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Everything posted by theSLAYER

  1. That's rather odd sounding indeed. @Kaphotics got any clue what happened? :3
  2. whether the save has been PKHeX'd should make no difference to CITRA, cause it'll be indistinguishable from a normal save. Perhaps you're only supposed to turn on the cheats after the save is loaded, or maybe CITRA is storing some data about the previous save somewhere else, so when you loaded a different save, it 'notices' the difference. In any case, issue solved, locking thread. edit: anyway, just informing you that Pokémon doesn't run well on CITRA. It'll lock up randomly across gameplay, and there is no true solution besides playing the games on a 3DS.
  3. so at least we know it loads without a main, and creates one, meaning you're for sure on the right window. Also, CITRA loaded your save. so the issue isn't with PKHeX, but with CITRA. The save isn't corrupted. consider: 1. try loading games without cheats. 2. if that doesn't work, get the latest version of CITRA (I think the latest one doesn't support cheats, so you're probably not on the latest)
  4. you didn't send over your save file from the previous set of screenshots. send it over. also, it's weird that file doesn't work, when it should. What happens if you try to load the game without a main?
  5. @ADtab00 thanks for the quick reply! Send over the save! In the mean time, does the XY save renamed to main from here work (without editing)?
  6. Issue is with CITRA. Don't play Pokémon on CITRA, as it'll just keep randomly hanging all across the story.
  7. hey, show us a screenshot of the Citra folder that contains the save. Also ensure file extensions are enabled.
  8. @kerpgap There's certainly odd. Did you "import" all the Pokémon before receiving the starter or before catching a Pokémon or something? I'm wondering if it's a glitch resulting from having Pokémon in your PC before even having the PC initiated. edit: Going back to advice I gave you previously (and other advice): 1. Try importing only 1 Pokémon first, to see if the glitch occurs. 2. Don't use batch editor on the save you want to import. Batch edit elsewhere, then export, then import into the intended save
  9. I'm not a code dev, though I could do a few simple searches. What's the purpose of winning? For prizes or..? First page of google:
  10. Edit what about a Pokéthlon? Scores? If it's editing stuff like scores or what is unlocked (stuff on saves), it'll need to be research by someone (not sure if any has been done). If no one is interested enough to do the research, then it can't be implemented. If it's stuff like changing your score partway through the game, or changing difficulty of a game, that sounds like RAM/ROM editing.
  11. No worries! Also if you unset Shauna's Traded flag ( Post game Shauna Traded: 0094 Set, as seen from here), you'll be able to trade with her
  12. Give this a try. You'll be in Geosenge City, and you need to go into Flare HQ and start the legendary cut-scene Also save must be named main to be reimported corrected Potential side-effect of my edit: Shauna trade may be not possible to do in post-game. Some NPCs may already be battled. If you play this save on Y, you'll notice the Ultimate Weapon's design is the one in X. (Encounter will still match the game you're playing tho, so no worries there) Added one Master Ball for good measure (after all, I did not buff up your team, and you'll have to fight Lysandre after the legendary battle..) main
  13. How bout this: Import only one Pokémon (drag it into the box), and see if it crashes. Try this single import a few times along the story, to be sure: 1. at the beginning 2. after you reached PC and have access to boxes and saved. 3. after you received Poké Balls and caught a single mon. Presently, I do not know what point is the point where "earliest point we can import pokemon"
  14. I previously mentioned this, and I'm not sure if you tried: Run all the way to the PC, access the boxes, then try to import Pokémon.
  15. Using the past 2 generations history, shiny legend events have left Japan (Rayquaza, Mewtwo, Xerneas, Yveltal, Zygarde, Tapus), but shiny mythical events have been inconsistent (Jirachi, Genesect, Arceus, Diancie). I say chances of a Shiny Necrozma leaving Japan is mediocre, but the existence of TCG card (and it getting translated) would boost it up to likely.
  16. @shadowofdarkness look at it's Met Level. When transferred using Pokémon Transfer Lab, the met level of transferred Pokémon gets updated. Meaning this is now the level it entered Generation 5. Meaning, the Luxio was transferred at Lv 4. This means: 1. It was transferred as a Shinx 2. Since it was transferred at Lv 4, it could not have learnt Crunch at Lv. 29 in DP (cause it was no longer in DP at 29). PKHeX is working as intended. erm.. In Gen 5 and Gen 6 games, Shinx can learn Crunch at Lv. 33, of course changing that would make it legal lol.
  17. upload said file, as I'm unable to replicate your issue Literally Lv. 30 Luxray with Crunch from Diamond, in a Gen 6 file.
  18. I think you talking about Bank formatted blank space data. It used Gen 5's Ash Zekrom, but had Light of Ruin and Fairy Gem. that's probably 1 scenario we can't be certain if there were going to release it..
