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Everything posted by Okami

  1. Exactly. As for me, I have a chemical imbalance and low serotonin levels, contributing to what is known as 'major depression,' more commonly known as 'clinical depression.' I used to be one of those people that thought people could just 'snap out of it,' whether it be beliefs, moods, etc. (I used to be, as a new Christian, one of the types to 'shove my beliefs down your throat' I learned the hard way that that is absolutely NOT what you want to do) When I began seeing difficulties in my Junior year of HS, I realized school was overwhelming and I was anxious all the time...which eventually led to my personal downfall and my seeking of psychological treatment, which later led to medication. Medication is truly a wonderful thing. Without it, I'd still be self-destructive and apathetic...all. the. time. It's the only thing that keeps me balanced in my unipolarness. That's why I love psychology, though. I love the distinct differences between un/sub/conscious. I love Freud's theory of the Super/Ego and the ID. Those are things that intrigue me, unlike hard science which I find hard to grasp and mathematics.
  2. Ah, but then remember that while not all Christians are ignorant fools, so also are not all scientists untrustworthy--it comes down to a matter of opinion, although we could agree that it could be true for both. As for me...I'm going into the field of social science and I'm a Christian. There's still much controversy in the church regarding even things such as this. Age old questions come up and so forth. The fact is, as long as we're alive, there will always be disputes between religion and science, and hardly can we find a middle ground: But it IS out there! Yes, I agree to that too, Floot. The fact is, we have a certain right to help others. Whether it be medically or otherwise, you know? Blood is seen as sacred because of its ties to sacrifice, I get that, but really...if I can give a pint of my blood to save someone who really needs it, I will give away that pint.
  3. It's true. That's absolutely true. I have a certain family member that follows a more cult-like version of Christianity in view of not treating illnesses. For her children, it's merely abuse, suffering flu and headaches alike without medication. It's sad to say that this is the world we live in. As for me, as a Christian, I couldn't live without my medication. Two days without my meds and I'm on the verge of suicidal. Some Christians have burnt me for this, because if I were really a strong Christian I wouldn't need medication. Really? They obviously have not seen me hit bottom. I do know that God works through science, such through medical advances, medications, and psychological treatment (know that 30-50 years ago psychology was 'of the devil' because it was dealing with inside a person's mind) There is no heroism at all, because it's just plain stupid. You don't deny what is available to you. But I suppose, as one of my favorite comedians said: "Eat a twinkie for Jesus!" Let's see how you all disect that little phrase, see if you crack it right :] ...although I just realized it doesn't quite fit what I was talking about. Ah well, it's still great.
  4. I need to look for this lake now...I'm pretty sure I've been there but I'm so lazy...I don't even know where I put my DS...oops. I need that for next week! Now I know what I can do when I'm at my party...good stuff
  5. Again stating, the theories in here are circular, like a ring in its symbolism: foreverandeverandever. There's no point. =/ </pessimism> *goes to the emo corner* It's called psychoanalysis. It's a crazy little thing, but helps when you see someone's who is troubled...I've helped numerous friends out with little things that were bothering them with it. The fact is, since I'm just a "Wannabe" at the moment, I don't have very good ability to actually help anyone, it's all by the power of words and persuasion. I guess that means I have a way with words...even if it is only in reality and fantasy, somehow not translating well to the 'net.
  6. Yeah, names should be like a regular person's name, I think...like Max or Charlie or Alex. I dunno, random names. It's just...annoying, I guess. Caps feels like you're SCREAMING ohmygosh.
  7. Obviously. It's kind of part of the job description!! :]
  8. Just trying to make some connections here, Zaf. Gotta show that God is real before He can create a universe, you know :]
  9. The cats. The only ones worthy of posting, if I do say so :]
  10. The glass is shattered on the floor around me.
  11. I have four dogs, three cats, several fish, and a rabbit. Not sure what happened to the dragons in my basement, but I used to have two of them, as well.
