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Everything posted by theSLAYER

  1. @sobbingsobble I removed the gba file, because ROMs, even ones from bootleg games, are against our rules. The save you uploaded doesn't seem to have a save partition in it.
  2. If I understand you right, you're saying "from GO (the mobile app) to PK7 (save)", as opposed to GO -> GO Park (save) or GO -> Home -> save If so, "integrating GP1 editor" and "removing GP1 entirely" would not deal with this. And if so, you're out of your mind. Would require figuring out how to hack to GO (their servers) first. Thus, unrelated to PKHeX until that time. Until any external developers figure out how to hack into GO servers, what you're asking for is nothing short of magic. that I agree with. I actually had a response for something similar to this on the first segment of this post, but I shifted it down cause it is more appropriate here: If you're asking for "recreation based on stats" type of thing, where you can just use stats from GO for PKHeX to recreate a mon, then what I can say is: I am not sure what the summary screen shows on GO is enough. Purely for the sake of accurate recreations: the height and weight there is truncated/rounded, you need to use another mobile app to figure out the level of the mon. Whatever floats your boat, I guess XD Though, I can see why gp1editor being merged into PKHeX would make the above be doable. Except, I've got no idea how to program in C# (gp1editor was made in VB.net), nor do I know how to create a plugin for PKHeX. Given such a thing isn't one of the features where the demand is a high priority, I'm not certain it'll get done. Well, one can dream (and request it) As what was once mentioned for generation of legal PIDs for Gen 3/4 or handling of Gen 3 Mystery Gift importing, there's no need to add support for it when... (also related to adding features)
  3. But why would you need to do that? Besides being able to view the stats when dumping, PKHeX can also dump GP1 straight, and can import the GP1 into the box. If you replace GP1 with PK7 for the statement I just said: Doesn't it sound exactly the same as how PKHeX normally works? To be clear, when I said "GP1 files can be dragged into your PC box/viewer" in my previous post, I literally meant it goes into your PC, not that it goes back to GO park to be caught... Or what else do you want. Press a button and everything in GO Park gets magically imported into your PC? I know you said "you wanna cut out the requirement of needing GP1", but how is that any different from PK7? Ultimately, it's just a file format that you export out so that others can use it. As a matter of fact GP1 has more uses, since it can be inserted into GO Park, or inserted directly into the box... As the creator of GP1 Editor, I can safely say I have no idea how to do that. Plus having an extra editor in PKHeX, doesn't that sound more like introducing a middleman?
  4. In this case, 0x10B9 is an address. (I also give locations in their hexademical representation, cause most hex editors have the locations represented as hex values by default) So go to that location, then change the value at that location. If you are using HxD, Control G should pop-up a window that will direct you to that location
  5. While the rest looks like interesting requests, this is one you need clarification on: GP1 files can be dragged into your PC box/viewer, and PKHeX will convert them to mon. That functionality already exists. You can then change the IVs however you want, as long as the combination you change to are legal. Also, attempting to hijack into GO via Bluetooth has absolutely nothing to do with PKHeX. I do not think it has been done, probably because it really depends on what needs to be sent to GO's servers from the Switch. If it requires authentic certificates from the Switch, I doubt it would be done. Let's stop going off topic now
  6. Erm. What? Simply put, the values are 0 or 1 in hexadecimal. there is no "value with "x" in it". The "x" in 0x00 or 0x01 is a representation, to show that the value is in hexadecimal. For example, if I simply type 16, I could confuse some, as 16 in decimal isn't the same as 16 in hexadecimal. The fact that I had to explain what I meant, let's just chock if up to that XD Also, the thing about hex editing, if you're modifying the values, each half byte/nibble has the range of 0 to 15 in decimal (which is 0 to F in hexadecimal). Hex values don't have an "x", and will not present as an "x" in the hex values portion
  7. you probably didn't name it right, or have extra stuff in your save folder. Show us a screenshot of the save inside the folder.
