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Everything posted by MACandCHEEZWIZ1

  1. Is it possible to use PPRE to restore the Game Corners, as well as translate them into English on HGSS?
  2. The Red Scale is actually obtained right after the battle with the Red Gyarados. You're thinking of getting an Exp. Share directly from the lottery, not the Red Scale. But your right about giving it to Mr. Pokémon. My question: Is there a guide somewhere with a comprehensive list of items found by the Dowsing MCHN (Itemfinder)? Pokéarth isn't that specific with the exact locations.
  3. If anyone happens to have an early copy of the US HG/SS, could you possibly create a code to repeat the starter selection? Just for clarification, something like: 1. Activate code. 2. Choose starter 3. Exit lab 4. Code causes you to enter the lab again, and repeat the scenario 5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 6. Turn off code 7. Exit lab 8. Rival's starter is based on the last starter you chose. I know it's a big favour, but a lot of us getting one or both games tomorrow, and I want to be able to obtain all the starters on one game. Sorry that I can't help, but I am a ph41l with stuff like this. Also, if this has already been asked, sorry.
  4. 1. Typhlosion 2. Infernape 3. Ditto 4. Kecleon 5. Charizard I have a strong affinity towards Fire type starters (not as much Blaziken). Typhlosion was my first level 100, as well as my first Pokémon ever (starting off as a Cyndaquil). Infernape is my most lately used starter, and I've grown affectionate of it. Plus, I enjoy how it looks. I hardly remember my Charizard from my FireRed, but I included it because of my fanaticism with it as a kid. Ditto is great for breeding, and is useful in just about anything. And I just like Kecleon.
  5. If Nintendo ever made a Virtual Console (maybe Handheld) for the DSi, released Gen I and Gen II on it, released the Stadium series on the Wii's Virtual Console, and modified both to receive wireless signals from each other, it would be awesome. You'd be able to play Gen I and Gen II in all their glory. I just wish the Nintendo Points used isn't too high, and that they release Red, Green, and Blue as they originally were.
  6. <p><p><p><p><p>That sounds relaxing. I haven't read anything willingly in two years. I am honestly disappointed in myself. No motivation, whatsoever.</p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p>By the way, I Googled "Wraith89" a few months back, and found your old website. It was pretty neat. You also have a new avatar. I AM STALKING YOU MWAHAHAHAHA NO RLY kthxbai. Anyway, what's the strangest thing you have ever done?</p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p>PS- Last week I heard that you gave up competitive battling, but today I saw you requesting a battle. POURQUOI ET HUH?</p></p></p></p></p>

  7. I think Miror B is a pretty cool guy eh has an afro, and doesn't afraid of anything
  8. <p><p><p><p><p>I am jolly good. Soooo... how 'bout that weather, huh? Did you see that television program about that one thing that happened that one time? That is some radio we have, nowadays.</p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p>Anyway, I decided that I want to learn more about Project Pokémon and its wacky members, starting with you, Wraith my good lad. Let's start the Q&A!</p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p>Q: What is your favourite past-time?</p></p></p></p></p>

  9. <p><p><p><p><p>Hello, Wraith, my good man! How are you doing this fine evening? Certainly not up to any shenanigans, are we? Ho ho, tally ho!</p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p>Now that we have British pleasantries out of the way, what's up? AND YOU BEST BE ADVISED TO RESPOND WITH SOME BRITISH PLEASANTRIES, MMM-HMMM? *crazy laugh*</p></p></p></p></p>

  10. I preordered both HeartGold and SoulSilver, so I guess I'm getting two PokéWalkers and a couple of figures that I'll ignore completely. I won't use them with each other until I face Cal a few times in the Trainer house, just for chuckles. I'll try to use it as much as possible, except for school and bringing it anywhere. Question: After it levels up in the PokéWalker, will it still gain experience up until the last point needed, or will it stop gaining experience as soon as it reaches the level? Also, can a Pokémon learn moves in the PokéWalker, or do you have to wait to put it back in your game.
  11. Could I suggest ideas for styles/themes here, 'cause I think that a nostalgic PKMDB theme from before and after late 2008 would be pretty cool. That, and a version of PP before it started using themes. Or maybe a "H4XX0R3D" style. And maybe a Gen I styles (RG, B, Y), Gen II styles (GS, C), Gen III styles (RS, FRLG, E), and Gen IV styles (DP, Pt, HGSS). It would be really cool if you had the option to seperate each style (like D, P, Pt, HG, or SS exclusive ones) or combination ones (like HGSS, DP, DPPt, DPPtHGSS, or any combination of same Generation games). Although, that could take a while to make, unless you do what a PSP/PS3 does, and give a current style (used for the general colour of the site's background) and current theme (used for menus and headings). There are just so many possible styles and themes! Edit: I just remembered that I tried going on Fenzo's dead site earlier, looking to see if he still had the events, only to see some old artwork. It said the site was under construction. Is that code for "closed forever" or is there really something in the works? Edit Edit: Never mind. It said "may or may not be under construction".
