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Everything posted by Okami

  1. Well, bad parenting does not always result in bad kids, like the world believes. Just look at Dave Pelzer. He went through a living hell, and once he was out of it, turned his life around to help people. His story has inspired millions against the horrifying act of child abuse. I believe that a good parent should always be proud of their children, even in the midst of their kid's failures. To have a parent be proud of you as a child generally makes you want to succeed, makes your determination and will to do better, stronger. For me, as I went through HS and struggled in math, it was their readiness to help, and in the end, telling me to drop Geometry so I could take something beneficial and worth my time (Which was Psychology, since I'm studying to become a Psychologist, which I got 103.3% in as a final grade) It wasn't them giving up on me or my ability to comprehend math, it was them wanting to see me do something I knew I could achieve more in. I agreed, and fought the school to drop the class. Which happened, obviously. I believe that my parents were quite successful in raising me and allowing me to shape myself into a person I so chose to become; a girl true to her beliefs and failures, but also one who wants something realistic in her dreams. They help shape a child's nature, no doubt, but they don't have control over us in everything we do: we're not puppets, we have a brain, and we have free-will. They can only help us along the way.
  2. WHOAMAGAH, guys! I hit one of the four tiles today! I was going through left and right and just about to finish my second row (2x each tile) and BAM! There was a male Feebas! I named him Lucifer, after the fallen angel, because he was hard to find, tricky to catch, and was a dang MALE after I had searched so hard to find a Feebas. I had forty GreatBalls on me, and in the end, I caught 20 Feebas. (It wasn't quite two balls per fish, but it looks that way :tongue: ) So if anyone would like a Feebas, just PM me and I'll see if I have any specifics for you! I am so happy now~ <3
  3. ^ Yeah, but also remember that specific IVs and nature breeding takes a lot of patience to accomplish too :]
  4. Because I want to breed it :] Besides, I'm sure most Feebas' on GTS would be the ones that never made it to the 180 Beauty point, duds.
  5. Oh, I see D: Okami is a bit sleepy today. Anyways, I am on the GTS now, looking for Milotics. We'll see how this goes! :]
  6. Another good question to bring up, I suppose, even though this could go in 5 other places... How does one put the WC for the shiny milotic onto Plat? I've never given much thought to the event pokemon given here
  7. Actually, I was wrong in my calculations up there... it's .65% (there are 4 tiles of 612) Like I mentioned earlier, I'll probably just take one of my legal shiny hacks, put it up on Diamond's GTS for Milotic, and trade over. And breed like CRAZY. Crap, that means I need a Ditto, too. Or just find a mommy and a daddy Milotic :]
  8. Ditto, the most oversexed of all the pokemon. Lucky it. :tongue:
  9. *stares blankly at a strand of her blue hair* ...Still no luck on this end. It's like a .98% chance in finding a Feebas in this lake. That's not even 1% of 100! *dies*
  10. Okami has spotted a typo in the original post! EV Training Questions/Help Here EDIT: I now have what may be a really stupid question! How do you get to the Survival/Resort Areas? (Is it by completing Sinnoh Dex or what?) ...I need 11 pokes to complete SD :<
  11. That is much better, Kuro! Everything seems to be clear now :] Orbs are pretty rad too.
  12. Class refers to a pokemon's ability. For more information please see: http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?t=1825 http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?t=1625 And next time, please search the forums :] Had you browsed just a little bit further down on the first page of the Save Editing Help, you would have found that first linked thread!
  13. Okami unfortunately does not have the time or patience...I've still got to get my Nat'lDex now that I think of it. Lazy, lazy wolfy I is. D:
  14. I still don't see how so, though. I've editted every little thing possible to make that team completely legal. =/ They make it onto GTS but not into battle video postings...weird. I understood the first time this happened to me, as two of my pokemon were hatched and not in pokeballs, but I fixed that! DX
  15. I'm getting ticked off at the whole thing now. I've searched for hours with nothing to reward my efforts. I'm taking AR, my Diamond, getting a shiny hack, posting it on the GTS and getting myself a danged Milotic to breed D:<
  16. It's a nice option to have. Thanks for that, Greeny~
  17. I guess I should have placed that with my fishing. :]
  18. According to Serebii for D/P Feebas' rarity is "Ultra Rare" as to Pt it says "Interact" What the heck does that mean? Unless it's just the obvious, which means fishingfishingfishing. And thanks, guys. I'll try four times (pulling in a catch) each spot and go from there!
  19. Ah, merci Aarux, even if that's not what I wanted to hear I just checked serebii to make sure...looks like in Plat I can use my good rod, so I'm all set. Now to just set the patience so as to capture one lol
  20. Hm, and it's the same way to catch one in Platinum, correct? Search every. single. tile. in that lake? Just want to make sure, seeing as I've already done three rows... Oh, and will it be the first pokemon found on any given tile, or is it possible for a Barboach or Magikarp to pop up first? Because if that's the case, miss Okami here is screwed D:
  21. <p><p><p><p><p>I hear ya. I know there are some really good clean rappers out there (I had a girl in choir this past semester who was amazing) but as for it being music...naw, It's more of a talent than anything music.</p></p></p></p></p>

  22. <p><p><p><p><p>I hear ya. I know there are some really good clean rappers out there (I had a girl in choir this past semester who was amazing) but as for it being music...naw, It's more of a talent than anything music.</p></p></p></p></p>

  23. Argh, guys. Read the Updates, GC said we would have the Bidoof and Kikkoman back!
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