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Delta Blast Burn

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Everything posted by Delta Blast Burn

  1. I just redownloaded, and tried to edit White(Clean), editing deoxys speed again and when Iclick save alternate forms I get Run-time error '75': Path/File access error My guess is that it's because I have the file set as readonly. EDIT: Yes it's because it was readonly, perhaps the program should create a new file if this is the case. EDIT 2: I have reason to believe that the program is retreving base exp. incorrectly... EDIT 3: I also have reson to believe the monster egg group is being read as water 3, as well as humanshape missing completely
  2. Edit the file called no$gba.ini, in notepad, locate the line "SAV/SNA File Format" change "Compressed" to "Raw".
  3. I'm torn between RedSapphire And Emerald RedSapphire for Zangoose Emerald For Everything else
  4. I am trying to edit Deoxys-s's Stats, Ability, and Type in White(Clean), but everytime I click save, a box pops up saying "Click an Attack to Begin" So i click OK and another box replaces that saying "Insufficient Value in One Box". Even if I just change the HP Stat, and click save that same thing happens.
  5. Use this. Change the second part of the 2nd and 6th lines to the same thing. http://www.projectpokemon.org/wiki/Action_Replay_DS_Button_Mappings
  6. Give it Ho-Oh's wings instead of branches, and have the pineco and pidgey dangling from rings attached to the base of each wing
  7. Pokesav has not been updated for the english versions, use Pokegen instead.
  8. Okay I finally found the fossil girl, but i can't, for the life of me, find where to revive them. I heard nacrene city, but I searched and I couldn't find anything helpful.
  9. I was just about to look through in my platinum save in 2.312, and a thought occured to me "I can't cycle through pokemon by clicking on a button, or pressing a key combo" So I got really excited, closed out pokegen, and came here to post this. So my idea is that there should be the ability to scroll cycle to the next pokemon in a box without having to load each one manually.
  10. In Gen V there is no correlation between PID & IV's.
  11. The "XX" in the last line is supposed to be changed to the appropriate value based on the ability you want.
  12. No home town, which should be set to whatever game they were "caught" in.
  13. http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pok%C3%A9mon_data_structure_in_Generation_IV
  14. not that I know of, and believe me i've searched
  15. I'm logged in on the forums but if I visit the main page it still shows the log in boxes and i had the remember me box checked last time I logged in, so I'm stumped as to why it does not display the "Welcome BananaMan14" message
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