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Everything posted by Sabresite

  1. From what I read, PCNY was done just like in gen 2 with 4 physical distribution machines.
  2. Speaking with @Bond697, it looks like the PCNY trash bytes are also THUMB code. This tell us that the pokemon were DEFINITELY generated by a GBA, most likely a multiboot rom. Which makes sense since they probably choose PCNYa, b, c, d. The thing we need to find out next is the ID incrementing, as we know the main rom does count/track how many pokemon are transmitted.
  3. Man, I need to stop using Bulbapedia for quick event lookup. If ROCKS Metang OTG is always Male, that is another thing Bulbapedia probably has wrong. Anyone want to go on there and update it? Also the PCNY pokes I have do not have consistent trash bytes. Some have no trash bytes, some do. Not sure what to make of it.
  4. if we can get several ROCKS Metang then at least we can determine otg. I would venture to guess though that it's frame 5, rand () >> 7 & 1.
  5. I remember having an AR code with the man in green bug and dismissing it as a shitty hack. At the time I figured some hacker copied a known wonder card to make one for another event.
  6. @Bond697, 10 aniv and others are generated on the first frame, but negaiboshi and a few others, who use a similar generation method are generated on the 3rd frame. Any ideas for what could be on the first/second frame?
  7. I already reconstructed all 420 specifically in gen3 with no trash bytes and pal parked them just for that reason. Hence why the original release were gen4 pkm files.
  8. I looked at the trash bytes for Mew, and I am fairly convinced after speaking with @Bond697 that mystry mew was generated using a distribution ROM. Most likely the team modified the existing multiboot rom code to generate them in batches of 5. We know it was a distribution ROM because the trash bytes of the first mew is consistent with other events (like 10 aniv) that came from multiboot roms. Bond researched the trash bytes which ended up being from lazily copying the pokemon's name with no regard for the data that came after the terminator. Upon inspecting what that data is, Bond found that some of the distribution code was copied to the stack for an unknown reason. Our theory is that they made a button that adds 5 mews to the save and hit that button a million times. IIRC, in that save file the town was blocked by a tree, trapping the character in town. This leads us to believe that the original cart used to make the save file was most likely a dev cart that had manipulation capabilities. Also makes sense since they would have to extract the save for manufacturing. For what it is worth, we have a range of trash bytes by observing the other mews. And of course when you xfer to XD/Colo or Pal Park, PokeTransfer, Bank, etc, trash bytes don't matter anymore anyways.
  9. @Invader TAK Nice find on the soul dew, I completely missed that too. I am sure @Bond697 will take a look and confirm the order and calculation. @ajxpk Do you know of any other pokemon that are not generated on the first rand() like boshi? Also regarding METEOR, I think Bond said it was essentially a dev version of the wishmaker, so it is exactly the same except for the name.
  10. Actually I think I got the order of OTG and Held Item might differ between wishmaker and other distributions. It looks like wishmaker is Item then OTG, and 10 aniv is OTG then item. If we extrapolate that to other events that have random item and otg, then we should be able to find out the pattern (with enough pokemon). @ajxpk, when you checked tanabata (2006) jirachi, are the OTG's on the 5th rand()?
  11. You should really update our PKHex. Or if you want to be one of the cool kids, build it from source ;P
  12. We were asked by the ROM owners to not distribute them. We technically don't. We know how every BACD is generated. I'll be happy to lay it out and @Bond697 can correct me if I am wrong. I'll list these by rand call: PIDL, PIDH, IV1, IV2, Held Item, OTG/Game OTG/Item is calculated by: rand() >> 7 & 1 And if the PID turns out shiny, then the whole thing is started again with another 16bit seed.
  13. Almost everything listed here PP.org has copies of already and have disassembled and documented.
  14. IIRC all of the shiny zigzagoons are generated the same except with their respective region's name.
  15. I hid those posts. Please do not distribute these. People who need to do the research (like myself for legality analysis) have already done it. The assembly involved in generating the pokemon has already been posted for peer review. Thanks!
  16. Ok great thanks! Now you guys were talking about other languages. Any work into generating the pokemon for the other languages? And HaxAras, do you plan on releasing the jap ones? (Not sure if we need them, I will have to check our archives).
  17. @TurtokDerFette, Gen 6/7 has been hacked enough to know how generation works. I think this thread has become toxic enough. In the spirit of not wanting to issue warnings, I am going to close this discussion, sorry. I suggest getting on IRC and Kaph/others can help answer questions for you!
  18. Great work @Zerbe92! Is it possible for someone to upload pk3 copies of these pokemon both not shiny and shiny? Would be nice to get them into the archives!
  19. I have been collaborating with /r/pokemonexchange to see if we can get contributions. I understand that their community will not be enthusiastic about it, but there are several things we can offer them in return. Additionally, the WC/PKM data would be randomized/touched so it is not exact. That should suffice the need to keep a particular person's data legit and unique. Meanwhile, everyone please reach out to anyone you know who may have these WCs/PKMs.
  20. Speaking with @theSLAYER, we are thinking that local wireless still means the pokemon are downloaded the via the internet. The difference is that your internet connection goes through a hubspot. Unfortunately the server URLs are not standard, making it "local." Since there are no events near me (west coast USA), I am hoping our community in Japan can help us to determine this. What is the benefit? If we can identify the server-urls then we can receive the event pokemon without actually being there (hopefully?). At the least we could make it easier to get the event pokemon for the people who are there.
  21. @theSLAYER, I think it is against our charter to proliferate making money off of event pokemon. Also people who sell event pokemon (especially preloaded on cartridges), usually hack the pokemon.
  22. Its kind of crazy that we don't have anyone from Japan that can get us those pokemon. Even as a trade.
  23. As an FYI, Ageto is D-E-A-B using GCLCR.
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