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Everything posted by jawsisra

  1. I did up to 20 per set but I think its best to do it in sets of 10
  2. the English Shaymin should be TRU not Movie
  3. I am trying to find a code that would force pokemon to join my team or help make t easyer
  4. I finally got a working one expect it will not save
  5. I Had one of the but the one I got was off ebay and it was a fake the guy printed it off and put his own Trainer ID Number and Also marked out the orignal number I been looking to get my hands on a real one just to own it
  6. it still will not work even on DeSmuME I can not get any Rom to work on it and on No4Gba even the non Patch frezze when I battle a Pokemon
  7. Sorry if this is not the right area I am useing a Patched version of Pokemon SS on No$gba But ever time I go into my first pokemon battle it freezzes now I know it will freeze up some times but this is happening ever time I try the game I can not even get to Mr Pokemon to get the Egg because it freeze once I get into the Battle and I attack just 1 time I am not sure what to do to I have download both the Game and the Patched and patch it my self and I also download a already Patched version if any one can help me it Thank you Me and a friend of my are think of just going out and geting a flash card and trying it that why but I am not sure if that would help us also I do not even know were to get a flash card for a DS Lite That are we are just going to import the game from Japan till the english version is released
  8. Last month I restarted my old Silver on my Gameboy player Now they re make them this is the best news of all
  9. I am still wandering how you do the Synchronization with your Site and Wiki I think this is great this way the members do not have to make 2 accounts using 1 account for both is great
  10. yes but the one you get is not shiny but there is a code to make it shiny
  11. if they make the remakes of G/S I want them to make it were it works on a DS but also able to use some of the DSi features like the camera or the storage space useing a flash card. but I do not for see a G/S Remake till after Gen 5 or Gen 6
  12. thank you for your help the 3 main sites I go to had the same list so I think they all got them from the same place again thank you for your help
  13. Thank you very much this will help me out a lot now They are also saying the following are fakes also can you tell me if they are rigth or wrong on these also I copy the list of each site that has the events listed Hacked Events: GTS Psyducks: 38793 - Ken - Mild - 8/22/07 38793 - Ken - Quiet - 8/13/07 38793 - Ken - Brave - 8/13/07 38793 - Ken - Bold - 8/09/07 38793 - Ken - Quiet - 8/13/07 53437 - Shigeki - Sassy - 8/16/07 53437 - Shigeki - Bashful - 8/22/07 53437 - Shigeki - Brave - 8/22/07 53437 - Shigeki - Serious - 8/11/07 05458 - Junichi - Calm - 8/26/07 05458 - Junichi - Calm - 8/25/07 05458 - Junichi - Naughty - 8/9/07 05458 - Junichi - Bold - 8/17/2007 05458 - Junichi - Bashful - 8/17/07 05458 - Junichi - Naughty - 8/9/07 05458 - Junichi - Brave - 8/17/2007 TCGWC Pikachu OT: TCGWC ID # 08107 Hardy Aug. 16, 2007 Level 50 when untouched Had a fateful encounter at Level 50. A little Quick tempered Happily eats anything Ability: Static Moveset: Surf Thunderbolt Light Screen Quick Attack Ribbons: Classic E-CARD Pokemon: 13042 Togepi - Sassy - 3/12/07 13402 Scizor - Hasty - 3/12/07 13402 Mareep - Mild - 3/12/07 10187 - E4ALL Manaphy - Brave - 10/20/07 (same IVs as the Calm one with edited date and nature) E-CARD POKEMON 13042 Togepi - Sassy - 3/12/07 13402 Scizor - Hasty - 3/12/07 13402 Mareep - Mild - 3/12/07 GTS PSYDUCK 38793 GTS Psyduck - Mild - 8/22/07 38793 GTS Psyduck - Quiet - 8/13/07 38793 GTS Psyduck - Brave - 8/13/07 38793 GTS Psyduck - Bold - 8/09/07 38793 GTS Psyduck - Quiet - 8/13/07 53437 GTS Psyduck - Sassy - 8/16/07 53437 GTS Psyduck - Bashful - 8/22/07 53437 GTS Psyduck - Brave - 8/22/07 53437 GTS Psyduck - Serious - 8/11/07 05458 GTS Psyduck - Calm - 8/26/07 05458 GTS Psyduck - Calm - 8/25/07 05458 GTS Psyduck - Naughty - 8/9/07 05458 GTS Psyduck - Bold - 8/17/2007 05458 GTS Psyduck - Bashful - 8/17/07 05458 GTS Psyduck - Naughty - 8/9/07 05458 GTS Psyduck - Brave - 8/17/2007 08107 - 8/14/2007 - IVs 25,26,24,31,27,25 08107 - 8/16/2007 - A little Quick tempered 08107 - 8/16/2007 - Happily eats anything 08107 - 8/14/2007 - A little quick tempered 08107 - 8/09/2007 - A little Quick tempered 08107 - 8/18/2007 - A little Quick tempered PAL CITY MEW Sapporo Amnesia Mew - 7/28/07 - IVs 6,13,15,17,15,16 Makuhari Mega Punch Mew - 8/3/07 - IVs 13,13,8,16,30,17 12/18 - Strongest Milotic - Throughly cunning - HP 161 Saikyou Dragonite Mild nature. Jan. 15, 2008 Mischievous. Likes dry food. 158/148/90/129/105/92 Thank you for your help
  14. I go to a lot of pokemon sites and a lot of them are now calling this event a Fake and I Looked ever were and I can not not find any thing ot say it is real or that it is a fake other then these sites I go to they have ban their members from tradeing them because they say they are fake and that a hacker Site made the pokemon and are saying it is real I was wondering if any one knew of any place that could conformed that the eevent is a real event other then this site because I think the sites are talking about this site when they say hacker Site Thank you for your help
  15. this is a great codes wonders saves me from useing 3 to 5 codes at one time now if some one can make one like it for D/P
  16. Other then the Red Gyardos in Silver my first Shiny was Lugia I been play 4 hrs when I got to lugia I took one look at it and thought my system was messing up a freind of my was watching me play if he had not stop me from turning the system off I would had lost it I used my Master Ball on it so fast
  17. How did you get it to do this I made my own Wiki and been trying to find out how to do this for a long time
  18. I would when the Pokemod is done make just one forum for the pokesav so people that still use it even after the pokemod is done will have a place to come and still get some help with it
  19. Check a Pokemon EV Infinite/Max Slot Coins Erase Pokemon in Box 1 Slot 1 Instantly make egg of pokemon in daycare centre See Contents of Egg Pofin Lv. 99 All Pokewatch Functions Daycare Egg - Female Natures (Each one of Natures have its own code Daycare Egg - Male Natures (Each one of Natures have its own code Wild Pokemon IV Modifiers (Each IV in each stat have its own Code Thank you
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