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Found 17 results

  1. Version


    The first publicly available hack for Pokemon Battle Revolution, apparantly! (???) This hack modifies the stats and typing of Pokemon and moves to match up with those found in Pokemon Renegade Platinum, in the hopes of creating a cool way to do battles between players of that game. Documentation is included, with a step-by-step guide on how to import from your Renegade Platinum save via PKHeX. Comes as a .xdelta patch - use xdelta patcher to apply it to an unmodified US rom. Move names and descriptions are only updated in english as of right now.
  2. A couple of years ago, I found that most of my team in Pearl had disappeared, apparently due to a heinous glitch. However, all their data is still on my copy of Pokémon Battle Revolution. I wish to know how to extract or copy the data on that game and get my missing team members back.
  3. Version 2.9.0


    Pokemon Battle Revolution hack tools. If you need advice or support you can find me in the NGC/Wii Pokemon Games ROM hacking Discord. Join the discord server for information on the beta version of the windows tool. The all-in-one tool for hacking Pokemon Battle Revolution. The tool can be used for: - Colosseum Pokemon - Pokemon, Move, Item Stats - Type Matchups - Game Text - Textures and Images - Randomizer - Unzip .fsys files
  4. I'm at my wit's end you guys. I swear I've looked through every topic and tutorial but the Pokemon are just not showing up in the storage option on PBR- Check Storage is greyed out entirely. I took my save file, copied it into PKHeX, added the mons I wanted, saved and exported the save to the same area. I removed any illegal mons and everything. The TID and SID are all right as well, no weird markings or anything, and are on the correct .pk format. What am I missing? I thought that was basically it? Is there a better way to do this? It does this no matter if I do all 493 mons or even just one. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks! Edit: Below is the save in question PbrSaveData
  5. Hello everyone! I'd like to share some of my knowledge on using riivolution to soft patch Pokemon Battle Revolution. First off, what does "soft patch" even mean? Basically, it refers to patching something, in this case a game disc, by altering the files of the game on the console as they are being read within the console's memory, rather than actually altering any of the files on the disc. The riivolution homebrew software allows us to do just that. I'll attach a copy of my patch for changing the music in battle revolution to this post so that you can follow along with me as I explain what the different parts of this patch do and the logic behind them. So, first we have the following lines: <wiidisc version="1" root="/custommusic"> <id game="RPBE" /> "wiidisc version" doesn't really have any significance here. "root" is the folder on the SD Card that riivolution is going to read from to get the files that will act as our replacements for the ones on the disc. Finally, "RPBE" is, as you might have guessed, the ID of the game disc. Next, we have the meat of our patch file (this is a small snippet): <section name="Custom Music"> <option name="Lagoon Col" id="Lagoon"> <param name="LagoonTheme" value="pokerev_music_demo_v2" /> <choice name="Fear (SayMaxWell)"> <param name="LagoonReplace" value="DoomFear" /> <patch id="LagoonMusic" /> </choice> <choice name="Marnie" value="Marnie" > <param name="LagoonReplace" value="Marnie" /> <patch id="LagoonMusic" /> </choice> </option> "section name" is simply the text that appears at the top of riivolution's menu when you boot it up. "option name" is also a part of this menu. It defines the name of a section of file patches on the riivolution menu. "param name" is what's known as a macro. A macro is, essentially, a placeholder name in the code for something else. In this case, our macro is acting as a placeholder for the exact name of the file on the disc, which is shown in the "value" next to it. "choice name" is the the name of one of the individual file patch choices on the riivolution menu. Finally, "patch id" identifies the name of the patch in the code so that we can reference it later on in our file replacement section (which is the next and last part ) Lastly, we have the actual file replacement section. Here's a part of it: <patch id="LagoonMusic"> <file external="{$LagoonReplace}_L1.brstm" disc="/sound/sound/{$LagoonTheme}.brstm" /> <file external="{$LagoonReplace}_TOURN.brstm" disc="/sound/sound/{$LagoonTheme}.brstm" /> So the first thing of note is that "patch id", which we used earlier. Next, we have the file replacements. The "underscored parts" (for example: "_L1"), are just a thing I do to keep the files on the SD Card organized. "disc" refers to the path of the file on the disc that we're changing. Not too bad, right? I hope this helps all of you aspiring modders out there! pbr.xml
  6. I found that Colosseum and GoD works well with Trigger's PC if I run the former in Dolphin, so I use that utility to trade between gen 3 games. I was wondering if there is any way to similarly technically trade between other gen 4 games for Battle Revolution, if I have a flashcart/ROM and can import save files using a similar program, I'm not aware of something like TPC for Gen 4 and onwards. I would rather not resort to PKHeX or other savefile editing shenanigans, but Battle Revolution is almost pointless without traded in pokemon, rather infamously
  7. I'm not sure if requests should go here (if it isn't, sorry about that) but would it be possible to update PKHeX support so that it works well with PBR? So far, the only features I'm able to do is check the Pokemon stored in the PC. I'm unable to check Pokemon that are in my party, and am also unable to edit or even see Pokemon on my rental passes. I would love for this to be an option sometime, as there are many mons that I got through the Trade Battle format that I'd like to see in full detail and move to the main series games. Also, currently there is no way to edit any trainer passes, or customization in the passes. The rental passes have limited customization in the in-game editor, as you're not allowed to change skin tones there. I was hoping that a future PKHeX update would lift that restriction, if possible. I'd love it if these features were added to PKHeX, as the current PBR editor is rather barebones. In any case, thank you for taking the time to read this.