  8. ??? The only shiny Metagross in Cherish Ball I remember, is the one from ORAS. Since it comes with the Fateful Encounter flag, the game will display it as Square Shiny when transferred up, regardless of shiny PID. (it's how the game handles Fateful Encounter shinies) Also, PKHeX allows for shines to be square, if you hold down Shift when clicking the Star (for Gen 8 saves).
  9. hmm, that is kidna odd. You're sure you not using a save that has gone online right? Chances are, if you check the files on a hex editor, they're likely exactly the same
  10. @TheeMegalodon I was hoping there'll be a 01 hiding in the block, and that'll be issue, but that's clearly not it. I'm out of ideas. Maybe try importing the poke_trade file from here. Basically, players can only get that file if they've been online. Maybe that was the thing that is being checked. Ultimately, your save folder will look like this: Give it a shot, let me know if it works.
  11. Alright, thanks for the information Perhaps there is another location in the save file that checks whether you've gone online before, or another location the logs the index of the file. I'll run a check now. Right now, I'm under the impression it is some kind of check on whether you've been online before, as I have been able to share the wild area event news via injection, but that save has been online before. For the record, you imported all 4 files right? edit: I'm presently doing some preliminary checks, you mind showing me this block of your save in PKHeX?
  12. I should have worded it more clearly: Did you do any edits to the wild area news, or did you merely import the ones we had? It doesn't matter if you edited your boxes etc, I just want to know whether you imported the Wild Area News as is, or made modifications to them. File versions. Typically the first byte:
  13. The way Wild Area Event works, other participating Switches need to have the same files, in order to join locally. So for example, if the player A's file is Index one, and a player B's file is Index two, doesn't matter who hosts, the other won't be able to see it. Did you merely inject the appropriate Wild Area News, or did you also perform some modifications?
  14. If the mon were to be traded back to you (not injected, literally traded back to you), could you use them online? If so, that means maybe what you injected didn't have your HT or something. (and if so, let us know)
  15. just drag a legal Arceus pk4 file into a PKHeX window with gen 7 save loaded. PKHeX will emulate the transfer process for you.
  16. @sobbingsobble stop multi-posting unnecessarily. Any new information, edit it into your latest unanswered post. Also, stop cursing. Read our rules.
  17. @rbz2005 I removed them, cause as I said in the comments about 24 hours ago, we have them in the gallery. PKHeX can support wonder card -> Pokémon conversion, so no need for seperate event uploads. Removing the reuploads.
  18. Maybe that'll be rectified in a future desmume version? At the very least, I think you have ground to report the issue to desmume, just in case they didn't know saving would stop working, and was tied to graphic options. The faster they know, they faster they can (hopefully) work on it, right? ><
  19. so I guess only those literal options caused it to stop working huh. At least we know now
  20. What graphical change is it? Also, try viewing the ini in notepad or something. It's possible the option toggled something else to be changed (and that something else caused your save woes), so use the notepad view to recognize the extra change. If so, you can then use the notepad to change only what you intended, and see if that works.
  21. well, it's glad to hear you can save now, even tho it's a pity that you lost your settings. At least you now know what's the solution, and can focus on narrowing down the setting that caused it all
  22. yeah I can understand wanting to keep it, so just keep a copy somewhere else, and see if removing the file from desmume's root folder solves the problem. If it does, you're gonna need to redo the settings. Maybe one of those settings somehow causes a save malfunction, you'll never know.. If so, pay attention to which settings you've done, performed a trial and error, and narrow down which settings you shouldn't mess with ><
  23. In any case, since Desmume isn't producing any saves correctly, your issue is with Desmume, not with PKHeX, so you should go to their forums. (as in I can't help you cause I don't know where Desmume is screwing up) I tried googling for common issues regarding unable to save, and I see stuff like "delete desmume.ini and try again" and "maybe you're using a .rar instead", but beyond that I'm not getting any real solutions.. If you do manage to get it to work, do update us. Hopefully deleting desmume.ini and trying to save does solve your problems..
  24. by any chance, are you loading a game inside a .rar or .zip package?
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