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Everything posted by FLOOTENKERP

  1. That could be it. Due to the limitation of space in GB cartridges, they must have not had any more space for a female grunt, and to make this remake faithful, not add female grunts until the part where they changed. Makes sense to me.
  2. All we know is that now the birds are in Sinnoh, so they can't be in Johto. But Mewtwo might still be in the game, hopefully. I think Mewtwo will still be in the game.
  3. Point is, Red already did this, so Gold cannot. He got the birds, he defeated Mewtwo he did it all. You can't do it again, it's a one time thing. I speculate that you will be able to fight Red and he will probably talk this time. Seems like a possibility.
  4. Bear's looks great. I don't see why anyone wouldn't vote for him. He's to far behind, I don't think he has a chance now.
  5. Hmm, I have a decision. Go with either Togekiss or Chatot. Togekiss are really good special attackers, and Chatot are just so cool.
  6. It really doesn't matter. Nobody pays any attention to the Grunts anyways, so why would anyone care about the gender? But it still is odd though. Why would they make such a lack of female characters? I wonder...
  7. Peliper is cool. Flying and water is a good combo and it is strong. I'd say go with him.
  8. Go with Delibird. Those things are cool. But Mantine is cool as well.
  9. And it is very strong. Go with either Skarmory or Aerodactyl.
  10. I think he should use a Skarmory, those are pretty cool. Steel and flying is a great combo.
  11. Aerodactyl is a flying rock type isn't it? You should give him one.
  12. That's good to hear. I just hope this thing can do much more then gain experience and give you items.
  13. Who wouldn't? I'm holding out just for this one's release. I hope they don't change the feel. I hated how they made the top of the DS Lite glossy. It smudged to easily. I hope this DSi Pokémon edition will look cool.
  14. I'm the only one who voted for Bear? That's so mean. I wish you good luck Bear.
  15. Dang, Enkidu is in the lead by 4! Looks like Enkidu is going to win, although I'm not to sure. It's going to be a close one.
  16. If you needed to use a cheat code, then the data was there, but it was probably abandoned. I think it was left alone for a reason, I don't think you will be able to battle Oak. Now back on topic, Maybe Falkner could use a Fearow. It would be a really good addition.
  17. For many reasons Inu. The Pokémon logo was not in the DS editions, so why would the DSi have one? Don't get me wrong, I want it to be there, but I don't want to lead myself to disappointment.
  18. Hmm, due to the fact that Elm gave you the egg that was discovered, I still think confusion will linger on. Rediscovery would be fine.
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