  8. I've been trying to edit my new, fresh, PBR save file. I found the save file in my Dolphin folder, its a PBRsavedata file, editing went just as planned, but now how do I import it? PBR doesnt seem to show up on my memory card, neither does Dolphin seem to want to reimport the file it exported itself... How do I import this file or convert it into a format that is importable? Thanks in advance! Extra notes: -The game runs properly -The old save can succesfully load, I overwrote it in the dolphin folder, but it doesnt seem to want to import it. Edit: I figured out it DOES correctly load my save, I just can't access my storage. Why is this? How do I fix it?
  9. At the request of @Nebaku I poked around the files for pokemon battle revolution a couple of weeks ago. I don't really have the time to do a proper write up atm but thought I'd at least post some basic information for now in case anybody wanted to play around with it. If you haven't seen my thread on extracting files from .fsys archives in colosseum and then check it out in this thread -hacking-tutorial-part-1-File-decompression-recompression'>https://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?46250-Stars-Pokemon-colosseum-and--hacking-tutorial-part-1-File-decompression-recompression The useful part is part III of the tutorial as pokemon battle revolution also has .fsys files in the same format. You can extract the .fsys files from the iso using dolphin but I haven't actually tried importing into gamecube ISOs so I don't know if there are any good programs for doing it automatically. Unfortunately afaik all the files in the .fsys archives in PBR are named "(null)". It's super annoying but we can't do anything about that. The file names usually give hints as to what they may contain so without them there's a lot of guess work involved. I spent some time looking through the files in common.fsys since that's where all the useful stuff is in colo/xd. If you use my BMS script from the thread linked above, and choose the option to automatically rename files with repeat file names, since all of the files are called "null" you get a bunch of files named (null)xxxxxxxx with a hexadecimal number in place of the xs. I will refer to the files by their file number since they don't have useful names. The files from null - null0x20 are data tables, some of which I've figured out. null 0x21 is in the same format as the scripts from pokemon (-scripting'>https://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?47577--scripting). I haven't tried disassembling it yet though. The rest of the files are textures. mes_common.fsys contains a string table which follows the same format as in colo/XD except with different escape characters. Info on the data tables: Header :- number of entries at offset 0 (number of rows) entry size at offset 4 (length of each row of data) first entry at offset 0x10 (offset to start of the data/end of header) file size (minus header size) at 0x14 file size (including header size)at 0x18 base stats in common.fsys in null_00000008.fdat :- entry size 0x34 (52) first entry at 0x3c0(index 0) offset length data c 2 string id in mes_common 12 1 base stats (1 byte each ) 18 1 types (1 byte each) common null1 list of countries. common 4, type weakness table. 00 super effective, 01 neutral, 02, not very effective, 03 no effect, 04/05 unknown but only used for type indexes after the last one used. interestingly there are extra type indexes making a total of 32. common null6 list of clothing for avatars. null9 same number of entries as pokemon (0x1f5 501) evolution table. entry size 0x2a 42 offset length data 0 2 evolution type (e.g. 04 by level up) 2 2 level/condition 4 2 target species common null0x13 item list? common null0x18 list of avatar clothing. common null0x1e moves list offset length data 0x00 2 effect 0x08 2 nameid 0x0a 2 description id 0x0f 1 base power 0x10 1 type 0x11 1 accuracy 0x12 1 base pp 0x13 1 effect accuracy 0x14 1 priority 0x15 1 some kind of mask. probably flags which include category. last bit is phys/spec so an odd value here is physical while an even value here is special/status Bear in mind that none of this is confirmed. These are just the notes I wrote a couple of weeks ago after a few hours of looking at the hex. I didn't test any of them but tbh it's all pretty obvious just by looking at the data since it's all really similar to colo/XD in terms of the format. Sorry that the information isn't very well structured but I'll aim to write tools for Colosseum, XDGoD and Battle Revolution once I'm done with my end of year exams.
