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Everything posted by Kaphotics

  1. Seems like this will be a repeat 4th Gen event, because this WIN2011 was for the Winter Celebi that was given out over Wi-Fi earlier this year.
  2. Smart trainer battles require different codes. I don't think there are any out there.
  3. Yep. There are roms that you can load PGFs on and broadcast on Wireless. You got duped Previously... Someone did something similar at the San Jose Mall Tour this year (wondertomb).
  4. The fact that yours has the Classic Ribbon is a sign that someone has tampered with the card / hacked one. Someone probably just created the card and distributed it there with their own system, based on the information Nintendo provided from their site (and their own speculation).
  5. <3 andibad Note to others: replace the other .exe with this one, it will crash if you don't have the .CSV files it needs to run.
  6. It's not ANY nature. It's always Brave. from the vgc site, the background of the download action (wireless download, not IR, at the desk)
  7. You'd have to have a quad code: Write to one area of unused memory with one activator Add 1 to that area with another Subtract 1 to that area with another and then another part to copy that ability value to use to mod the ability. It's too complex, just don't be lazy. We aren't blessed with a calculator app to enter a number and use it for the #. To update the ability, the game has to not have the Pokemon visible to update the displayed ability. So your idea of "scrolling" can never happen.
  8. It's not just starting out, its first revisions were in October and the latest (.7) was uploaded in March. The whole thing uses CSV kinda like PokeStock (txt), so translation should be easy. Re-pointing the program to the different offsets would require more work.
  9. oh hai drayano looking back on that, I should have made everything bulleted @drayano = cheren double battle the other thing was a separate point soz bro
  10. Author's Webpage: http://www.geocities.jp/bt_vermeille/remodel/pokemon_bw/ | (B2W2) Japanese Program. .NET 2.0 Required. Edits the ROM, not narcs. Features: Species Editor Evolution Editor Encounter Slot Editor Move Editor Download *TRANSLATED* Pokemon ROM Changer: B2W2 - English ROMs (by Kaphotics) B2W2 - JP Translation (by Kaphotics and Andibad) BW Translation (by Andibad) For ROM Hacks: PRC for BBVW2 Complete 1.1 PRC for BBVW2 Vanilla 1.1 PRC for BBVW2 Complete 1.00 PRC for BBVW2 Vanilla 1.00 Bond697 has graciously provided decompiled code (via .NET Reflector). It's not the original code, but it compiles into the same program. Original prc_bw2 (B2W2) Original prc_bw (BW) --Source for prc_bw2 translation (English) --Source for prc_bw2's translation (JP)
  11. I love changing the Battle Style to Set. Makes everything harder and more enjoyable. That's an option stored in the save file itself, not the ROM. You'd have to find the routine that checks the flag for set/shift, and change it to always return set (ie no switch). Then you have to find that routine in the ROM itself and change it. A huge pain in the ass. Nobody knows how to script events extensively, so rebattling things is out of the question for now. If only those drones at PokeCommunity would forget about that 7 year old game and help advance the newest gen for enjoyability. Change the Marts to sell them is your best option. Sell different ones in different towns for whatever price. See scripting argument above @drayano battle difficulty => difficulty value for the trainer
  12. decimal -> hex offset conversion 996 through 1023 == 3E4 through 3FF
  13. be more specific as to what you mean by "events"
  14. You can use HxD to view all of the hex (this includes the Trash Bytes in addition to the Significant Bytes of Pokemon data).
  15. http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?11474-Hex-Values-and-Trashbytes-in-B-W Everything has been integrated into PokeGen, except Terminators which you can find out how to do elsewhere
  16. you have to set the primary and secondary dns, in addition to confirming your settings. Make sure the DNS saved. If you had done it properly, you wouldn't connect to Nintendo at all! If the private GTS was down, you'd be told that you couldn't connect.
  17. HxD or Hex Workshop. Make sure your save file is of the 512 KB type.
  18. IRC webapp on our site uses Mibbit. Few people (tomxc, myself, others?) use Mibbit (as a browser IRC client) as opposed to a separate program. Happened around around 49 hours ago.
  19. I got the images from the user: Plusle over at Smogon while the VGCs were still going on. They're the real deal
  20. It was spread, there's no way to pre-give PKRS on the card. The image I provided did not have PKRS!
  21. We already know everything about it from other people, we just don't have the card.
  22. You have to set the pokemon from tabs back into the box.
  23. The only thing that passes from the parent to the egg is the IVs and moves (if parent is male). That's all. Your Eevee has no problems if you bred it in your own game.
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