time as DPP it is possible to have those applications in the remake. Heck they even managed to squeeze in the berries on the FR/LG remakes, even if it was only in a small way *you couldn't grow more berries which made me sad T^T* My guess is they will have at least a few of the applications on the new pokegear in the remakes.
  16. Why would Lugia and Ho-Oh fight though? I never recall anything about them ever wanting to fight. The lived like, right next door to each other for years. Mysterious fire would make me think it was set by a person. Be it by accident or on purpose. It is a human tail and you know how we never want to admit when we mess up. ---------- Post added at 10:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:03 AM ---------- Ah good point Like I said, I was just going off of what someone else had already mentioned. It could still work though in a way. Maybe the rain was brought by the north winds? And if the fire was started by lighting then Raiko "could" have fallen with that lighting. And Entie I don't know? The pokedex entries also talk about Clefarys coming from the Moon too, but that doesn't seem exactly true either. I honestly take the pokedex entries with a grain of salt. Just because thats what legend says doesn't make it true. That's what makes legends so fun! Always a mystery.
  17. The fact that they died in the fire is what supposed to make them special. The Phoenix rising from the ashes deal. That is what Ho-Oh is after all. He mourned the lose of the three pokemon so he revived them and gifted them with the powers they have now. Something doesn't have to be special to start with to be special later. There are tons of folk tails where something completely normal becomes something of great importance later on. Even more so in Japanese and Chinese culture. They have so many interesting Fairy Tails.
  18. You keep forgetting though Floot that the game and anime are not tied in to each other. While the anime does take things from the game at time, the manga is what follows the games. So the anime having real animals and common pokemon have little no basis on what goes on in the games/mangas. I don't remember ever seeing any real animals in the manga or game, but they mention them. Most likely they DO exist they just aren't important enough to show. Back on topic though, I agree that they were very unlucky rattata or something of a very common normal nature. And then like I saw someone mention before they were given elements based on the events of the tower burning. The lightning that caused the fire, the fire it self and then the rain that put it out. Making the pokemon already those elements just ruins the symbolism of the tragedy for me.
  19. Well, sometimes they take things from the game and put that in the anime/movies. They used the arceus plates in the solaceon ruins to get something for arceus *probably a build up to the movie?* Changing the way things go in the game could open up for a new movie in Johto.I don't know if they will change the tiles, but my guess is that they will update it in some way. I would like to see more involvement with the Legendary Beasts honestly. Crystal focused on Suicune, but I would like Entie and Raiko to get the spotlight too. Maybe they will add more to the story of what kind of pokemon they were before they died and were resurrected by Ho-Oh. One thing I would REALLY hope they add into the remakes is the marking map. In the old games it was such a HUGE pain finding those three since if you hadn't encountered them yet you didn't know where to look for them. Not to mention once you did you had to keep going back and forth into the pokedex to see which route they had jumped too. DP made it MUCH easier to track roaming pokemon, and with Platinum you didn't even have to see the legendary birds to track them.
  20. Oh I almost forgot about those. If they did take them out what do you think they would out in there place? Tablets maybe? Or maybe something like the plates for Arceus?
  21. You're right. They would ruin something that great If you think back Floot, in G/S/C they only had like a hand full of different sprites, not like they have now. Though, in theory they could just use the mini sprites they use when you check your party for the daycare? I really hope they keep the day care the way it is, but most likely they wont More then likely they will indeed use the same format they have used in DPP. Which means we wont be able to "talk" with our Poke's anymore either.
  22. Good point Guested. I actually would like to see them update the pokegear in such a way. Though I would like to still see the radio feature some how. Remember how you could play music and either attract or repel pokemon? I always thought that was neat. I assume they could still have that. Except maybe since it is a tv they could have a little pokemon dancing? Now that would be cool. Maybe if they add the TV feature you could actually watch little snippets on the pokegear kinda like how you had little cut scenes in DPP for special events on the TV. Except you could watch these all the time instead of just once?
  23. Eh,I never paid attention to how my handheld "felt". Maybe it has a lot to do with your comfort of play, but not mine. And a question just came to mind. You think that if they make a DSi SE that it will be a Pokefan Club exclusive like the white pikachu and Girantina DSlites?
  24. My very first shiny was a pink whopper in my Gold version. *named the little bugger Pinky* It took me 30 mins to catch him since he was like a level 7 or something and i had all level 40's Was horrid. I had been looking for Raiko at the time, but I was like Pink Whopper? So mine. I was almost afraid to evolve him since I thought he would loose his pretty pink color. Needless to say I forgot about Raiko for a while haha. Since then I have chained a bunch of shinies using the PokeRadar in Platinum, but I don't count them since I use the unlimited battery cheat. However, while my AR was on the fritz I did chain a Shiny Buneary with out the use of unlimited radar. Took forever .
  25. Well, they did have in that one preview the pikachu colored pichu following the trainer and interacting with the jagged-ear Pichu. So in theory one could expect at least that pokemon besides the starters to follow you. My big question is will it still follow you after it evolves? We have yet to see any previews with an evolved starter, but then in every preview shown is still pretty early in the game so the trainer just may not have evolved it. However, I know I had a quilava by the second gym so I am guessing after evolution the stater no longer follows you or GameFreak got lazy and even after it evolves it still shows the stage one form in the overworld sprite.
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