  12. I could give you that point, Enkidu :] You're absolutely right, it is not a science to believe in God or intelligent design or anything else when it comes to a higher power. As for everyone's skeptism and wanting 'real reasons' from me as to why I believe, well, I suppose I don't hold to anything harder than the fact that I'm alive today, as I've previously mentioned. I now know that your greatest mistakes can turn to become the most beautiful blossoms. Because I went through that...that hell, I've become someone greater than who I was before. Jesus was an incredible guy, I think all of us could agree to that to some extent. He has given hope to many people in broken generations before us, and even in today's society. He was a great teacher, showed hypocrites their hypocrisy, showed sinners their sin, but in the end, had grace enough to forgive even those who tried to stone him, those who beat him, even to those who tormented him in Roman crucifixion. He was a man anyone could look up to: patient, humble, forgiving. Those are the kinds of qualities I would seek in any person I call a friend. That was why people followed him, because he was so different from everyone else, he was kind to the outcasts, people with disease, illness, and leprosy. Even his disciples were astounded that he would even think to touch those kinds of people, it appalled them. It's that kind of thing that brings my love of Psychology, to go against the norms of society. Jesus was a rebel in that way, I'd say that's good enough for me. :] I believe that everything we do causes reap-and-sow, so basically, what we do in this moment will bring results in a later moment. If my pitiful attempts at a debate bring any added knowledge to anyone (Even if it just proves to you all how asdfghjkl;'ing stupid I am, then so be it, that's something gained!) then my part has been done. I'm not so good with the Biology stuff anymore, it's been years since I took the course...now Physics is another matter all together. Gosh, I do love the laws of gravity. Then again, I'm not too good with that, too. Maybe Sociology...I could tell you why people do devious things! Nah...that's not helpful either. I'm just an all-around unhelpful person. Sorry :[
  13. SWINE! Runrun away! *hides* Hah, yeah, animation would deff. be the best bet...then what of VAs?
  14. DS Lite, I'd say. I personally don't see a need for DSi at this point...and the original DS was too easy to break (I actually broke one of the hinges square off by dropping it on a hardwood floor...) And I'm a girl, girls don't break things like that easily, you know!
  15. I've been using GTS as a means of recieving places from around the world on my map. Yay for Shiny Metagross in exchange for Bidoof! (I just had to mention it. I love those Metagross so much...so if you recieve one from a Michigan Okami, that'd be me! XDDD) Anyways, I recieved a totally hacked Shiny Palkia on GTS through my Diamond a while back...wasn't a very legal hack, either...I believe it came from Victory Road? It was still awesome, and used to be my strongest pokemon until I learned how to make legitimatized (I meant legalized, whoops!) hacks
  16. Hm...Samus. I'll get back to this one. As she is a blonde, I know most men would prefer her to be 'hot', but she definately need the moves more than anything. No pornstar Samus please! Like I said, I'll get back to this.
  17. Well, the Bible is a given for me. I enjoy several different translations, New Living being my favorite, with the King Jimmy in a close second. Blue Like Jazz -Donald Miller Traveling Mercies - Anne Lamott Purpose for the Pain - Rene Yohe Scars that Wound: Scars that Heal - Jan Kern Bloodletting - Victoria Leatham A Million Little Pieces - James Frey The Last Lecture - Randy Pausch Captivating - John & Stasi Eldredge Soon, Silenced, Shadowed - Jerry B. Jenkins The Circle Trilogy - Ted Dekker Thr3e - Ted Dekker House - Ted Dekker & Frank Peretti The Restoration Series - Terri Blackstock Newpointe 911 Series - Terri Blackstock Cape Refuge Series - Terri Blackstock I'm a suspense and psychological memoir sort of girl :]
  18. There's a book called Blue Like Jazz by a guy named Donald Miller. In it, he expresses his feelings of his childhood self, not getting his mother an adequate Christmas Present, and calls himself Hitler. He wonders if those in the room with him know that they are sitting with Hitler. The context may be a bit off there...but that's exactly how I feel sometimes, especially in a case such as this. Basically, we're all human. We're not animals and nor are we beasts. But when purpose is void, I am basically insaulting myself 110% more than anyone else, and that makes me beastly. I may as well turn into one, since there's no other way to live! Also, king Soloman wrote about it in this crazy little book called Ecclesiastes. He was then known as the wisest man in all the earth, and yet his conclusion at the end of the book was that all the pleasure in the world is meaningless, so totally meaningless. The only thing that really mattered in the end was finding hope in God. He had 700 wives and many concubines and everything you could possibly think of wanting, yet it was meaningless. Of course, how do you find time to sleep with all those wives? Gosh, I hope he had good stamina! Ahem...yeah, I would rather agree with him than just sit here believing I came from a rock. Thick-headed, I mean! It's a joke! Naw, either way...Darwin contributed some good theories to personality development and emotional response for Psychology, other than that, well, I'm just a little too biased to go on. For me, if God were not here, I would not be here. He is the only thing that keeps me walking through the day. It's in that reason I find hope, because I am alive. Because of all my bad decisions in the past that I have to account for, and yet still am alive... The fact that in 2003, when I was in a major rollover accident, and came out of it only with scratches on my waist and neck from seatbelt restraint...That didn't happen just out of pure random luck, nothing could ever sway me on that. You see, I'm alive, I am scarred, but alive. That's what keeps me going, because of those things I did to myself, that is how I have recieved my call to Psychology.