  19. If you already have an XY save, I should be able to paste in story flags at that stage.
  20. Okay, try reaching the Pokémon center, access the PC/boxes, THEN do the mons import, and see if that helps. I wouldn’t try to use a USUM save on SM. Different story flags and stuff..
  21. 1. Start a new game 2. Export the new file. 3. Dump all Pokémon from this file into a folder 4. Import all Pokémon from the folder into new file.
  22. While I am 100% on board with being realistic and not creating expectations way too high for oneself. Tho I gotta ask, what event would you be referring to? (Long post in spoiler, not entirely relevant): To end off this long post: I do agree with Hello, it's me to an extent, being: the event may not get released as it is. Maybe the OT changes, or maybe it's no longer Necrozma. Or maybe it's no longer shiny. While there is no history to back it, they may decide to scrap the entire idea (despite the fact that we know they intend to release 'secret prizes' based on registration tiers achieved) People should be wary, and be aware, that nothing is final until it is actually released.
  23. Version .


    This gift was distributed via Local Wireless to players who went to the 2019 Pokémon World Championships, held at Washington, DC, in the United States, between August 16 to August 18, 2019. Species Aerodactyl Nickname (default, save lang) OT Worlds19 TID 081619 Distribution Local Wireless Location a lovely place Dates Aug 16 to Aug 18, 2019 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games All Regions 3DS: SM USUM Lv. 50 Nature Random Ability Unnerve (HA) Item Rare Bone Bundled Item None Card Per Save Only One Allowed Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Ancient Power Rock Polish Wide Guard Celebrate WC ID 685: 「Unearth Aerodactyl’s primeval power!」's receiving text 0x1A Thank you for coming to the 2019 Pokémon World Championships! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. Event Unearth Aerodactyl’s primeval power! Watch out overhead! Leave your opponents in the dust as you soar into battle with this terror of the ancient skies. Format Ver.1.0.8-2, Post Updated Date:20190817_0034
  24. Before we spiral down the rabbit hole with various other details, it is important to note this is a file that was uploaded onto the Mystery Gift servers and subsequently removed by the Mystery Gift staff. While there has been wonder cards that has had details changed between their testing and official releases, most of the time the event itself does get released, regardless of it being fully unchanged or in some other way with some alterations. Of course, there *is* a chance they decide to change the event altogether, it is important to note that this post is to report about what was uploaded, and at the very least, they intend to have a Secret Club distribution. Edit, as of 23rd August: Secret Club is officially teasing the Shiny Necrozma, so the event being pulled is rather unlikely now. /edit Edit, as of 30th August: Officially announced /edit The event found A wonder card was discovered on the Mystery Gift servers, and it appears to have been added and removed pretty quickly, presumably to avoid detection by pesky hackers. Species Necrozma Nickname (default, save lang) OT ひみつ TID 000132 Distribution Serial Code Location a lovely place Dates ? PID Shiny PID Games SM USUM Lv. 75 Nature Random Ability Prism Armor (1) Item None Bundled Item None Card Per Save Only One Allowed Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Light Screen Substitute Moonlight (None) 「ひみつの ネクロズマ プレゼント」's receiving text Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. Classic ひみつの ネクロズマ プレゼント ポケモンひみつクラブの かいいんが 55,555にんを こえた きねんに いろちがいの ネクロズマを プレゼント! Format Ver.1.0.8-2, Post Updated Date:20190817_0004 Rough translation: Title: Secret Necrozma Present Description: Necrozma present to commemorate the registration of 55,555 members with the Pokémon Secret Club! Also as a little tidbit, the Trainer ID 000132 appears to be a pun based on Secret Club. 1 (hi as in hitotsu) 3 (mi as in mitsu) 2 (tsu) -> Secret (himitsu) What is the Pokémon Secret Club? As reported by nintendosoup, Pokémon Secret Club is a website that features various Pokémon Sword & Shield trailers and information, has content that is only accessible by club members, holds monthly lotteries, and probably has other neat features. Presently, the only way to become a club member, is to receive a code card that can only be obtained by pre-ordering Pokémon Sword & Shield via Japanese retailers. An example of the physical code card as provided by the site: In any case, based on the event's description text, it appears that it'll be distributed to Pokémon Secret Club members. It is not known whether the event will use common passwords or unique serial codes. What I will say is: if you're able to, you probably should join the Secret Club.
  25. For example, let's look at the first section in my save: Section ID: 0x000C Checksum: 0x0000 (had no data in that block, so nothing to checksum I presume) Save Index: 0x00000002 Now look at the next section: Section ID: 0x000D (makes sense that it ascends) Checksum: 0xF131 Save Index: 0x00000002 Makes sense to you now? :3
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