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Everything posted by evandixon

  1. Are you ensuring that your secret ID is the same as well as your regular ID? It checks for OT name, gender, ID, and SID. Also, you need to calm down, and try not to insult COM, as he has done quite a lot of work getting pokesav to work at all: mapping the save file and all that. It is a very difficult task; more complicated than something either of us could achieve.
  2. Could you upload the *.pkm so we can take a look at it? Also, please be more specific by R4. Wood R4? Official firmware 1.18? R4i Whatever? A flashcart is not an emulator. Depending on the firmware used (like Wood R4), it works exactly like a legit cartridge.
  3. It might be code that checks for the ID of the Pokemon that runs whenever a battle starts; completely ignoring any data about the Pokemon other than its ID. Just a thought.
  4. Once upon a time, there was a link to the wiki on the top of the page. Then the forums were upgraded and it is gone. There is currently a link to the main site and IRC chat page, so is there a particular reason there isn't a link to the wiki? A limit on the amount of links there? A freak accident that no one has bothered fixing? If it can be added back, that would be great.
  5. Please be more specific, by posting a complete version of this: [noparse] [/noparse] [Edit] I have a feeling this should have gone here: http://projectpokemon.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?22-Pokémon-Requests , but I'll leave that up to this forum's moderator.


    <p><p><p><p><p><p>And you're not too late. I was promoted on Saturday. You're actually the first non-staff member to notice!</p></p></p></p></p></p>


  7. I ban RaebErak because she never has a good enough reason to ban someone.
  8. It would have to decrypt it if you can extract the pokemon from each video.
  9. evandixon


    Well, since no one else has greeted you, welcome to these forums!
  10. Welcome to the forums! (Unfortunately I'm one of those who doesn't know you) Regardless, have a good time in these forums.
  11. Correct. You have to complete the Unova dex first (by seeing, not necessarily by catching), then talk to the professor(I forgot her name)
  12. Please be more specific by "awesome moves". Also, a pokemon code isn't going to be short.
  13. The cheat I have no problem with is the EXP multiplier. Other cheats with more effect or closer to being illegal I tend to look down on.
  14. Wrong section. Try posting it in this forum with this structure.
  15. What changes did you make?
  16. What tool are you using to make the Mewtwo?
  17. If you re-open your save file (before booting), is the skin still there?
  18. For US and UK(Press Select): 94000130 fffb0000 0223cdac 0098967f d2000000 00000000 [edit]This is for black for white: Hit Select for Max Cash 94000130 FFFB0000 0223CDCC 0098967F D2000000 00000000
  19. I decided to give trying to hack the save file of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky, and have had more success than before. The save file is 128KB. The first and second 50KB segments are exactly the same, probably to ensure there is no error. If you try to change one of the segments without fixing the checksum, nothing happens. If you apply the same change to both, the game thinks it is corrupt and deletes it. I'm not sure of what the third segment of the remaining 28KB is for, and the game seems to run fine if you delete it. In the 1st and 2nd segment, there are two areas that are always different. Seriously, I change my team name, then change it back, and they are different all three times. I think that one is some random/other value that we'll never know, and the other is a checksum that includes that. 0x0000-0x0004 - not a standard CRC-32 containing 0x30-0x31. 0x0030-0x0031 - not a standard CRC-16 CCITT. My bruteforcer did not turn up any results containing the team name, which I know for a fact is in some checksum. Also, some locations I've found: 0x990C-0x990F - Held Money. You must left shift the bits two times, and get the UInt16 from the second and third bytes. 0x9915-0x9916 - Stored Money 0x994D-0x9957 - Team Name. ASCII for regular English characters. I haven't tested other characters. 0x9960-0x9961 - Probably part of play time. Changes every time I actually load the save file, but not when I for instance change the team name. I have attached a program (Truncated to Explorers of Sky .exe) that will split a save file of this game into its 3 parts (not recombine though). Should be self-explanatory. [update] Checksum found, and save editor released. http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?29465-Introducing-the-first-save-editor-for-Mystery-Dungeon-Explorers-of-Sky Any updates on research should be posted in that thread. Explorers of Sky .exe Sky Viewer..zip
  20. I ban you (RaebErak) for thinking it was meant literally, when it in fact said "...post something like: 'banned for <reason>'...", and also for thinking I meant the rules of the thread when I meant of the forum.
  21. You would have to ensure that the Pokemon's original trainer name, id, and secret id all match your own.
  22. I ban RaebErak for banning someone(me) for following the rules.
  23. I ban RaebErak again for not posting a complete sentence.
  24. I'm not sure you really need it to be in sleep mode. It will probably sync when you turn the 3DS on. Just open the app when you think it has new spotpass data, and it should load it.
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