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Everything posted by theSLAYER

  1. Changed. anyway download the new location list, give it a try. Note that for some weird reason the text is displayed as São Paulo, SP, Brazil
  2. I've updated the Location list for GP1 editor. What username you want to be changed to?
  3. Hey, please stop multi-posting. If no one replied you, add the new information to your latest unanswered post. It's interesting cause I didn't know that was a thing, and was able to find that page pretty much immediately. I was trying to see if Pokémon was restricted from being transferred. (Pokémon was restricted from their cloud save backup system) If you already have a save, why not just transfer it to a hacked system, do the edits, then transfer it back? It'll be a good test for you to know if the procedure you have in mind works. (In the mean time, I'm working on getting the GP1 entry)
  4. It's not possible. In case you didn't know, saves are not stored on cartridges. AFAIK there isn't a method that allows saves to be transferred from one Switch to another, without both being hacked Switches.
  5. Like I said, I need GP1. PB7 doesn't do it any good. Wait hang on. If you cannot extract your save, what good would this program do you? Is this just a convoluted way to get someone to trade with you? I do not have Nintendo Online subscription, and I'm not doing any trades. If you want to try and get a trade, go to our Wifi Trading and Battling sub-forum.
  6. I'll see if I can find a GP1 from that location. Would probably take awhile, check back in 24-48 hours.
  7. No. You need the GP1. With the GP1 with the wanted location, you can add location to list, then Afterwards you can send location to file to replace any location data. Based on this topic chain, I'm assuming you do not have said GP1. What location for the mon did you want?
  8. Do you have a GP1 of the mon captured at the intended location?
  9. I was under the impression it got debunked when Dynamax was revealed to be a thing >< I guess people just didn't want to let the idea die huh...
  10. Those were notes relating to the save structure, from PKHeX's github. What I pointed out, was an offset you should check on your save when doing comparisons. You'll need a hex editor (HxD for example) to check your save's data, as per recommended by Poke J
  11. Sheesh, there's no need to multi-post. Just edit any new information into your latest unanswered post. Try launching your own game. I get a feeling there's no save in it anymore...
  12. show me a screenshot of outside the main folder, and inside the main folder.
  13. The official Pokémon GO page has announced that Armored Mewtwo can be challenged in Tier 5 raids, from July 10th, 1pm PDT to July 31st, 1pm PDT. While the Japanese trailer explicitly mentions it is a crossover event with the Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back EVOLUTION, this information was missing from the English trailer, presumably because the movie is out in the West yet. Presently, there is no official mention of this event being tied to the datamined Shadow Pokémon. Based on the trailer, it appears Armored Mewtwo can have Ice Beam has it's charged move. Presently, it is unknown if it'll retain the same stats and same moves as a regular Mewtwo. View full article
  14. You should keep a safe backup of your main before you do any edits. Now, the Y = Restore should be option to import the save back into your game.
  15. @Gajeel on that last image, what happens when you click on save data. Is that dump only (I'm assuming the third image is after you select Dump Selected (Y) on the second image) Does it lead to a Overwrite and Export option? What Homebrew are you using to access JKSM?
  16. Take a few photos/screenshots of your JKSM menu, revolving around selecting the game and exporting the save, and place them in a spoiler. I need to see what you're working with, to have a better idea of what advice to give.
  17. @Gajeel What save manager are you using the import and export saves?
  18. I found the flag to reactivate the Roamers from the basement of the Burned Tower, in Pokémon GS. For GS, tested to work on INTL, KOR and JPN version, and for C, tested on INTL version. [JPN version of event flags doesn't seem to work properly on PKHeX right now] For GS, Both of these has to be done: Unset Flag 1867 Event Constant 41: set to 0 For Crystal, Both of these has to be done: Unset Flag 1867 Event Constant 54: set to 0
  19. That review was hidden by a staff, presumably because it was not review-esque. It looks more like a please help me message, and less like an actual review. Based on what I'm seeing, reviews are not locked out to any members, so I believe you could not write another review because that old review wasn't deleted, just hidden. (and it doesn't make sense for a member to be able to write multiple reviews) In any case, do not use 'reviews' to ask for help etc. That 'review' option isn't meant for ask for help, it's literally meant for a review. The thread to the tool still exists. If you need help, that's the place to go. Is that the only reason why you think you were under moderation?
  20. @lolcatzidk there isn't any real need to bump the thread. If anyone knew they answer, they likely would have already replied to ya. Or did you expect every single member to reply "I don't know" XD As Poke J said, it's likely unresearched. When you attempt to find the value, as per described Poke J, it might do you some good to check around this ranges:
  21. As far as I can tell your posts are not being moderated. Where and when did you make a post and it doesn't show up?
  22. To prevent any confusion: Possible to boot on emulator to connect to GBA: NO. Any alternatives to attempt to boot it: On actual GBA, using with GBA FLASHCARD. Needs 2 GBAs to connect.
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