  12. THIS IS A RANT. DO NOT READ IF YOU THINK THAT YOU'LL FEEL OFFENDED. For all you Canadians out there, I heard that the TV station YTV has cancelled Naruto and Bleach. I watched both (meh, with Naruto, it was fading as I read the manga now). They lost most other anime shows. They moved to Saturday at midnight. They went through prolonged filler. They restarted at the previous non-filler arc. They got 75% through. They cancelled. YTV is an embarassment to its former self. It has literally turned to crap. All that's left are heavily americanized animes, like Pokémon, Pretty Cure, and Dinosaur King. They might as well not even be anime. BUT DON'T FRET, MY CHILDREN. WE'RE CREATING A NEW ANIME CHANNEL FEATURING ALL THE SHOWS YOU ONCE SAW, AMERICANIZED, EDITED FOR CONTENT, AND EVERYTHING. AND WE HAVE LIKE 12 DIFFERENT SHOWS (OUR ENTIRE LINEUP) THAT HAVE COMPLETED THEIR RUNS, SO YOU DON'T HAVE TO BOTHER WITH HOPING THAT YOU WON'T MISS AN EPISODE. AAAAND, ON TOP OF THAT, WE'RE CHARGING YOU MONEY! HOORAY! That is YTV. They have no purpose to me anymore. It is literally all Nickelodeon now. SpongeBob, FairlyOdd Parents, iCarly, Drake and Josh, stop me when I'm wrong. Then, there are the "Canadian pride" shows. Prank Patrol, Being Ian, Fries With That?, any show that says "AHM PROWD 2 B A KEWL HIPHOPPIN CANADIAN". People appreciate their country when it's not constantly jammed down their throats. Yvon of the Yukon was where it was at. Next, there are the "older shows" like Everybody Hates Chris and Malcolm in the Middle, which they only play after the series has ended on some other network. I enjoy the shows, but even it's tame to even a 9 year old. In short, you suck YTV. You tarnished my childhood memories, just to appeal to every 9-12 year old who shouts loudly on Call of Duty, listens to Hannah Montana/Jonas Brothers, acts like they're better than you, and are ignorant of everything before them. You took your gross factor out, and replaced it with targeting schemes. Your P.J. is only in it for the money. You have no creativity at all. You are dead to me. You've made that clear with your lack of morality through feigned morality. You had standards, and you would stop at nothing to keep them. Those standards were keeping children unique through shock and humor. You speak to kids like idiots, not kids. You used to be ahead of your time with ideas, ideals, and programs that both kids and adults could enjoy. The 90's are what you lost 10 years ago, and they ain't coming back. You are nothing. To the people of PP: I'm sorry for my outburst, but this is the only place I feel comfortable saying this. To American readers: Did you feel this way with Cartoon Network's Toonami block? My current time is 1:30 AM, so I'm tired. Discuss how you feel about all this.
  13. Same story with me. I was on Serebii, and when I saw the title, I'm like "Woah!". I wasn't ready for it so soon. For a while now, I've wanted to figure a new Japanese Pokémon name or game, just to say I figured it out without the assistance of a website or translator. I got out my sheet of Katakana that I made, and looked at the Japanese names. I ended up with Sorua and Soruaaku (I didn't notice the dakuten) and tried to think of an English basing or possible official romaji name. I didn't think hard enough, and didn't make -aaku into ark or arc. I checked for name confirmation, seeing that it was Zoroa and Zoroark/Zoroaaku. I felt silly for forgetting the dakuten, but otherwise proud for figuring out most of the name AWW BY MYSEWF. I'm a big boy now! Oh yeah, the fact that ru became ro is weird. Can anyone figure out an English or Japanese reference in this name? Also, yeah, this is definately the new Lucario.
  14. Last week, as I was playing EXE 6, I got an idea. A stupid idea. One that resulted in the deletion of my save. I decided that I wanted to know what it was like to fight Gregar, so I used an "Encounter Gregar in Net" code. My game froze, deleting it. This left me wondering. On my new file, I tried an "Encounter GBeast in Net" code, only to have the same results. I am therefore left to assume a few things: 1. There are multiple versions for sprite data; one for chips, one for battles, and others. That's why DoubleBeast works as a chip, but you can't encounter the other Beast Out. It also means that your real opponent Beasting Out in battle does not equal GBeast or FBeast. That, or DoubleBeast relies on sprite data from link battles. I assume you can't fight Gregar on a Japanese Falzar, but you can still use his chip. 2. I might be wrong with the sprite data thing, as it might actually be that their AI is not programmed into the other game, freezing upon encountering something that can't exist. Although the other game's Link Navis are encounterable and playable through a cheating device. All that, or I'm an idiot when it comes to stuff like this. WHICH I AM.