  10. This is rather simple, what kind of features would you like to see in the next Pokemon Battle game? I have a lot of ideas, those elitist at pokemex bashed me for just thinking about them, there you go. inb4 Minigames, I KNOW EVERYONE WANTS MINIGAMES IN THE NEXT BATTLE GAME. +Avatar Customization Add more avatar customization to the current ones on PBR like basic NPC trainer outfits (Bug Catcher, Fisherman, Ace Trainer), and have all Gym Leader oufits unlockable (i.e. Johto Misty's oufit, Koga's Ninja outfit), plus regional trainer oufits (Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova). +Boss Rush Battle aganist Gym leaders of all regions in their respective regional Boss Rush, unlock the next region by winning the previous one, plus Champion Rush aganist Rivals and finally Red. +Rental Pass Builder No more pre-made rental pass, you get a bunch of pokemon (with more unlockable) and make your rental pass as you see fit, still no control over the moves but at least you can balance things a little more without the need of a DS card (although is the selling point of the game, one must be able to buy one to complement the other in any order.) +Lots of Mystery Gifts as reward Inspired by lots of past events it would be just great to add replayability to the game by giving players something for their DS games as reward, something like regular pokemon with event-like moves (Wish Chansey, Tickle Wynaut, Extremespeed Zigzagoon), and maybe some past event pokemon no longer being distributed (Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, etc.) +Custom League/Rules Like the one in Stadium 2, you can make your own league and select which pokemon/rulesets are applied, and even apply them on your online matches (so, no more smogonfags in my wi-fi matches). +Storage System Instead of copying the entire contents of your DS card, you can select which ones from your storage to put on, more akin to My Pokemon Ranch but compatible with more than one game/trainer. +Dynamic Animations There is no excuse for these games to not include simple things like Dodge, Miss, Super Effective, Not very Effective animation sets and some better transitions for K.O., Forced Switch, U-Turn, Baton Pass and the like. +Cel-Shaded Graphics Little to no explanation needed, if developers think high polygon count makes a good game they are wrong, I think most of us would find it better to see more animesque models with less polygons and good shading. Well, that is all I can think of, just before you feel offended, this thread is for you to add your own ideas regardless of how implausible you think they are for a real game to come out (if we were to stop giving feedback cuz Nintendo doesn't listen then no one would be able to contribute in anything Nintendo related.)
  11. Hey guys, I'm just wondering, but will pokemon on Pokemon Battle Revolution become Bad Eggs if they have All 31 IV's?
  12. Well, I have PBR but my list of Friend Codes is rather empty. ^^" So I thought if any other members would be willing to share their Friend Codes and maybe battle some time they could post them here. PBR FC: 2793-7471-8354
  13. If I use PBR as a platform for wireless DS battling, will it trigger any legality checkers? If so, what exactly does it/do they check for?
  14. Hey does anyone know any real good 6 pokemon teams to use on PBR on the colosseums? Also if someone happens to have specific stats on each of the pokemon so I can make them on pokesav that would be awesome. (They can have hacked moves however I don't beleive they can have hacked stats.) Anyways I'm just not a very good team builder, on all the main series games I always get the starter pokemon and just add the first few I catch to my team until I get the legendarys lol, but I'm trying to help my little brother beat his game fast to get the surfing pikachu for him Anyways any advice could help!
  15. I have Pokemon Platinum on my R4, but I don't know if it will work with Pokemon Battle Revolution. I have tried multiple times on records that have had no activity with other Pokemon games, but my Platinum keeps freezing on a white screen when I attempt to connect. Is there a way to make it work? I really hope there is. I appreciate the help.
  16. Im not sure if PBR is a spin-off game, but anyways...... Is Pokemon Platinum compatible with PBR? Because Im getting that game:)
  17. Ok so Im wondering what makes a hacked pokemon a bad egg in PBR. I know one reason, if the IVs and EVs are too high. I want to use my Celebi, but it is hacked. I didnt IV and EV hack it and my friend used a Pokemon modifier on his Diamond and traded to me. The only thing unlegit about it is that it says that it was Apparentley met at Mt.Coronet and Lv.13" Would I still be able to use it in PBR offline?
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