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Everything posted by InuYouki

  1. Old school charmander ftw x3 R/B was the only other generations besides G/S that I loved all the starters. I have both versions so my red was my "good" save which I started with charmander and my blue I often restarted with either Bulbasaur or Squirtle. Ahh the memories. Charmander is still my favorite starter of all time.
  2. That is who the original mascot was supposed to be when they first released the games, but Pikachu's popularity kinda put a stop to that. Or was it Clafairy who was meant to be the mascot :confused: I don't know, either way yellow and cute is better then pink and cute.
  3. Mmm, I really like them both, but I went with Salamence. I have this thing with slow poke's.... It bugs the crap out of me. I didn't use my starter turtwig because it was so darn slow >:C I swear it was the slowest one in the history of turtwigs!! ANYWAY, so speed stat is my biggest thing for picking Salamence, but I still love good old dragonite too. EDIT: Whoops sorry wraith didn't see voting was closed Thats what I get for not reading the last post first *shot* Not like it messed with the results anyway. Dragonite still wins haha.
  4. I went with Raichu. While I have characters that are pika's I still feel Raichu is the better. I hated in yellow that I couldn't evolve the little brat and the anima just makes my hatred worse >:C Maybe I can see getting away with beating a Raichu once because it "evolved to soon" but beating a well trained Raichu is just bogus. Pikachu just needs to have it handed to him more. I say, let Raichu use the lite ball and let him shine for once *nods* Though I guess having Pikachu for a mascot is better then Jigglypuff x.x
  5. haha A pokeball over the camera would be neat. Wouldn't be the first time they snuck the pokeball in like that.
  6. Kevin, i see no Blaziken in your siggy so I will just pick a pixel and if need be I can change it for you :3 Derrick, it can be done. And thanks! I will have your guys avvies up in a few. EDIT: Here you guys go :3 Kevin if you want a different pic just let me know.
  7. I have to agree with DanteKoriyu on this as well. You weren't there to exp that jump from one generation to the next. There just has never been that big of an advancement in pokemon since that time of going from Gen 1 to Gen 2. Sure they added contests and expanded on the berries, but really those are minor things. Nothing like the first time you hatch the Togipi egg or finally having genders in your pokemon. And who can forget the first time being able to choose genders? They seem so simple and boring now, but back then it was HUGE. I really didn't have access to the internet, so I had NO clue what a "shiny" was. I literally almost crapped my pants when I found a pink Whooper of all things. The remakes are bringing back some of what made the originals so good while throwing in new stuff at the same time. I never got to have a Pokemon Pikachu so the pokewalker coming with the game makes my day. I will so pimp that thing out. Having a poke fallow you again is awesome! To finally have any pokemon I want run around with me is the best add in for me. And I am sure there is more that we haven't seen yet. Besides the barber shop, what else do you guys think they will still have? I really want to see how they handle the bug catching show. That was always so much fun. It use to drive me nuts waiting for a certain day for it haha. Ah the days before you could manually changes the dates on your hand helds.
  8. The barber shop was kinda like the lady who massages your pokemon with how it increases your Pokemon's happyness. Except with the barber shop some days a really good lady was in and you got charged more, and on other days you had a lady who was cheaper but not as good. The more expensive lady increased your happyness more then the cheap lady. Maybe they could have both in this game. Kinda like, have a spa for your pokemon x3
  9. Did you ever play G/S/C? When these games came out it was cutting edge. What would D/P/PT be with out the staples? Genders, Breading, pokemon happyness, shinys, night and day based events, specific day events. All of that was introduced way back in G/S. D/P/PT may have the graphics, but G/S started it all. I have played pokemon since it came out when I was 11. I still have every single pokemon game *loser I know* and I feel that Pokemon would not be what it is today with out all the advancements G/S brought to the table. NOW back to speculating so I am not off topic. Who here remembers the barber shop under Golden Rod city? Do you think they will have that again? I use to love taking my eevee's there so I could evolve them into Espy/Umbreon.
  10. You mean besides that it is a remake of what is considered the best pokemon game ever? They seem to be adding in a lot of new features. If you check over the thread you will see about your pokemon being able to follow you at any time *which only happened in yellow and only with pikachu* and a bunch of other cool features. I myself am excited for the pokewalker. Go to the first post and read over what is confirmed and what is speculation and you will see why there is such a "fuss" over it.
  11. That would be such an awesome idea! I hope GF does something similar to this.
  12. You are very welcome :3
  13. Sure :3 It can be done. Give me a few mins. EDIT: here you go!
  14. I was being sarcastic I know Guested lives in Japan lol Anyway, I am excited to see this movie and I hope we have the option to get these keychains in the US, but I doubt it.
  15. Is the game even released yet? If so I must have missed the announcement. I would probably play the game.
  16. It's cool. You are very welcome :3
  17. Oh this is awesome :3 I am loving this. Can't wait to find out more!
  18. It can be done Floot :3 I'll post it here when I am done. EDIT: Didn't take long x3 Here you go Floot. Enjoy! I added some shading. Not sure if you can tell or not though haha.
  19. They did that with FR/LG didn't they? Didn't you have to trade a eevee to R/S in order to evolve it to an espeon/umbreon? It wouldn't surprise me at all if you had to trade such pokemon in order to get the evolutions. That is what gamefreak does after all. I don't see a reason for them to put an ice rock or moss rock in HG/SS. And i don't see them making it easy to evolve Magneton or Nosepass either. I agree with Klaatu on this one.
  20. Not the avvies. I am giving those away for free as a thank you to this community :3 If you mean the badges, they are meant for conventions and such. They get printed out, laminated and mailed to you. I sell them on my FA account, and I take paypal or money order via snail mail. But again the avatars, like the one I am using now are %100 free. Just post what you would like. Didn't mean to confuse anyone ^^; Just wanted to show off my work. If it is too confusing I can take it down or put it in a spoiler.
  21. OK so normally I do icon and other various commissions under the alias RyuuYouki. One of my newest additions to my icon and badge commission is the "Poke'Walker". In honor of the HG/SS and in thanks to ProjectPokemon for giving me all the details I am taking free requests for my pixel icon Poke'Walkers. This is for PP members only. Here is an example of what my Pixel Poke'Walkers look like. If you would like one of these please post here with what you would like in the screen. If at all possible please provide said image. I can also change the type of poke'ball if you so wish. This is the Badge version of my Poke'Walker. These however are not free, so any info you want on them will have to be discussed off site. I just figured you guys would like a look. The Poke'Walker is © to GameFreak, the art is © to me AKA RyuuYouki. The lizard in the badge is a pet © to my pet site Renkilia.
  22. Agreed. I am hoping they spice it up a bit. Nothing to crazy, but nothing boring.
  23. I always go out of my way to get all the starters. It is part of the reason why I always get both versions. One for my main game play, the other for AR and getting the other starters or version exclusive pokes.
  24. Thank you Floot. I am so tired of this "notched" business. How many times does Guested have to say it? Its not like Guested lives in japan or anything >.> Anyway, it could be possible that they are JAGGED eared versions of Pikachu and Raichu. I hope so, since a Pichu is otherwise useless even with a good move set. I would want to evolve mine and I would be very upset to find out it evolves into a normal Pikachu. As far as a new species of pokemon goes, I doubt it. Seems too soon for a new generation when they are focused on HG/SS
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