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Everything posted by Okami

  1. It always became a fight in that class, because people knew I was 'religious' (ARGH, no, I am SPIRITUAL) and so I would constantly get dragged into the middle of things, and then mocked when I didn't have the answers. At that point I was still developing my new-found faith and didn't really know anything =/ I've always been annoyed at the fact that if we can learn about evolution, then why not intelligent design as well? It's almost like they're trying to brainwash teenagers, who have enough life issues at that point! At least, that's how it felt for me. But I wanted to know more than what the 12-year-old textbook had to offer, I just wish they would have given me that more. I had to study for some time, and still am when I have the time...searching for truth. Always searching. If we had the answers, we wouldn't be having this debate. Now, I know enough to make my argument and make it correctly, however, that fear of being mocked has been installed within me...so I choose just to say what I believe and leave it at that. Because otherwise it tears me apart. I'm a bit unstable emotionally in that sense. That's why my beliefs are still stated as such in my original post here :] I have spiritual intimacy, that's all I really need.
  2. My highschool biology teacher tried to force us to believe that we came from fish. The whole ape-theory of evolution came later in the course... Yeah, he sort of solidified my already-at-that-point-in-time growing dislike of evolution. =/ Not that I'm close-minded on the subject, I'm always willing to learn, but geez. He was an extremist, and obviously very messed up in his own personal beliefs on the issue (he constantly contradicted himself) and so on. He's a nice man, now that I know him outside of being my teacher, just confused. It's sad to see.
  3. 94000130 fcff0000 B2101D40 00000000 da000000 0000008e d6000000 00000090 d2000000 00000000 But, had you looked here you would have already known that :] Hope it helps!
  4. I'm glad I'm not the only one beginning to feel this way, to be honest. I haven't taken a Biology course in almost three years and probably won't yet for another year or two. Evidence is constantly changing around us, like the colors of a tree's leaves with the seasons... The fact is, this is just one of those debates that are endless, because NO ONE human knows the full truth. =/ *sigh*
  5. Well, most everything I'm thinking of is in a book called "The Case for a Creator: A Journalist Investigates Scientific Evidence That Points Towards God" by Lee Strobel. When I have the time, I'll pull out specific examples, since I doubt many of you will take the time to read it anyways. Finals week is this coming Wednesday-Friday, so after that I'll take the time out to get you the examples you want. :] 90% of my attention is towards reviewing...need to finish off this vocabulary guide for American Literature... Plus, I need to reread the book anyway...along with some others that I've started the first 30-or-so pages and never got around to finishing. Ugh, laziness. Ah, but I'm getting off track, I'll get back to you on that!
  6. I'm in desperate need of help in Factory, guys. How the heck do I do well with pokemon I'm unable to control efficiently? I'm no good, I can't even make a streak of seven -___-;; (Highest I ever got was 6)
  7. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that too, Wraith. textbook images, especially that of Biology, are generally distorted, like I said. They try to make a theory pure fact, but it can't be fact, because it is a theory. Going in circles. Now don't get me wrong, I love Biology, I love Biology because it corresponds so well to Psychology, getting in depth to anatomy and the mind, the brain. That's the kind of thing I have a passion for and love. Yes, exactly. There is a world of difference between macro- and mircoevolution. Obviously species evolve, you can see that just by looking at a dog or a cat...there are so many inner species of both, from Great Dane to Terriers and Teacups and whatever else! Macro- takes as much faith to believe in as any sort of religion. Meaning people can have their reasons and nothing is there to stop them. If you believe in something with all your heart and have reasons to do so to back you up, good for you. It doesn't always mean you're going to get someone to agree with you, just because you know in your heart what is right. Time is, in and of itself, a god. No two ways around it.
  8. Basically I don't believe in evolution because they say that animals evolved into animals over hundreds of thousands of years into what they are today (including humans, in the case of Darwin's theory) but yet, the fossil record shows something that doesn't fit with that theory, and that's that there were tons of different species starting to show up rapidly at one point or another. For me, my disbelief in macroevolution is because of the evidence that goes against it, nothing to do with my faith. Plus, science has distorted so many things over the years that I don't really know what to believe anymore. Nothing against science in and of itself, it just bothers me. If something is true, then why do you have to distort the truth to make it such? The social sciences are much easier to deal with, in my personal opinion.
  9. <p><p><p><p><p>Thanks :] </p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p>Hey, it's sort of a rule to live by, not only in language and writing, but in life itself. That said, there's definately enough reasons as to why I believe in Jesus, I'm just too lazy to type them all out. </p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p>I had to bite my tongue on that one...but it's so true. The reasons remain in my heart, I know that's well enough for my Lord, since I have proclaimed His name as holy and lifted Him on high...who cares what those around me think? Jesus rocks!</p></p></p></p></p>

  10. <p><p><p><p><p>Thanks :] </p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p>Hey, it's sort of a rule to live by, not only in language and writing, but in life itself. That said, there's definately enough reasons as to why I believe in Jesus, I'm just too lazy to type them all out. </p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p>I had to bite my tongue on that one...but it's so true. The reasons remain in my heart, I know that's well enough for my Lord, since I have proclaimed His name as holy and lifted Him on high...who cares what those around me think? Jesus rocks!</p></p></p></p></p>

  11. Honestly, Wraith, that's the thing I'm looking forward to the most. I can't wait to see my little Cyndaquil or Totodile following my MALE character around (I can't stand the new girl's look...it's too country for me, no offense to the country people, hillbillies are actually people from northern Michigan, I'll have you know.) I would think it would make sense to have the evolved forms follow you, but then again, I guess we'll have to wait and see for more information to be given to us, huh? My disappointment remains that Mightyena is a Hoenn creature....*cries* There's none other that's wolf-enough for me!
  12. <p><p><p><p><p>How do you like the sig now, Wraith? </p></p></p></p></p>


  13. <p><p><p><p><p>How do you like the sig now, Wraith? </p></p></p></p></p>


  14. Wraith, you're just about as much of a hater as I am. And contributing to this thread, I too would like to see a larger map size, added wilderness pokemons, better gameplay, etc. It's exciting to see the evolution of Pokemon handheld games within ten years. Look back to the original Gold & Silver, guys, look at the graphics, the sounds, everything about them. We have truly been blessed by the technology of today, have we not? Things are getting to be so real now, and scifi and fantasy have come a long, long way. I am grateful for that, as a realist.
  15. As my journalism teacher always used to say: if you're going to argue for or against something, please state three good reasons as to why :] ^ to add to Wraith's post! Hm...maybe that should be my sig post lol
  16. Another missing link has been found? Gasp. </sarcasm> Pardon my disrespect there, but seriously. They just need to give it up, because this new one looks too dinosaurish to be anything closely related to a human.
  17. Okami


    I have not, Wraith. But I do want to read it at some other point in time :]
  18. I am currently listening to my whiney PT Physics class take the first half of their final exam while I sit here, finished :]
  19. <p><p><p><p><p>Exactly, you'll be fine! Don't sweat too much over it.</p></p></p></p></p>

  20. <p><p><p><p><p>Exactly, you'll be fine! Don't sweat too much over it.</p></p></p></p></p>

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