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Everything posted by Sabresite

  1. I would love to disassemble the actual negaiboshi code because my negaiboshi follow a different generation method for berry than the ones @Purin has. Also @Bond697 is having issues finding the generation code for sample0519.
  2. @Purin You were able to generate negaiboshi jirachi? Does it have a held item? Because that is the part of the algorithm I do not have enough information to determine. I would love to figure out how that is determined.
  3. The remaining question regarding wishing star (negaiboshi) jirachi is whether or not OTG was random, or fixed like WSHMKR/Tanabata (pre-2006) jirachi. We technically do not have any OTG algorithm determinations for any events before 2006 (standard library). We have been aware of this (and other) prototype/dev code. @Bond697 hasn't had much time to disassemble it, so there is not much known about what it can or cannot do. However he did note that the code is very messy and not optimized. So finding generation algorithms by looking for similar code is not entirely easy to do. If anyone is able to find generation information, I am mainly interested in OTG determination. Preliminarily we suspect negaiboshi is fixed like other jirachis distributioned after it.
  4. PokePark Meowth was distributed in the same fashion. Keep in mind that we prefer 3rd gen pokemon files (GPK/GBN/3GPKM) because if the pokemon is already palparked, then there are no trash bytes to verify. Also if the 2 PokePark Meowth that @ajxpk has are legit, then they do not have the same trash bytes as the titans.
  5. All 9 are somewhere also in PK3 format. I just forgot who had them.
  6. There is an original PK3 for Shiny WSHMKR in InsaneNutters and in other places too. I can upload it even needed.
  7. @theSLAYER Are these from @InsaneNutter's save? Because I am still weeding through all of our old archives and galleries.
  8. Speaking of legit pokemon, both the github gallery, and the archive on our site will be updated and cleaned out using the newest legality information we have. Once that is done and legality analysis research is complete, we will (try) to declassify pokemon as we are given rights to by their respective owners.
  9. @coltonsmogon Part of the decision will be based on the ability to automatically update the gallery and what we already have. Future publishes will be based on projectpokemon's github events gallery. With that said, what might be more widely adopted would be PKHex compatible importable boxes. We can always do both. @zeropain Regarding zip files, you can always download an archive of the github events gallery
  10. Actually I made a mistake, I was thinking of spanish 10 aniv, but I am incorrect. The one that COULD would be ROCKS. But generally speaking, if an OT is less than 7 (6 if there is a terminator?) then there will 100% be trash bytes.
  11. @zeropain There are so many events that I could potentially contribute for gen 3 alone, that it would max out what you can fit in a sav. For example, there are 236 unique GCEA alone. Not to mention the 420 mystry mew, 90 10aniv (including various languages, distributions, and bryant park).
  12. @St. GIGA What does the faraway island mew you RNG'd have to do with pokepark mew? PokePark Mew used the same generation method as other standard 3rd gen events via distribution ROM. The trash bytes from distribution ROMs are COMPLETELY different from in-game. @ajxpk I looked over the 10 ANNIV (various languages) that were from the distribution ROM, and the trash bytes are varied for OTN, but not for PKM Name.
  13. So what happens if you run out of WCID space? You can never receive a WC again? Sorry if this is off-topic.
  14. Most likely it will have a different TID/SID, so that is cool. It will be a super common event because you could throw away the WC and get it again I assume? If you still can't get it again, then it must track serial codes somewhere.
  15. Zeropain, I am not sure who did. But I got some korean events through painstaking work.
  16. The Gen 3 generation algorithms are well known. Past RNG Research thread on Smogon details just about every generation method known. I'll give a quick overview of how it works. You will have to do the research to fill in the gaps. Also this may not be 100% accurate. 1) battle should happen? 2) which encounter slot? (Determines species & level based on location) 3) Choose nature or Sync is determined 3b) Loop through creating PIDs until you find one that matches above nature. 4) PIDL 5) PIDH 6) IV1 7) IV2 Here is the shit part. There are usually between 1 and 2 vBlanks. Where the vBlanks occur depends on the situation. For example, fishing, caves, grass, etc. Lastly, static encounters, gifts do not have #1-3, and this doesn't apply to breeding.
  17. The time frame between colosseum and FRLG is roughly 2 months, while Emerald came out 9 months after FRLG, so it makes sense that support would be lacking.
  18. @argus1963, you have been amazing, thank you very much!
  19. @HaxAras, I PM'd you a list of the ones I was definitive. I did not bother checking the aura mews, 10 annivs, wishmakers, and ageto since those are easy to get. I also didn't check PCNY because I have no idea if there is a PID/IV relationship. The PCNY trash bytes look legit though, so that is good.
  20. I remember 10 aniv. I'll go over them again when I can and give you a list. The new legality checks i have are more extensive than legality checker.
  21. InsaneNutter, speaking of Gen 3, are you still keeping your gen 3 sav file collection updated? There are several hacks which should be removed if you are interested.
  22. RoC, I'll go through them as soon as I get time and give you replacements if needed. There are many (not all) from HaxAras that are legal/legit as well if needed. Also while I gave away my shiny legit faraway island mew, I am sure I can find a legal one somewhere.
  23. FYI to anyone looking for legit pokemon, all of these are RNGd using RNG Reporter, or outright generated and it is obvious from the sav file itself (Unlimited money, corrupted names on party pokemon, etc). For example, shiny faraway island mew (same TID/SID on a japanese cart?) has a frame that is 127 days and some change (frame 659million) which is average for someone who generates a shiny using algorithm alone. While legal, it is outside of practicality. Hardly the work of someone who actually played the game.
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