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Delta Blast Burn

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Everything posted by Delta Blast Burn

  1. What device do you use, I have a legal Space Center Deoxys available, I'll pm you the code, once you have it, trade it to another 3g game then trade back, and it'll be registered.
  2. This should answer your questions. http://www.projectpokemon.org/wiki/Trash_Bytes
  3. Hit. I used to watch it, before it was cancelled, when i was like 10. Next person likes dark chocolate.
  4. Mass Delete Code: Delete Box 01=L+R Delete Box 02=START+SELECT Delete Box 03= L+START Delete Box 04=L+SELECT Delete Box 05=L+Up Delete Box 06=L+Right Delete Box 07=L+Down Delete Box 08=L+Left Delete Box 09=L+A Delete Box 10=L+B Delete Box 11=R+START Delete Box 12=R+SELECT Delete Box 13=R+Up Delete Box 14=R+Right Delete Box 15=R+Down Delete Box 16=R+Left Delete Box 17=R+A Delete Box 18=R+B Code: EDIT: Just in case I labeled wrong, dont save unless you know it deleted the correct box.
  5. hit. Next person has auburn hair.
  6. What pokemon did you want? I'll see if i can find it ror you.
  7. Here's a list of sprite values. http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?5314-HG-SS-Character-Modifier-Values-COMPLETED
  8. The document I'm attching should help you when it comes to the codes themselves. Make sure Word Wrap is off, because reading it with word wrap on can be a little confusing. Just make the window large. ARDS Code Types..txt
  9. This should help. http://www.projectpokemon.org/wiki/Action_Replay_DS_Button_Mappings
  10. Formulae for calculating stats are at http://www.serebii.net/games/stats.shtml Also, if you want codes that only edit one stat try: 12234A44 0000XXXX atk. 12234A46 0000XXXX current hp 12234A48 0000XXXX def. 12234A4A 0000XXXX sp. atk 12234A4C 0000XXXX speed 12234A4E 0000XXXX spl def Note* all are little endian
  11. The encryption uses the pseudorandom number generator (PRNG), a linear congruential generator. Elements of the PRNG can be described with the recursive function: X[n+1] = (0x41C64E6D * X[n] + 0x6073) To decrypt the data, given a function rand() which returns the upper 16 bits of consecutive results of the above given function: Seed the PRNG with the checksum (let X[n] be the checksum). Sequentially, for each 2-byte word Y from 0x08 to 0x87, apply the transformation: unencryptedByte = Y xor rand() Unshuffle the blocks using the block shuffling algorithm above. To encrypt the data: Shuffle the blocks using the block shuffling algorithm above. Seed the PRNG with the checksum (let X[n] be the checksum), Sequentially, for each 2-byte word Y from 0x08 to 0x87, apply the transformation: unencryptedByte = Y xor rand() ^^ From the Wiki^^
  12. Hit. The next person is a girl with black hair and blue eyes.
  13. No, what i mean is, is it possible to seach a list of created PIDs in the order they occur to find in order to find the frame it occurs on. Basically i want to find what frame the PID 2290649481 occurs on with the iv's hp 29 at 25 def 28 spa 4 spd 19 spe 22.
  14. I was wondering if it was possible to search through the calculated PIDs for a specific PID and determine when that PID would occur ingame.
  15. Granted but it only does so in Zimbabwe. I wish my irises were orange.
  16. Only for B/W, use the PID finder for gen 4 Pokemon
  17. Every time I choose Powder Snow I get an invalid argument error saying "SelectedIndex = 19"
  18. Banned for having a navel piercing. (unless that's not you in your avatar)
  19. Hit. I LOVE Pumpkin pie The next person has eaten chocolate cake (with any frosting or decor, its just the cake that matters) in the last week.
  20. Try the cardex on serebii.net EDIT: It looks fake due to the huge border at the bottom.
  21. I have Hazel (brown + green) eyes, what does that mean??? The next user goes skinny dipping at least once a week.
  22. Perhaps a counterpart to PokeGen that edits stuff such as Inventory, money, adventure start date & time, 1st league completion date & time, etc.
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