  15. The original DS to the DS lite was just a hardware change, with a few possible behind-the-scenes software changes. The DS lite to the DSi was the complete opposite, as a lot of the software was revamped, while the hardware hardly changed in size. Then, those Dual-Color DS lites had received some kind of "special coating" or something on the bottom I think, although it wasn't that noticeable. The DSi XL isn't the "faux" successor to the DSi, just a sister system that was released a year too late. And yes, it is intended for those with eye conditions and for the elderly. No normal person would game with it. As people have been expecting, Gen V might change its console leading up to its release. P.S. - I remember reading somewhere that the DS was originally supposed to be a sidetrack from the Game Boy series. They had said something like that the DS was a big risk that turned out great. If anything, a new handheld would probably be a new Game Boy if they decide to go back to the series. But I have no idea how they're gonna top the DS without two screens. Unless, you know, it can move in three dimensions with slightly improved GameCube graphics. Although it's a given that it'll be slightly more powerful than a GameCube, just as the DS was with the N64 and the GBA was with the SNES.
  16. When I saw it, I thought of Infernape, so I thought of it as the final form of a fire starter. Then a grass starter. Then a water starter. Then Shaymin. Then Lucario. Then I realized that this was "Z", so I now think that it's actually a new legendary. But I can't get pokemonmaster384's comparison to a Sandslash out of my head. I am unsure of what to believe. Come on, Game Freak! Couldn't you have waited until May, so people would just be completing HG/SS? It's only out in two areas, and you're treating it like yesterday's news!
  17. Gonna add some Grand Theft Auto to the game, you know, rob a trainer and steal his/her bike, get your own possé to fight those who oppose you, give you the option to "get rid" of them if you don't like them... Wait, they already did that.
  18. I was kinda hoping for a shiny Porygon-Z, but I guess Deoxys is the next best thing, symbolically.
  19. Whoops! I forgot about that! *Slaps myself* Anyway, I'm restarting Blue Moon today, and my brother is restarting Red Sun. I need a little clarification on Free Tournament mode. I heard that if I send Navi data to him first and he sends it second, I will be able to fight his Navis in Free Tournament mode with their original AI, while he'll fight mine with a different one, and vice-versa? I also heard that after I beat a Navi in the championship, I get his/her Secret Chip, but the version I get is based on what Continue the other player was on (ex. same Continue = 1, one Continue higher = 2, two Continues higher = 3). This doesn't make sense to me, because I won't be able to get 3 of the V1 secret chips from his Navis unless we both enter Continue2 at the same time and get our other Souls. Then, he has to get one continue ahead of me so I can get his V2 Secret Chips, and vice-versa. Then, I repeat those steps to get the V3 Secret Chips, and trade with him to get the 18 Secret Chips from my Navis. By then, we're on Continue4 or Continue5. Another theory I heard was that if the Navi has an HP boost by XXX-XXX, YYY-YYY, or ZZZ-ZZZ, I'll get their V1, V2, or V3 Secret chip. I'm at a loss as to which one is true. Also, after you exchange Navi data, you're able to encounter them in their respective tournaments, do their stories (minus Soul Unison, which I have on my Action Replay), and encounter them on the net like your own to collect their V1, SP, and DS Mega Chips? Do they appear in the same area that their corresponding Navi appears in? Finally, are Duo and GrandPrixPower counted towards the list of Secret Chips in Japan, but not in English? Or do they appear in the Library at all? Do they even work in the English games, or do they freeze it up like Falzar, Gregar, Django 1/2/3, and the Count 1/2/3 from EXE 6? Thank you for your time. P.S. *everyone groans* What other things were cut from the English games?
  20. My first EXE game was EXE 3. It, along with Pokémon Ruby and Pokémon Pinball, were my first games for the Game Boy Advance. It was quite fun. I've never actually tried EXE or EXE 2, as the battle menu and library categorizing never really appealed to me. I never even got past Fireman on Network Transmission (11 year old attention span). I've been wondering if I should restart all of my games (Blue, Blue Moon, Team Colonel, Cybeast Falzar, and Network Transmission), just to get a fresh start. But, like HottSushiz, I have "gotta complete this completely before moving on" syndrome. That, and all the unused content in the game will bug the crap out of me, making me want to work on ROM expansion and ROM transferring, which I have little experience in. I would love to add the translated Django sidequest to an english EXE 6, but it's impossible with a retail cartridge, and a massive amount of work would have to be done, like area addition, item location rewriting, translating, debugging, etc. By the way, Nigoli, I Googled you and found your blog. Congrats on that Complete Works EXE book. If I could read Japanese, and had the money, Japanese games, and accessories, I would buy it. For me, it's like "Have it complete or don't have it at all". Also, that's a massive amount of e-Reader cards you have there. Which ones are remaining? On a different note, I'm considering buying every Star Force game (minus RM EXE OSS), but I'm saving up for HG and SS. The battles put me off, with Battle Cards having no codes, only being able to move left and right, and the polygon enemies, but other than that, I'm alright. Would it be worth it?
