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Everything posted by theSLAYER

  1. Version .


    This gift is distributed to players who registered with the Secret Club, to commemorate the registration of 55,555 members with the Pokémon Secret Club! In order for players to join the Secret Club, players must pre-order Sword & Shield from a participating Japanese retailer. Players would then receive a code that is required to register with the Secret Club. The Trainer ID 000132 appears to be a pun based on Secret Club: 1 (hi from hitotsu - first) 3 (mi from mitsu - third) 2 (tsu; Japanese' roman pronunciation of 2) -> Himitsu (means secret) Species Necrozma Nickname (default, save lang) OT ひみつ TID 000132 Distribution Serial Code Location a lovely place Dates Sep 06, 2019 to Feb 03, 2020 PID Shiny PID Games JP: SM USUM Lv. 75 Nature Random Ability Prism Armor (1) Item None Bundled Item None Card Per Save Only One Allowed Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Light Screen Substitute Moonlight (None) WC ID 305: 「ひみつの ネクロズマ プレゼント」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. Classic ひみつの ネクロズマ プレゼント ポケモンひみつクラブの かいいんが 55,555にんを こえた きねんに いろちがいの ネクロズマを プレゼント! Format Ver.1.0.8-2, Post Updated Date:20190906_1856 Original post: https://projectpokemon.org/home/forums/topic/54475-sm-usum-pokémon-secret-club-shiny-necrozma/
  2. For Pokémon, have all the wonder cards in a folder, then use Data > Load Boxes Just worked for me For items, you're stuck with loading them one by one. (also, items are not cross generational, since items cannot be transferred up anyway.)
  3. I presently have the testing version that was uploaded to the servers a while back. I'll upload the final ones when they're up. (I'll also upload the testing ver. if it ends up being different from the final)
  4. @Borago the locations for Gen 3 games only loads, if you're using a Gen 3 save. Based on the image, clearly not a Gen 3 save. Also didn't I already give you a legal Chansey? why are you messing with it's details lol
  5. show us a screenshot of your PKHeX + location selection dropdown.
  6. theSLAYER


    Description fixed, thanks!
  7. There's a shiny Safari Zone Chansey in here:
  8. No. maybe this applies to you (read whole thread): https://github.com/J-D-K/JKSM/issues/27
  9. Do you already have game saves on them? (as in you've already player US and UM and save in-game?)
  10. You could ask on our discord when the event is released, or create a trade request thread here. :3
  11. Yup, as per any other 3DS event, it's all about 3DS region. Japanese serial codes have typically been locked to Japan 3DS only. Luma CFW allow for region redirection, and ICanSnake explained that emunand can have it's region changed. I've got a write-up regarding regional events for 3DS: edit: You probably should just hold the code for trading or selling or something, and get someone to trade the event redeemed from a wonder card to you. (We'll have the wonder card uploaded when the event begins)
  12. so it's not an event constant huh, that may be tedious for users to add in (if they're not familiar with hex editing). Guess PKHeX gotta add support for it.
  13. It needs to be researched. If you post a before save and after save for the battles (and tell me which battle you're at), maybe we can find the constant.
  14. Pokémon Official Page (Japan) announced the event! The serial code will be available to be received by Secret Club members between 6th September to 14th November, 2019. The redemption via serial code ends on 3rd February, 2020, 7:59 PM JST. As mentioned earlier, to join the Secret Club, players must pre-order Sword & Shield from a participating Japanese retailer. Amazon JP does have Sword & Shield that comes with the Secret Club code (that is sent after a few days), however purchasing it via there may require a Japanese mailing address. (And, digital copies orders cannot be cancelled) edit: While I can't vouch for their service (since I've yet to order and receive anything from them), tenso.com is a Japanese mail & parcel redirect service. [Meaning they'll give you an address that can be used with amazon.jp . Once they receive the parcel from amazon, they do international shipping to your registered address]
  15. I'm not sure if GTS is required, since on bulbapedia it mentions local trades works. Tho I guess if you and your brother have set your saves to the same location then it doesn't matter. I'll play around with it in a bit.
  16. Yeah do that, and I can try to do that later. have you ever done trades before? Or have you registered the geonet location in-game yet?
  17. The wonder cards (notice: there's an 's') ALL not stored on the Switch. We have an event page, you can view them all there. They're not inject-able. This also isn't a question thread. I literally posted this above your post, and the guy above you acknowledged it. edit: Shifted this line of conversation to FAQ thread There is however, this thing called "Wonder Card Records", which records some data from the wonder card. That does contain some data, but as you mentioned, there is no deliveryman in the games, so even if you inject that, it won't allow you to receive an event. It's merely for us to cross check and confirm details of an event. Though, we presently have a way to obtain wonder cards from the system, and PKHeX can convert them to a file to a PB7 and inject them straight into your box.
  18. No. You’ll need to find out: which garc contains species data for SOS, and which values to null out. If the garc has a checksum, you gotta figure out how to fix it too.
  19. Whatever features people request, the values/event flags etc needs to be researched. edit: While I'm unsure if any other flags need to be set, I think as long as you've done a trade, and registered a Geonet location, Unity boat becomes ridable. [I literally did a few comparisons on my end] If you have a save that has yet to do any trades, and has reached Castelia city, I could run a few tests to see if there's a trade flag.
  20. While I don't know where the scripts for it are, I figured it'll probably be easier to just edit the garc that has all the species listed, and wipe them all to zero. (wherever that garc may be)
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