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Everything posted by theSLAYER

  1. From the album: theSLAYER's custom images

    In hopes that Niantic would release Crystal Onix Modification of Onix's official art.
  2. From the album: theSLAYER's custom images

    Modifications of Solgaleo and Lunala's official art
  3. theSLAYER


    From the album: theSLAYER's custom images

    Image for BANWAVE that occurred awhile back.
  4. theSLAYER


    From the album: theSLAYER's custom images

    Made during the reveal for Dusk Mane/Dawn Wings Necrozma. Traced over Crystal's Suicune official art.
  5. theSLAYER

    Beast Ball GIF

    From the album: theSLAYER's custom images

    Spinning Beast Ball GIF Modified from Gen 5's spinning Great Ball GIF
  6. theSLAYER

    GS Ball

    From the album: theSLAYER's custom images

    GS Ball, based on official GS Ball artwork released for Crystal version. Modified Park Ball sprite from the games.
  7. From the album: theSLAYER's custom images

    Adding custom colors to Sotsu/Sunrise's official artwork of their "coloring version" release.
  8. No worries, I don't expect people to know that, since it's a feature that was pretty much not implemented, and you wouldn't know unless you've hacked wonder cards before. I'm just annoyed that the fella never explained it in his title nor description. You can see all the people in the comments asking for a ROM cause they have no idea as well LOL
  9. theSLAYER

    Aurora Singularity

    From the album: theSLAYER's custom images

    complete original
  10. From the album: theSLAYER's custom images

    Modified version of HGSS sprites and background
  11. theSLAYER

    Melto Gang

    From the album: theSLAYER's custom images

    Ditto masquerading as Meltan, and incapable of replicating the eyes. Modified versions of Meltan's official artwork.
  12. From the album: theSLAYER's custom images

    Attempt at making a shiny version of Zeraora. Modified version of N/GF official art. Screenshots from the game.
  13. From the album: theSLAYER's custom images

    Modified artwork of Pokémon GO's Lure asset
  14. From the album: theSLAYER's custom images

    Modified artwork of Pokémon GO's Lure asset
  15. From the album: theSLAYER's custom images

    Modified artwork of Pokémon GO's Lure asset
  16. From the album: theSLAYER's custom images

    Modified version of N/GF's RB official artwork
  17. theSLAYER


    From the album: theSLAYER's custom images

    Recreation of Star Decorated Alcremie, if it even exists. Modification of N/GF official upload.
  18. From the album: theSLAYER's custom images

    Pieced together from the official trailer.
  19. From the album: theSLAYER's custom images

    Modified version of N/GF official artwork
  20. From the album: theSLAYER's custom images

    Background from: https://www.istockphoto.com/au/video/interstellar-wormhole-travel-with-space-time-grid-gm530534283-53208858 Necrozma forms artwork is modified versions of N/GF official artwork.
  21. From the album: theSLAYER's custom images

    Updated as of 6th Sep, 2019 Gigantamax Alcremie is N/GF official artwork Alcremie screenshots from GF official uploads
  22. Not this again. (I've seen this before/been asked this before somewhere.) It's not a distribution rom. The person in the video used a hacked Mystic Ticket event. Between Gen 3 to Gen 5, wonder cards actually have a feature, that allows you to share a wonder card with another friend via local wireless, provided the card you received from the event had sharing turned on. However, if I'm not mistaken, this feature ended up being unused across the generations, because every wonder card distributed had the sharing feature off. Here's what the option looks like in English, with a hacked card I made, compared to the selection on his/her screen: edit: Various wonder card editors implement the feature In any case, for Gen 3, we got sharable wonder cards, that would result players receiving a legal non-sharable copy, and can be found here. Hope all of this answers your question
  23. Also because it's used to promote Cosmic Eclipse TCG expansion. But it's more perfect for your reason I really love the Blood Moon look you've mentioned ><
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