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Everything posted by theSLAYER

  1. theSLAYER

    Help (LGPE)

    You're referring to the Current Catch Combo, not the Max Catch Combo recorded for a species right? Sadly the Current Catch Combo is meant to last only while you're playing, and isn't supposed to be saved. I assume it's the game forces that stat to reset upon game launch, thus that value cannot be controlled by save editing. If you load the save while the game is running using the homebrew app EdiZon, that may prevent it from being reset (since I assume it only resets upon launch, not while the game is running). [Make sure you keep an extra save backup safe on your computer, before attempting any edits] Alternatively, could run a cheat code using EdiZon. Link to cheats here.
  2. Pokémon caught in Gen 3 and Gen 4 games have will have this issue; Gen 3 & 4 datastructure forces Nature and Gender to be both derived from it's Personality ID (PID). (Read about that here) So when you change it's gender, you end up changing it's PID, hence nature has to change too. (Also, IVs will become invalid, forcing the mon to be illegal; IVs are associated with PID) You gotta generate a whole new PID that has the correct nature and gender. Use Pokefinder for that.
  3. Send over an existing save of yours, and I'll modify it. Alternatively, follow this guide to accomplish it yourself.
  4. I'm reconfirming the information on Smogon, and will update the new guide accordingly, thanks. Also, Smogon missed out Happiny's Egg in DP; they mentioned all NPC Gift Eggs being Method 1, but Happiny Egg wasn't in their list above.
  5. If I'm not mistaken, based on PKHeX checks for eggs, PID/IV should not have correlation. Reroll the PID, change the location and met level to match having the egg hatched, and try again.
  6. The first thing I did last night, was to change the options and see what data was possible (like how decchi's Azure Card could distribute Pokémon when gift type was changed) Presently, I would be more inclined to believe that it was a real Pokémon gift, if the file had any semblance of Pokémon data. It has messed up moves, messed up OT, and messed up TID/SID assigned to it. Every other field looks like junk data. Frankly, I think the species data is also just junk data; the MysteryGiftEditor shows it's Zubat cause the junk data in that offset happens to coincide with a possible species ID. Our situation is unlike the bad eggs obtained from Debug Ruby version, where the game actually gave you a pk3. pk3's in the save are actually encrypted. Without the correct PID to decrypt it, the game would see it as a bad egg. However, AFAIK pcd/pgt are not encrypted, so your "solution" does not apply here. I believe that the reason we receive bad eggs, is because the pgt data is junk, and the bad eggs were merely following the structure dictated in the pgt. I think the pgts are still worth archiving, just that I am not sure we can do anything more with them
  7. edit: Took me a while to find it. It was field debug (overworld R+X buttons) > Ono (IIRC option is all the way at the bottom) > Delivery debug (second option from top). In any case, here's a save with the mons right before they're collected. When collected on a final DP game, what is received is a 2x Bad Eggs and 1 Manaphy egg.) Based on my tests, the corrupted eggs are the reason why debug DP crashes. When I remove those 2 wonder cards, the Manaphy egg that followed right after was able to be redeemed. Here's a save from before the 3x eggs were collected. The debug wondercards can also be seen using PKHeX. debug wondercards.sav (I loaded a Complete Dex Save into the debug game, then used the debug menu to get the deliveryman, then saved into it)
  8. Sorry I personally don’t use it, so I won’t be of much help in that regard.
  9. no worries, glad to be able to help.
  10. It should, since I copied all the flags from that save. I've basically been keeping copies of saves from throughout the storyline, and this is one of them.
  11. Try this. I have a save that was right before the battle you want, so I copied all the flags over. main
  12. In any case, test going to that coordinates, and see if it occurs. Actually no, upload your save, I may be able to do something.
  13. Flags are normally set by playing the story normally. They can be set using PKHeX if you know the Flag ID. I am not sure if anyone documented the flags.
  14. Without proper event flags set, I am not certain that would work. Got Altar coordinates here: https://projectpokemon.org/home/forums/topic/39433-sm-usum-save-research-thread/?do=findComment&comment=239090
  15. We have saves scattered all over our forums, give them a check: https://projectpokemon.org/home/files/category/63-saves/ and https://projectpokemon.org/home/files/category/195-user-contributed-saves/
  16. What is the option? I may be able to get it done. edit: I used the deliveryman option, and nothing happened.
  17. Download events from our site. We got an entire download section called the Event Gallery, and you can pick and choose what event you want. All you gotta do is drag the file to the left side of PKHeX to view it, then set it into your PC/Boxes afterwards.
  18. Eh, no. They used a program that required from their computer. It's not a 3DS thing. Still, probably hacked mythicals, release them. also, if you have CFW, why don't you just import a legal Mythicals, as opposed to trading hacks? The legal ones can be traded.
  19. Your save does not contain valid data. Even when converted, will not be usable: (See below: the amount of FF means it doesn't store usable data) You/your buddy probably didn't save right or didn't extract right. Are you saving in game? (as in press START to launch menu in-game, then hitting Save) edit: 1. Take a snapshot of the present gameplay in the game 2. Make a copy of your no$gba folder (including sub-directories with saves) then proceed to try to use this .ini file found below. 3. The game may load without a save, at this point load the snapshot taken previously. 4. Save the game in-game.
  20. I don't understand the problem, so let me take a guess. Note: You're not supposed to be able to reeceive Mythicals via Wonder Trade, if I'm not mistaken. Given that premise, you likely received hacks (someone used a program to managed to them to trade). Presently, you are probably getting a message saying This Pokémon cannot be traded or something. Since they're hacks, and they can't be traded online, there's no point in keeping them. Release them.
  21. That's because they were literally programmed as such. The devs dummied out the sprite and left it as the ball symbol, cause you're not supposed to get em.
  22. @Kaphotics I was able to replicate this on Platinum. All I did was change the app that was being viewed (went from 04 Pedometer to 03) OR even just giving myself 1 coin, and upon reloading the save, I noticed that: a. My Poketch's color palette changed b. My step counter won't add any more steps (even upon resetting the counter using the "C" on the screen, taking a single step will revert the counter to the previous number it had displayed.) Additionally, making any changes in the misc window (such as gifting oneself a single coin) in Pokémon DP causes the entire Poketch window to disappear from the bottom screen (I think this problem was reported previously)
  23. No, that's how RNG works lol. Well sit tight, it'll probably pop up at some time. (also not sure if you saw the Skarmory video I edited into my response above. It's the first battle too, that Skarmory) Or maybe if @Collector Togami feels like it, he could RNG one to prove it, though I'm not sure if he'll feel so inclined. edit: Collector Togami, based on reading bulbapedia, Gonzap doesn't appear to be an avoidable trainer. Is the TID/SID of the AI set throughout the game, once the first battle was completed?
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