  19. Call it bullshit all you want. See how much I care. I know what Darwin said about evolution and the process of natural selection. That species have become what they are today due to gene mutations over millions to billions of years, from single-celled organisms to dual-celled organisms, so on and so forth until they became apes and the apes bacame man. I'm not that good with science or mathematics, that's why thus far I haven't said much in the topic of 'intellect.' I'm not great with fancy big words and spicing up what there has to be said. I just say what I know and go from there, because I'm just not that good when it comes to these things. There, now that that's said. Basically I know that natural selection is where an organism that is best adapted to an environment survives and the weaker dies off....'perfecting', if you will, the organism. Which in doing so, eventually changes the species and so forth. Yes, that exists, to an extent. I'm thinking dogs here. Dogs certainly adapt and change to fit their environments. Look at the Alaskan Husky, it would never be able to survive without that thick coat! Yes. I know what evolution is. I know everything surrounding it. I've done countless hours of research on the topic, and yet, what that article says is what I believe in when it comes to the account of creation. I believe in Genesis, and that is that. Why? One. As I've mentioned before. "Universe" = "Uni" + "Verse" = "One Spoken Word." Ancient language is a wonderful thing to know. Two. So there was a big bang. There was all this dust and space matter in the beginning of time. One, when did time begin? Two, WHERE exactly, did this dust come from, if all the universe was was a massive, empty, potential space? My only conclusion for it is that there was a Creator to make that dust, if there was indeed a form of big bang. Or, as I tend to infuriate those around me with: The Big Bang: God spoke and BANG! It happened. Three. So there is no God, no gods, no nothing. What is the purpose of life? This is all pointless, meaningless, we're all going to die and that's it. We're doomed to a life of misery because we know this is all there is. Might as well whore ourselves out to every girl or man we see because this is all there is, we're meant for nothing more than our own personal selfish gratification and nothing less. Let's make today one hell of a party, gentlemen. I would rather believe that life is meaningful. I would rather believe that I have hope, that I'm going to a place with no more of this earthly pain, no more depression, no more suffering. I struggle every waking moment with itching thoughts of self-destruction, but with the hope that there's more than these thoughts of miserableness, I continue to live with a glimmer of happiness. Without it, I might as well be dead. Because there would be nothing for me to care about anyways.
  20. Majority, but not all. The fact that a person may accept it as fact does not always mean it is. Look at Sigmund Freud and all of his theories of personality. Yeah, there's a reason why some things remain as theories, because they can't be full backed up and proven. Wish I could do that...thing is, I need it in my notebook anyways, so it's best just to get them finished in my penmanship! Here's basically everything I was going to fish out for you guys in an article. Here. That's how I see things. Anyways, back to my notes on Schizophrenia~
  21. If that were the case, hon, we wouldn't be sitting here, having this debate. Like I said, I'll give my examples when I have the time to do so. Handwriting pages upon pages of Psychology notes because your printer is out of ink takes some time, you know. Ugh, finals week will be the very death of me.
  22. There are several spinoff-esque MMORPGs out there. I'm a Moderator over at Facebook's Pokemon Adventure, which at one time could have several thousand members playing at any given time. It was chaotic back then. Unfortunately, now the most you ever see is just under 200 members...all of us regulars have moved over to their IRC primarily. It sort of died after last October, the creator of it just got too busy after opening up Pewter City. =/ I still go there from time to time, though, as I do have my duties as a Mod. Can't just let the few remaining people run rampant!!
  23. Okami will be honest in saying that she is not an artist of the technique of debating, Enkidu. :] She also understands that religion, too, stretches the truth to make it plausible--reason standing of why she does not follow religion, only her Jesus. Besides, debates like this are only circular, there is no end in sight for it, so I'm only trying to have a little fun while I can! (Like the third-person up there ^^^ Okami does that sometimes) Your grammatical errors were also itching to be fixed, sorry hon.
  24. It's all good. But next time, Cobalt, please search before asking a question :] I've used this example before: A Pokemon's Class refers to it's Ability. Let's say you have an Alakazam, Alakazam how two abilities, Synchronize and Inner Focus. Synchronize would be Class One, and Inner Focus is Class Two. If you have an Alakazam with Class Two and Synchronize, it doesn't add up. Ultimately if you want to make sure everything is legal, see if you can submit it to the GTS, or post them in online Battle Videos. That's how I do it, at least. :] Information taken from my post, here
  25. Hey'a Colbalt. Of course, you've already met me :] I'm that one kid over in the emo corner over there. ------------------------>----------------V
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