Guested Posted August 6, 2009 Author Posted August 6, 2009 InuYouki said: I was thinking maybe a new move or something. Extremely doubtful.
codemonkey85 Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 InuYouki said: See, I don't think they would make it so easy or a flying pikachu. They could conceivably limit the number of special Pikachu you can catch or transfer. Or they could limit the number that one HGSS game can receive.
InuYouki Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 That is true. Wonder if it does know fly if it can evolve? I never had one of the other flying pika's
derrick Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 i never had a flying pikachu (wants one bad) that would be awsome but being able to catch it in the pokewalker wouldent that make it two easy to get?
Mewtwo Ex Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 It is a timed event, so you have limited chances to obtain the course.
Guested Posted August 7, 2009 Author Posted August 7, 2009 Mewtwo Ex said: It is a timed event, so you have limited chances to obtain the course. Once the course (map) is obtained, you can go there as much as you want. It will be fully unlocked on the PokeWalker.
Mewtwo Ex Posted August 7, 2009 Posted August 7, 2009 Yes i am aware of that. What i was thinking that it is obtainable only for a little time ( the event i mean). I know that you can access the map after you have it. I am not sure how many will have FLY though since it is not mentioned...
PaDdY! Posted August 8, 2009 Posted August 8, 2009 (edited) Corocoro has confirmed rayquaza to be at lv 50 Apricorns and pokeballs from them battle frontier west of olivine bug catching west of cianwood safari zone egg sidequest returns- not known if still togepi what do you guys think!! Edited August 8, 2009 by Guested link removed because video removed. Never link to serebii for more info
Klaatu Posted August 8, 2009 Posted August 8, 2009 (edited) PaDdY! said: Corocoro has confirmed rayquaza to be at lv 50 Apricorns and pokeballs from them battle frontier west of olivine bug catching west of cianwood safari zone egg sidequest returns- not known if still togepi what do you guys think!! What do you mean with, more info? The lie that we can grow Apricorns in a bag? Those info sux. Nothing really new or unexpected... Edited August 8, 2009 by Guested
codemonkey85 Posted August 8, 2009 Posted August 8, 2009 So how will this work? What happens if you catch a Pokémon in an Apricorn ball and send it to Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum? What ball will it be registered as? And what happens if a Pokémon is holding an Apricorn ball and you trade it to DPPt? Will the ball just... disappear?
Guested Posted August 8, 2009 Author Posted August 8, 2009 (edited) I'm hoping someone will actually release ACTUAL scans when the magazine goes on sale so I can actually read more of the article. Cell phone snaps are kind of irritating. 1 - Receiving the Mysterious Egg from Mr. Pokemon 2 - (top) Receiving the Pokedex from Prof. Oak. (bottom) Bug Catching Contest 3 - Entrance to the new Safari Zone, accessed by Cianwood City. 4 - Rayquaza 5 - Left picture is a wi-fi battle (at WCS?) vs. Dialga and Palkia... not sure why they are allowed at WCS. Right picture is battling Rayquaza at level 50. 6 - Magnet train and SS Anne dockhouse. Johto Region's Battle Frontier (the text in that picture is REALLY hard to read). The entrance looks like it is in the same place as Crystal's Battle Tower, which is on route 40. 7 and 8 - Apricorns and their Pokeballs. These pictures are also pretty tough to read, but it looks like the apricorns are kept in a key item case, so this would eliminate the problems with compatibility with DPP since a Pokemon can't hold them. Not sure what'll happen with the new Pokeballs, though. Also, it doesn't mention anything about the other, non-Pokeball related apricorns as far as I can tell. Pokeballs pictured are: Friend Ball, Heavy Ball, LoveLove Ball, Speed Ball, Level Ball, Moon Ball, and Lure Ball. Edited August 8, 2009 by Guested
theSLAYER Posted August 8, 2009 Posted August 8, 2009 I'll like the idea of the flying pikachu, But I'll assume it to be a move like Volt Tackle, OR maybe to a lesser extent it will be Zap cannon.
Guested Posted August 8, 2009 Author Posted August 8, 2009 theSLAYER said: I'll like the idea of the flying pikachu,But I'll assume it to be a move like Volt Tackle, OR maybe to a lesser extent it will be Zap cannon. They never said it would only be ONE type of special move. But, they also didn't say it was more than one.... so... could be all.
Dimi Posted August 8, 2009 Posted August 8, 2009 Dimi said: Is it me, or does the area northwest of Cianwood look like a Safari Zone or something similar? Reveal hidden contents Wow my prediction skills even amaze me sometimes...
