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Everything posted by Kaphotics

  1. You cannot ADD stationary encounters, only change existing ones.
  2. Don't rebuild cro, restore your original. The cfw patches patch the individual checks so rebuilding messes it up.
  3. Already exists in the CRO editing tools. Games with edited CRO files can only be played with custom firmware that has RO module patches. If the latest release doesn't have it, recompile from source.
  4. https://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?24589-B2W2-General-ROM-Info&p=161428&viewfull=1#post161428
  5. Unless you're using that flag in later logic, yes, it is useless.
  6. disablespawn (aka defeated); the 'captured' flag is used for respawn logic (normally when defeating the elite four; if flag is not set then the defeated flag is cleared)
  7. I'm referring to the overworld file that defines the NPC's map coordinates and sprite. There's a spawn flag which determines if the game spawns it or not (depending on if the specific flag is set or not).
  8. Did you edit the overworld file so that the NPC has the same spawn flag the as the one you're setting to hide the trainer?
  9. Already exists, see the database sub form. Dump boxes to PKHeX's database or create a "db" folder in the same path as the executable. The database viewer has built in searching, and eventually will be improved for cross gen viewing.
  10. Depends what save data manager you are using. Only conflict I can see is using hotkeys (ctrl-o) with save_manager as control is the key to skip that check. Try opening via file open or clicking on the save info label above the boxes.
  11. Nothing in those is modified as there's other unknown checksum/signatures associated which are not yet known. It's only supposed to set back encdata.
  12. Correct. https://github.com/kwsch/pk3DS/blob/master/pk3DS/Main.cs#L478-L492
  13. When transferring the 'ability number' is set (no longer derived from the PID), in doing so it checks the valid abilities to find the ability number. https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/blob/master/PKM/PKX.cs#L269 If ability 1 & 2 are the same, the 'find' will return the first instance (ability 1).
  14. Implemented during the code overhaul. https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/blame/6378eb7f561b4dce3c5f79e0f63df717973a7884/Legality/Checks.cs#L40-L46
  15. Be careful with how many different colors you are using. Keep it below 16.
  16. ~3 weeks ago PKHeX started to get rewritten to support the eventual S/M games; as a fringe benefit I've also added Gen4 & Gen5 support in addition to a few sub-editors. You can track the progress of this branch on Github. As a side effect of a lot of code changes, it'll still be a little bit before it's ready for full release (new bugs). SciresM and I are working out the details on the new sub-editors and any user friendly tweaks, but a lot of things are already working (like PKM editing and Save I/O).
  17. Game Text Editor; if you're unsure which file, dump all to txt and search for the text you want to replace.
  18. Importing information from Showdown doesn't include anything like Met Information, Met Level, OT info, etc; all ShowdownSet information is applied directly to the PKM loaded to the tabs. It'd be messy trying to get a Team of ShowdownSets, then loading individual PKM to tabs, applying set, then setting back to Party. Best to just have it manual for ShowdownSet importing.
  19. If it is impossible to encounter a Shiny Rayquaza => it's an invalid encounter (no encounters match). I've altered the code to defer that shiny check from the encounter matching logic to the EC/PID check, which will now say if it is shiny locked. There's currently an overhaul of the program in progress, so I'm not pushing a commit of this change until the overhaul is done
  20. $ --> your compiler doesn't support c# 6.0. It's one of the new language additions in the latest c# version.
  21. GCEA algorithm is not known, and probably never will be.
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