  21. I had no idea you ran The Undersquare, Nigoli! I only started visiting after it was closed. Anyway, Battle Network 4 was a conflicting game for me. Like Wraith said, it was frustrating collecting every Soul Unison due to low replay value. I was shocked with the graphics transition from EXE 3 to EXE 4, although now I prefer them. For some reason, it was one of my favourites. I enjoyed the tournaments and battle sequences. Most of the music I felt to be lacking, except for the tournament and boss music. The Navis were interesting, and Duo was a nice addition, although a tad random. Dark Chips were frustrating with their permanent HP loss, along with the fact that you had to have a Dark Soul to use some Standard Chips, Mega Chips, Giga Chips, and Program Advances (stupid DarkNeo). The introduction of Secret Chips was annoying, because they took forever to collect. What made EXE 4 special to me were the vibrant locations and the sequences of the game that weren't dictated by tournaments (I chuckled warmly at Lan and Mayl's date). Duo Ω looked pretty cool as well. I haven't played EXE 5 in a while, but I remember that I didn't care for it too much. I got bored with the endless liberation missions. I found that Team Colonel had some pretty neat Souls (Toad Soul anyone?) and Chaos Unison fixed the Dark Chip problem. It had a good story, but it felt like the end of the EXE series. EXE 6 was the only game I bothered trying to beat completely (every symbol except for the BLG and Secret Complete; I didn't own Gregar and couldn't find an AR code for one symbol at a time or buying specific Navi Chips in the shop). The game felt empty. It bothered me that they cut out CrossOver 2 Mode, the entire Django quest, Undernet 3, Graveyard 1, Immortal Area, GunDelSol EX, Otenko, Django 1/2/3, and The Count 1/2/3, just because Capcom decided not to localize Boktai 3. I can understand from a business standpoint why they didn't release Boktai 3, but why cut out all references to it in EXE 6? I think I remember hearing that EXE 6 originally had some e-Reader compatibility, but I think it was for the extra 10 missions so you can fight Protoman FZ. At least CoA left him in, although I don't understand why they didn't do the same for DoubleBeast W, Gregar X, and Falzar Y. I know they were originally used with the BLG, but why not leave them in? DoubleBeast W, Otenko O, GunDelSol EX G, and the CrossOver PA still work, even if some of the sprites were replaced with blank circles. (Continuing my rant later...)
  22. A series that I enjoy way too much to not talk about. Who else here played it? I'm gonna try to remember the list of games. MegaMan Battle Network MegaMan Battle Network 2 MegaMan Battle Network 3 White MegaMan Battle Network 3 Blue (Black in Japan) MegaMan Battle Network 4 Red Sun MegaMan Battle Network 4 Blue Moon MegaMan Battle Network 5 Team Protoman MegaMan Battle Network 5 Team Colonel MegaMan Battle Network 5 Double Team DS MegaMan Battle Network 6 Cybeast Gregar MegaMan Battle Network 6 Cybeast Falzar MegaMan Battle Chip Challenge MegaMan Network Transmission Rockman EXE WS Rockman EXE 4.5 Real Operation Rockman EXE Phantom of Network Rockman EXE Legend of Network Rockman EXE Battle Chip Stadium Rockman EXE Operate Shooting Star MegaMan Star Force (Ryuusei no Rockman 'Shooting Star Rockman') game discussion is also welcome, due to it being in the Battle Network universe. I haven't played them before, but I think I know the names. MegaMan Star Force Pegasus MegaMan Star Force Leo MegaMan Star Force Dragon MegaMan Star Force 2 ZerkerXSaurus MegaMan Star Force 2 ZerkerXNinja MegaMan Star Force 3 Black Ace MegaMan Star Force 3 Red Joker RockMan EXE Operate Shooting Star What are your highlights, low-points, and stories for these series'? Either you love 'em, hate 'em, or don't know 'em. It's not Classic, X, Zero, ZX, or Legends, but an alternate reality.
  23. SNOW DAY! Elevation Poll? That's what she said! *holds for laughter and groans* I live in southern Ontario, like right above the lake above the lowest part of Canada (I forget the elevation). It snowed last night, and rained this morning. While walking to school, my crappy shoes were filled with slush. They were wet for the rest of the day. Our first snow (I think; it could have been 4 days earlier) was on Friday, for maybe 5 minutes. I was so excited. I remember it snowing on Sunday and Monday briefly. I'm supposed to be hit with the storm as well. It better be a snow day tomorrow!
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