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Everything posted by evandixon

  1. All of you are banned for RASN's un-orthadox ban message, and because I dropped my ban-hammer!
  2. Bowser Ex, you have recieved a ban because you need a better reason for banning me other than "I feel like it", or "I forgot something", etc.
  3. 4, unless staff of another site that is closed counts (probebly not, because damio is +1)
  4. The ARDS Code Manager does not support USRCHEAT.DAT, only XML files. Search for R4CCe by Yasu, that should do the trick.
  5. That is why I added support on my converter linked to above.
  6. Shuny's converter is how I got most of what I have.
  7. So if you're the rain maker, then you're a cloud!?
  8. I am currently working on the Online/Offline NDS Save File Converter version 2, and I need a complete list of all formats flashcarts/emulators/backup tools use in addtion to what sizes they work with. What I have so far: Raw Formats: Acekard RPG (*.sav) EZ Flash V (*.sav) R4 Formats (Raw format with a fixed size): R4 (512KB) extension being *.sav CycloDS (512KB) extension being *.sav EDGE (512KB) extension being *.sav iEDGE (512KB) extension being *.sav M3 Simply (512KB) extension being *.sav TTDS (512KB) extension being *.sav TTDSi (512KB) extension being *.sav Supercard CF (512KB) extension being *.sav Supercard SD (512KB) extension being *.sav Ninja DS (512KB) extension being *.sav M3 DS Real (512KB) extension being *.0 G6 DS Real (512KB) extension being *.0 M3i Zero (512KB, or 1MB) extension being *.sav Action Replay Media Edition Formats: Action Replay Media Editon (*.duc) Action Replay DSi (*.duc) Other Formats: Desmume (*.dst; size does not matter) Action Replay DS MAX (*.duc, size does not matter)
  9. You can try using one of my conversion tools: Http://saves.uniquegeeks.net/
  10. Tracy1969able, you have recieved a permanent ban from UniqueGeeks.Net and all other portals on its system, because you fail to understand why I don't accept ban appeals for that matter, and that you are adveratising your PokeFarm account in the post, not your signature. If you wish to make an appeal, because you strongly disagree, contact another staff member and include the URL of this post. If however, you contact me, then I will tell my staff members to not unban you. (Mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!)
  11. Sabeta, you have recieved a permanent ban from UniqueGeeks.Net and all other portals on its system, because you have not specified a company/organization/franchise to ban Gin from. If you wish to make an appeal, then you are out of luck.
  12. This was more fun for me over a Gamingbase.Net (until its closure) where I was a mod. 4 *heavy sigh*
  13. If you do want to convert, then I have a tool for this (credit still goes to Matt140 for the ARDSi conversion): http://saves.uniquegeeks.net/
  14. People typically introduce themselves near when they join. Introducing yourself now will make the normal greets not fit, like the following: Welcome to Project Pokemon, Riolu Aura Sphere Now! I hope you enjoy your time here! So now I have to somehow greet you with something other than explaining why I can't use normal greets... (*Ponders long and hard*) Ah, ha!: No, wait, that won't work. (*Ponders long and hard again*) Ah, ha!: Please ignore my above remarks, I hope you enjoy your further time here! Random: In case you don't know, I'm the guy who made the alternative to Shuny's NDS save converter.
  15. This has been answered so many times. *dreads replying* OK. So: the cartradge for HG/SS has an IR port to comunicate with the Pokewalker, and that is on top of the save chip. This is not a problem if you give the cart the right command, and if you don't, you can't see the save chip. If you buy an NDS Backup Adapter Plus (doesn't have to be from ConsoleSource, but that's where I got mine; if it says "Pre-order now", then it means that there are none in stock), then you will be able to sucessfully backup and restore the save file to and from HG/SS. Don't bother contacting Datel to ask for an update. No matter what they say (ex. if they say "Thank you for your recent enquiry we are able to confirm that we are hoping to release a software update very soon."), take it with a grain of salt. The example was sent sometime in May...
  16. Boot off the CD. How do you do that? I'm not sure, because I don't have one. Look here.
  17. Only if you put Windows on it (it is actually possible to do so)
  18. You can get the NDS Backup Adapter plus and be able to dump HG/SS saves; you can get an ARDSi, but not be able to backup HG/SS and need to convert saves with a converter; or you can look here, because all the tools listed there backup saves as well, but they only see half the save on Platinum, and can't backup HS/SS.
  19. <p><p><p><p><p>Thanks!</p></p></p></p></p>

  20. http://www.1and1.com/ I'm using it for UniqueGeeks.Net right now, however, I don't know how good they are at Linux hosting (the kind of hosting you would want for vBulletin). It does (for Linux hosting) support PHP and MYSQL. For Microsoft Hosting, it supports ASP.Net and MS SQL 2008, much better than PHP, however, no really good free forum systems for it that are released.
  21. Sorry, I thought you meant legit carts. If you are talking about getting them off the DSTT, you should just be able to copy them off of the Micro SD. THey should be named the same as your ROM. Example: Pokemon.nds will have Pokemon.sav as its save file.
  22. The backup tools specified here are capable of backing up save files as well (unles you have HeartGold or Soul Silver, then an NDS Backup Adapter Plus is needed, unless you have soldering skills and want to risk destroying your cart.)
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