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wrathsoffire76 last won the day on May 1

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About wrathsoffire76

  • Birthday December 30

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  1. Has anyone researched into the Wonder Mail structure?
  2. Hello there, welcome!
  3. Hrm, wondering if we'll see a release of shiny Necrozma outside of Japan?
  4. Yeah, and I looked back over this thread and it turns out we already had this issue
  5. Oh god dang it, archive.org screwed us over (again)
  6. What does everyone think of the new game Super Smash Bros. Ultimate? Do you like it and who is your favorite character? Personally I love the game and my main is Isabelle
  7. It has been a good while but here is an updated zip file (now including the Pokémon Go Pokémon thanks to @theSLAYER <3) Under Leveled.zip
  8. This is based off of a Mystery Gift event with illegal moves and an illegal ball. I would research into the moves you want and try to fix it accordingly.
  9. Welcome, Nicole
  10. I didn't know you were still working on these, nice work.
  11. There is actually a tool that BernardoGiordano made a couple months ago that take advantage of this and allows for easy cheat downloading and management https://github.com/BernardoGiordano/Sharkive/
  12. Wow, I haven't seen AR codes being developed in ages. Nice work.
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