InuYouki Posted August 9, 2009 Posted August 9, 2009 Why does everyone think it would be such and issue with trading pokemon caught in apricorn balls? You could trade between G/S/C and R/B/Y so why would it be so hard to do this now? All they would have to do is A) Just not make them tradeable *like how you couldn't trade pokemon with new moves to Gen1* or B) Have the pokeball it is captured in default to a pokeball when traded over to DPP or *highly unlikely buuuuttt* C) Maybe the images for the apricorn balls are coded into DPP just like the code for Jhoto is programmed in? Though I figure someone would have found this already At least that is what I think. Feel free to prove me wrong lol. I am not much of a programmer lol
FLOOTENKERP Posted August 9, 2009 Posted August 9, 2009 The confirmation of Mewtwo makes me wonder if that rumor about Latias and Latios being in the game are true. I mean they could be doing this just to avoid the lack of pal-park so it seems possible.
Guested Posted August 9, 2009 Author Posted August 9, 2009 Mewtwo has not been confirmed for HGSS. Any further discussion of it will be deleted. *(unless it's in the form of speculation!)
PaDdY! Posted August 9, 2009 Posted August 9, 2009 Guested said: Mewtwo has not been confirmed for HGSS. Any further discussion of it will be deleted.*(unless it's in the form of speculation!) Mewtwo confirmed by pokemon sunday Guested!
Guested Posted August 9, 2009 Author Posted August 9, 2009 PaDdY! said: Mewtwo confirmed by pokemon sunday Guested! 100% WRONG. Pokemon Sunday confirmed this: - The Palkia, Dialga, and Giratina in HGSS will each have their orbs. - Giratina's new forme is in HGSS. - The Palkia, Dialga, and Giratina sprites in HGSS are the same as in Platinum. - HGSS will be used/usable in upcoming competitions. - The three legendary dragons, along with Mewtwo, Lugia, Ho-oh, Kyogre, Ground, and Rayquaza will be allowed in upcoming Pokemon competitions. That's it.
FLOOTENKERP Posted August 9, 2009 Posted August 9, 2009 Guested said: 100% WRONG.Pokemon Sunday confirmed this: - The Palkia, Dialga, and Giratina in HGSS will each have their orbs. - Giratina's new forme is in HGSS. - The Palkia, Dialga, and Giratina sprites in HGSS are the same as in Platinum. - HGSS will be used/usable in upcoming competitions. - The three legendary dragons, along with Mewtwo, Lugia, Ho-oh, Kyogre, Ground, and Rayquaza will be allowed in upcoming Pokemon competitions. That's it. Oh, so that's why it was taken down... well thanks for the translation Guested! I'm glad the Pokemon at least have their own orb and the game has the new Giratina forme. I wonder if they will do something to allow the Skymin and Rotom forms into the game, maybe they will do something in Kanto so you can get the Gracidea flower, and probably the same for the Rotom.
Guested Posted August 9, 2009 Author Posted August 9, 2009 Some more clearer images of the latest Corocoro have surfaced, and I'll write this post as I read it now and let you know new details. -Safari Zone info: You can use a computer to customize the layout of the Safari Zone. Of course, different Pokemon appear in different areas. You can also send your custom Safari Zone maps to friends for them to try. - Johto info: This section shows some info about the story such as getting the Pokedex from Prof. Oak, and the Egg delivery mission. It also shows info about the Bug Catching Contest. It looks to be much the same as GSC. It happens on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, and there are six competitors trying to catch the best bug, using Konpe Balls (Compe from competition). There is an image of the player trying to catch a Paras. - Apricorn info: This section confirms that Apricorns will be carried in a special Case. They can be picked once a day from their trees, like in GSC. It shows two uses for the Apricorns. The first is giving them to Kurt to make Pokeballs (which was posted earlier) and the other is using a drink mixer to make drinks for your Pokemon to increase their Pokethlon stats. - New features: The next section gives info on going to Kanto (already known), the Johto Battle Frontier and the Yellow Forest PokeWalker event. The only new Frontier info is that the Frontier has opened in Johto, and that there is one "Frontier Front." No new info on the Yellow Forest that I can see... but it does say that various Pikachu are in the forest. - Pokethlon info: There are three new Pokethlon events shown; Break Block, Push Circle, and Change Relay. - Legendary Pokemon info: There is a big section on the Legendary Pokemon, including a small blurb about the legendary Pokemon being eligible for competition at WCS 2010. It shows the legendary trio from RSE, but does not reveal where they will be found. Their lairs show their body designs illuminated on the floor, and they will each be encountered at level 50. I'll update the first post to include this week's new info as soon as I have some time to do so neatly.
Relyte Posted August 9, 2009 Posted August 9, 2009 Woah, changing the Safari Zone's layour? I wonder if that's going to be really specific, like rocks/trees/whatever or changing where zone 1/2/3/4 are. That's going to be really fun! Dimi said: Reveal hidden contents What's the market in the bottom picture?
Guested Posted August 10, 2009 Author Posted August 10, 2009 Relyte said: Woah, changing the Safari Zone's layour? I wonder if that's going to be really specific, like rocks/trees/whatever or changing where zone 1/2/3/4 are. That's going to be really fun!What's the market in the bottom picture? It seems like it's only going to be arranging the layout of the six areas. Not what is inside them. The bottom picture is the "Safari Zone Gate." That's all I know.
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