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Everything posted by MACandCHEEZWIZ1

  1. Why, thank you, good sir! Now I'm off to learn some more. *flies away*
  2. What I'm basically asking is: On the typing screen (for nicknames, character names, etc.), is all of the kanji/katakana/hiragana (I don't know the difference) the same as normal text used throughout the game? Are there any symbols that the game text uses that you cannot include in your nicknames/character name (not counting games in other languages)? Also, is the main difference between kanji, hiragana, and katakana that they have different sounds, or is it another type of writing altogether?
  3. I can't find one anywhere (that's suitable for me, and specifically for games). I already understand Hexadecimal, Binary, Octal (Not that I'll need it), Decimal (THE HARD KIND), and how to convert between them. I also know Logic Gates, but that probably only applies to hardware, not software. I want to learn about addresses, and what order I would put a code in, and things like that. I own a Trainer Toolkit, but I don't understand large portions of the manual. If anyone could give me a link to a website that I don't have to sign up for, I would be eternally grateful. I still don't get what 32-bit addresses and "If equal to/If more/less than" means. If you know an incredible tutorial that I would have to sign up for, that would be fine, too. Thanks in advance!
  4. I remember you all. Poryhack is incredible at technology in general, and I like the thread he made for HG/SS official art. HottSushiz, you are well known and respected by the community. I totally remember you! And Toffeuy... Hello back to ya! Now I feel like some creepy guy who spends his years spying on forum membe- I mean "Whoops!". Also, I only know basic computer science, but I can't wait to learn more.
  5. What if they re-introduced the Beserk Gene in Gen V? Like, they gave it a new ability to transform certain Pokémon into legendaries, sort of like a "Super-Evolution"? Just like an evolutionary stone. They could give a back story, such as every legendary possesses it, Mewtwo had an excess amount or something, and there's only one in the game. Jolteon, Flareon, Vaporean Super-Evolve to Raikou, Entei, and Suicune, respectively. Skarmory and Pidgeot Super-Evolve to Lugia and Ho-oh, respectively. JFV became legendary because Ho-oh passed on a Beserk Gene to them, creating RES. It would also explain the whole "multiple legendaries" thing. Mewtwo would be violent and destructive due to the Beserk Gene being constantly spliced into him. Sorry about getting off-topic.
  6. My name is MACandCHEEZWIZ1, but you can call me Brandon. Many months ago, I found http://www.db.pokesav.org/, and I loved it. A couple of months later, Project Pokémon was born as the man-child of it (Man-children are awesome). At first, I missed the original layout, but PP was updated over time, and I now I like it. I had never registered, but I always read the articles and threads anyway. Today, I noticed that vBulletin prevented me from checking out the forums, so I decided to sign up. This is actually the very first forum I've ever registered on, and I'm glad I did. I can't wait to learn new things about computer science, and just talk about things in general. If you want to know more about me, just ask. Also, I use my Wii for the Internet most of the time (including now).
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